Data::SyncthingConnection Unable to pause/resume a devices when not connected 未连接时无法暂停/恢复设备 Unable to request device pause/resume: 无法请求设备暂停/恢复: Unable to pause/resume a directories when not connected 未连接时无法暂停/恢复目录 Unable to request directory pause/resume: 无法请求目录暂停/恢复: Unable to rescan: No directory ID specified. 无法重新扫描:未指定目录 ID。 Unable to request rescan: 无法请求重新扫描: Unable to request restart: 无法请求重启: Unable to request shutdown: 无法请求关闭: Unable to request clearing errors: 无法请求清除错误: Unable to parse Syncthing config: 无法解析 Syncthing 配置: Unable to request Syncthing config: 无法请求 Syncthing 配置: Unable to parse Syncthing status: 无法解析 Syncthing 状态: Unable to request Syncthing status: 无法请求 Syncthing 状态: Unable to parse connections: 无法解析连接: Unable to request connections: 无法请求连接: Unable to parse errors: 无法解析错误: Unable to request errors: 无法请求错误: Unable to parse directory statistics: 无法解析目录统计信息: Unable to request directory statistics: 无法请求目录统计信息: Unable to parse status for directory %1: 无法解析目录 %1 的状态: Unable to parse pull errors for directory %1: 无法解析目录 %1 的拉取错误: Unable to request pull errors for directory %1: 无法请求目录 %1 的拉取错误: Unable to parse completion for device/directory %1/%2: 无法解析设备/目录 %1/%2 的完成情况: Unable to request completion for device/directory %1/%2: 无法请求设备/目录 %1/%2 的完成情况: Unable to parse device statistics: 无法解析设备统计数据: Unable to request device statistics: 无法请求设备统计数据: Unable to parse version: 无法解析版本: Unable to request version: 无法请求版本: Unable to request QR-Code: 无法请求二维码: Unable to parse Syncthing log: 无法解析 Syncthing 日志: Unable to request Syncthing log: 无法请求 Syncthing 日志: Unable to request directory override: Unable to request directory revert: Unable to post config: 无法发布日志: Unable to parse Syncthing events: 无法解析 Syncthing 事件: Unable to request Syncthing events: 无法请求 Syncthing 事件: Unable to parse disk events: 无法解析磁盘事件: Unable to request disk events: 无法请求磁盘事件: disconnected 已断线 reconnecting 重连中 connected 已连接 connected, scanning 已连接,扫描中 connected, paused 已连接,已暂停 connected, synchronizing 已连接,同步中 connected, remote not in sync 已连接,远程未同步 unknown 未知 Connection configuration is insufficient. 缺少连接配置。 Unable to parse timestamp "%1" (%2): %3 无法解析时间戳 "%1" (%2): %3 Unable to locate certificate used by Syncthing. 无法找到 Syncthing 使用的证书。 Unable to load certificate used by Syncthing. 无法加载 Syncthing 使用的证书。 at offset %1 在偏移量 %1 处 Data::SyncthingNotifier Device %1 (%2) wants to connect. 设备 %1 (%2) 想要连接。 Device 设备 Unknown device 未知设备 wants to share directory %1. 想要分享目录 %1。 wants to share directory %1 (%2). 想要分享目录 %1 (%2)。 Failed to start Syncthing 启动 Syncthing 失败 Maybe the configured binary path is wrong or the binary is not marked as executable. 也许配置的二进制文件路径是错误的,或者二进制文件没有被标记为可执行文件。 Syncthing crashed Syncthing 崩溃了 Syncthing launcher error occurred Syncthing 启动器发生错误 Data::SyncthingService start unit 启动单位 stop unit 停止单位 enable unit 启用单位 disable unit 禁用单位 reload all unit files Data::Utils %1 ago %1 前 right now 现在 unknown 未知 %1 file(s) %1 个文件 %1 dir(s) %1 个目录 Synchronization of local directory %1 complete 完成本地目录 %1 的同步 Synchronization of %1 on %2 complete 完成 %1 在 %2 上的同步 Synchronization of the following local directories complete: 完成以下本地目录的同步: Synchronization of the following directories on %1 complete: 完成以下目录在 %1 上的同步: file system watcher and periodic rescan disabled 禁用文件系统监视和定期重新扫描 file system watcher active, periodic rescan disabled 文件系统监视已激活,定期重新扫描已禁用 , file system watcher enabled ,文件系统监视已启用 , file system watcher disabled ,文件系统监视已禁用 SyncthingDev paused 已暂停 SyncthingDevStatus unknown 未知 disconnected 已断线 own device 本设备 idle 空闲 synchronizing 同步中 out of sync 未同步 rejected 被拒绝 SyncthingDir paused 已暂停 unshared 未分享 SyncthingDirStatus unknown 未知 idle 空闲 scanning 扫描中 waiting to scan 等待扫描 waiting to sync 等待同步 preparing to sync 准备同步 synchronizing 同步中 cleaning 清理中 waiting to clean 等待清理 out of sync 未同步 SyncthingDirType unknown 未知 Send & Receive 发送与接受 Send only 仅发送 Receive only 仅接受