QtGui::MainConfigWizardPage General :/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/internet-web-browser.svg:/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/internet-web-browser.svg true Configure Syncthing Tray for currently running Syncthing instance Start installed Syncthing application via Syncthing Tray Start Syncthing application that is built into Syncthing Tray Start Syncthing via systemd user-unit (enables and starts the unit %1) Start Syncthing via systemd system-unit (enables and starts the unit %1) Enable systemd-integration Qt::Vertical 20 40 Qt::Horizontal Click next to configure Syncthing Tray according to the selected options. You can also reconduct the checks the available options are based on by heading back. If you cancel the wizard, no configuration changes will be made. true