QtGui::AppearanceOptionPage Appearance Menu size Optional GUI elements Traffic statistics x px Frame shape Frame shadow No frame Box Panel Styled panel Plain Raised Sunken Tab position Top Bottom Left Right Colors Bright custom text colors (use for dark color scheme) QtGui::AutostartOptionPage Autostart Start the tray icon when the desktop environment launches This is achieved by adding a *.desktop file under <i>~/.config/autostart</i> so the setting only affects the current user. This is achieved by adding a registry key under <i>HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run</i> so the setting only affects the current user. Note that the startup entry is invalidated when moving <i>syncthingtray.exe</i>. This feature has not been implemented for your platform (yet). unable to modify startup entry QtGui::ConnectionOptionPage Connection Config label Add secondary instance Remove currently selected secondary instance It is possible to save multiple configurations. This allows switching quickly between multiple Syncthing instances using the connection button in the right corner of the tray menu. The config label is an arbitrary name to identify a configuration and does not have to match the name of the corresponding Syncthing device. Syncthing URL Authentication User Password API key HTTPS certificate Insert values from local Syncthing configuration Status disconnected Apply connection settings and try to reconnect with the currently selected config Poll interval Traffic ms Device statistics Reconnect no Auto-detected for local instance Select Syncthing config file Unable to parse the Syncthing config file. Unable to load specified certificate "%1". Instance %1 QtGui::DevView Copy value Copy name Copy ID QtGui::DirView Errors of %1 Copy value Copy label/ID Copy path QtGui::DownloadView Copy value Copy label/ID QtGui::LauncherOptionPage Syncthing launcher Launch Syncthing when starting the tray icon Syncthing executable Arguments Syncthing log (interleaved stdout/stderr) Apply and launch now Stop launched instance No log messages available yet Ensure latest log is visible Syncthing exited with exit code %1 Syncthing crashed with exit code %1 QtGui::NotificationsOptionPage Notifications Notify on disconnect internal errors errors/notifications from Syncthing sync complete Notification API D-Bus notifi&cations (org.freedesktop.Notifications) &Method provided by Qt (might be overridden by QPA plugin) Configured to use D-Bus notifications but D-Bus notification daemon seems unavailabe. QtGui::SettingsDialog Tray Web view Startup Settings QtGui::SystemdOptionPage Systemd Show start/stop button on tray for local instance when systemd is available Syncthing unit Description Current status Unit file state unknown Consider systemd unit status for reconnect attempts to local instance • Don't reconnect when unit not active/running • Try to reconnect when unit becomes active/running Enable Disable Start Stop specified unit is either inactive or doesn't exist QtGui::TrayIcon - internal error Syncthing notification Web UI Settings Rescan all About Close Error Syncthing notification - click to dismiss Not connected to Syncthing - trying to reconnect every %1 ms Not connected to Syncthing Disconnected from Syncthing Log Try to reconnect Dismiss Show Reconnecting ... Synchronization is ongoing but at least one directory is out of sync At least one directory is out of sync Notifications available Syncthing is idling Syncthing is scanning At least one device is paused Synchronization is ongoing Synchronization of %1 complete Synchronization of the following devices complete: QtGui::TrayWidget Syncthing Tray Close About Connect Start Settings Web UI Traffic In Incoming traffic unknown Out Outgoing traffic Click to show <i>new</i> notifications<br> For <i>all</i> notifications, checkout the log New notifications Directories Devices Downloads Show Dismiss View own device ID Restart Syncthing Show Syncthing log Rescan all directories Connection Own device ID device ID is unknown Copy to clipboard Log Do you really want to restart Syncthing? Not connected to Syncthing, click to connect Pause Syncthing is running, click to pause all devices Continue At least one device is paused, click to resume The directory <i>%1</i> does not exist on the local machine. The file <i>%1</i> does not exist on the local machine. Stop QtGui::WebViewDialog Syncthing QtGui::WebViewOptionPage General Usage Disable web view (open regular web browser instead) Zoom factor Hiding Keep web view running when currently not shown Syncthing Tray has not been built with vieb view support utilizing either Qt WebKit or Qt WebEngine. The Web UI will be opened in the default web browser instead. Settings::restore Unable to load certificate "%1" when restoring settings. main Unable to You must configure how to connect to Syncthing when using Syncthing Tray the first time. Note that the settings dialog allows importing URL, credentials and API-key from the local Syncthing configuration. The system tray is (currently) not available. You could open the tray menu as a regular window using the -w flag, though. The Qt libraries have not been built with tray icon support. You could open the tray menu as a regular window using the -w flag, though.