#include "./utils.h" #include "./syncthingconnection.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef SYNCTHINGCONNECTION_SUPPORT_METERED #include #endif #include using namespace CppUtilities; namespace Data { /*! * \brief Returns a string like "2 min 45 s ago" for the specified \a dateTime. */ QString agoString(DateTime dateTime) { const TimeSpan delta(DateTime::now() - dateTime); if (!delta.isNegative() && static_cast(delta.totalTicks()) > (TimeSpan::ticksPerMinute / 4uL)) { return QCoreApplication::translate("Data::Utils", "%1 ago") .arg(QString::fromUtf8(delta.toString(TimeSpanOutputFormat::WithMeasures, true).data())); } else { return QCoreApplication::translate("Data::Utils", "right now"); } } /*! * \brief Returns the "traffic string" for the specified \a total bytes and the specified \a rate. * * Eg. "10.2 GiB (45 kib/s)" or only "10.2 GiB" if rate is unknown or "unknown" if both values are unknown. */ QString trafficString(std::uint64_t total, double rate) { static const QString unknownStr(QCoreApplication::translate("Data::Utils", "unknown")); if (rate != 0.0) { return total != SyncthingConnection::unknownTraffic ? QStringLiteral("%1 (%2)").arg(QString::fromUtf8(bitrateToString(rate, true).data()), QString::fromUtf8(dataSizeToString(total).data())) : QString::fromUtf8(bitrateToString(rate, true).data()); } else if (total != SyncthingConnection::unknownTraffic) { return QString::fromUtf8(dataSizeToString(total).data()); } return unknownStr; } /*! * \brief Returns the string for global/local directory status, eg. "5 files, 1 directory, 23.7 MiB". */ QString directoryStatusString(const SyncthingStatistics &stats) { return QCoreApplication::translate("Data::Utils", "%1 file(s)", nullptr, trQuandity(stats.files)).arg(stats.files) % QChar(',') % QChar(' ') % QCoreApplication::translate("Data::Utils", "%1 dir(s)", nullptr, trQuandity(stats.dirs)).arg(stats.dirs) % QChar(',') % QChar(' ') % QString::fromUtf8(dataSizeToString(stats.bytes).data()); } /*! * \brief Returns the "sync complete" notification message for the specified directories. */ QString syncCompleteString(const std::vector &completedDirs, const SyncthingDev *remoteDevice) { const auto devName(remoteDevice ? remoteDevice->displayName() : QString()); switch (completedDirs.size()) { case 0: return QString(); case 1: if (devName.isEmpty()) { return QCoreApplication::translate("Data::Utils", "Synchronization of local folder %1 complete") .arg(completedDirs.front()->displayName()); } return QCoreApplication::translate("Data::Utils", "Synchronization of %1 on %2 complete").arg(completedDirs.front()->displayName(), devName); default:; } const auto names(things(completedDirs, [](const auto *dir) { return dir->displayName(); })); if (devName.isEmpty()) { return QCoreApplication::translate("Data::Utils", "Synchronization of the following local folders complete:\n") + names.join(QStringLiteral(", ")); } return QCoreApplication::translate("Data::Utils", "Synchronization of the following folders on %1 complete:\n").arg(devName) + names.join(QStringLiteral(", ")); } /*! * \brief Returns the string representation of the specified \a rescanInterval. */ QString rescanIntervalString(int rescanInterval, bool fileSystemWatcherEnabled) { if (!rescanInterval) { if (!fileSystemWatcherEnabled) { return QCoreApplication::translate("Data::Utils", "file system watcher and periodic rescan disabled"); } return QCoreApplication::translate("Data::Utils", "file system watcher active, periodic rescan disabled"); } return QString::fromLatin1(TimeSpan::fromSeconds(rescanInterval).toString(TimeSpanOutputFormat::WithMeasures, true).data()) + (fileSystemWatcherEnabled ? QCoreApplication::translate("Data::Utils", ", file system watcher enabled") : QCoreApplication::translate("Data::Utils", ", file system watcher disabled")); } /*! * \brief Strips the port from the specified \a address. */ QString stripPort(const QString &address) { const auto portStart = address.lastIndexOf(QChar(':')); return portStart < 0 ? address : address.mid(0, portStart); } /*! * \brief Returns whether the specified \a hostName is the local machine. */ bool isLocal(const QString &hostName) { return isLocal(hostName, QHostAddress(hostName)); } /*! * \brief Returns whether the specified \a hostName and \a hostAddress are the local machine. */ bool isLocal(const QString &hostName, const QHostAddress &hostAddress) { return hostName.compare(QLatin1String("localhost"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 || hostAddress.isLoopback() || QNetworkInterface::allAddresses().contains(hostAddress); } /*! * \brief Sets the key "paused" of the specified \a object to \a paused. * \returns Returns whether object has been altered. */ bool setPausedValue(QJsonObject &object, bool paused) { const QJsonObject::Iterator pausedIterator(object.find(QLatin1String("paused"))); if (pausedIterator == object.end()) { object.insert(QLatin1String("paused"), paused); } else { QJsonValueRef pausedValue = pausedIterator.value(); if (pausedValue.toBool(false) == paused) { return false; } pausedValue = paused; } return true; } /*! * \brief Alters the specified \a syncthingConfig so that the dirs with specified IDs are paused or not. * \returns Returns whether the config has been altered (all dirs might have been already paused/unpaused). */ bool setDirectoriesPaused(QJsonObject &syncthingConfig, const QStringList &dirIds, bool paused) { // get reference to folders array const QJsonObject::Iterator foldersIterator(syncthingConfig.find(QLatin1String("folders"))); if (foldersIterator == syncthingConfig.end()) { return false; } QJsonValueRef folders = foldersIterator.value(); if (!folders.isArray()) { return false; } // alter folders bool altered = false; QJsonArray foldersArray = folders.toArray(); for (QJsonValueRef folder : foldersArray) { QJsonObject folderObj = folder.toObject(); // skip devices not matching the specified IDs or are already paused/unpaused if (!dirIds.isEmpty() && !dirIds.contains(folderObj.value(QLatin1String("id")).toString())) { continue; } // alter paused value if (setPausedValue(folderObj, paused)) { folder = folderObj; altered = true; } } // re-assign altered folders to array reference if (altered) { folders = foldersArray; } return altered; } /*! * \brief Alters the specified \a syncthingConfig so that the devs with the specified IDs are paused or not. * \returns Returns whether the config has been altered (all devs might have been already paused/unpaused). */ bool setDevicesPaused(QJsonObject &syncthingConfig, const QStringList &devIds, bool paused) { // get reference to devices array const QJsonObject::Iterator devicesIterator(syncthingConfig.find(QLatin1String("devices"))); if (devicesIterator == syncthingConfig.end()) { return false; } QJsonValueRef devices = devicesIterator.value(); if (!devices.isArray()) { return false; } // alter devices bool altered = false; QJsonArray devicesArray = devices.toArray(); for (QJsonValueRef device : devicesArray) { QJsonObject deviceObj = device.toObject(); // skip devices not matching the specified IDs if (!devIds.isEmpty() && !devIds.contains(deviceObj.value(QLatin1String("deviceID")).toString())) { continue; } // alter paused value if (setPausedValue(deviceObj, paused)) { device = deviceObj; altered = true; } } // re-assign altered devices to array reference if (altered) { devices = devicesArray; } return altered; } /*! * \brief Substitutes "~" as first element in \a path with \a tilde assuming the elements in \a path * are separated by \a pathSeparator. */ QString substituteTilde(const QString &path, const QString &tilde, const QString &pathSeparator) { if (tilde.isEmpty() || pathSeparator.isEmpty() || !path.startsWith(QChar('~'))) { return path; } if (path.size() < 2) { return tilde; } if (QtUtilities::midRef(path, 1).startsWith(pathSeparator)) { return tilde % pathSeparator % QtUtilities::midRef(path, 1 + pathSeparator.size()); } return path; } #ifdef SYNCTHINGCONNECTION_SUPPORT_METERED /*! * \brief Loads the QNetworkInformation backend for determining whether the connection is metered. */ const QNetworkInformation *loadNetworkInformationBackendForMetered() { static const auto *const backend = []() -> const QNetworkInformation * { QNetworkInformation::loadBackendByFeatures(QNetworkInformation::Feature::Metered); if (const auto *const networkInformation = QNetworkInformation::instance(); networkInformation && networkInformation->supports(QNetworkInformation::Feature::Metered)) { return networkInformation; } std::cerr << EscapeCodes::Phrases::Error << "Unable to load network information backend to monitor metered connections, available backends:" << EscapeCodes::Phrases::End; const auto availableBackends = QNetworkInformation::availableBackends(); if (availableBackends.isEmpty()) { std::cerr << "none\n"; } else { for (const auto &backendName : availableBackends) { std::cerr << " - " << backendName.toStdString() << '\n'; } } return nullptr; }(); return backend; } #endif } // namespace Data