#include "./direrrorsdialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace CppUtilities; using namespace Data; namespace QtGui { DirectoryErrorsDialog::DirectoryErrorsDialog(const Data::SyncthingConnection &connection, const Data::SyncthingDir &dir, QWidget *parent) : TextViewDialog(tr("Errors for directory %1").arg(dir.displayName()), parent) , m_connection(connection) , m_dirId(dir.id) { // add layout to show status and additional buttons auto *const buttonLayout = new QHBoxLayout; buttonLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); layout()->addLayout(buttonLayout); // add label for overall status m_statusLabel = new QLabel(this); QFont boldFont(m_statusLabel->font()); boldFont.setBold(true); m_statusLabel->setFont(boldFont); buttonLayout->addWidget(m_statusLabel); // add a button for removing all non-empty directories m_rmNonEmptyDirsButton = new QPushButton(this); m_rmNonEmptyDirsButton->setText(tr("Remove non-empty directories")); m_rmNonEmptyDirsButton->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("remove"))); buttonLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); buttonLayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(40, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum)); buttonLayout->addWidget(m_rmNonEmptyDirsButton); // connect signals and slots connect(&connection, &SyncthingConnection::dirStatusChanged, this, &DirectoryErrorsDialog::handleDirStatusChanged); connect(&connection, &SyncthingConnection::newDirs, this, &DirectoryErrorsDialog::handleNewDirs); connect(m_rmNonEmptyDirsButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &DirectoryErrorsDialog::removeNonEmptyDirs); // populate initially available errors updateErrors(dir); } DirectoryErrorsDialog::~DirectoryErrorsDialog() { } void DirectoryErrorsDialog::handleDirStatusChanged(const SyncthingDir &dir) { if (dir.id == m_dirId) { updateErrors(dir); } } void DirectoryErrorsDialog::handleNewDirs() { int index; if (const auto *const dir = m_connection.findDirInfo(m_dirId, index)) { updateErrors(*dir); } } void DirectoryErrorsDialog::updateErrors(const Data::SyncthingDir &dir) { // update status m_statusLabel->setText(tr("%1 item(s) out-of-sync", nullptr, trQuandity(dir.pullErrorCount)).arg(dir.pullErrorCount)); m_rmNonEmptyDirsButton->setHidden(m_nonEmptyDirs.empty()); // clear previous errors auto *const textBrowser = browser(); textBrowser->clear(); m_nonEmptyDirs.clear(); // add item errors to textBrowser for (const SyncthingItemError &error : dir.itemErrors) { textBrowser->append(error.path % QChar(':') % QChar('\n') % error.message % QChar('\n')); if (error.message.endsWith(QStringLiteral("directory not empty"))) { m_nonEmptyDirs << dir.path + error.path; } } } QString printDirectories(const QString &message, const QStringList &dirs) { return QStringLiteral("

") % message % QStringLiteral("

  • ") % dirs.join(QStringLiteral("
  • ")) % QStringLiteral("
"); } void DirectoryErrorsDialog::removeNonEmptyDirs() { int index; const auto *const dir = m_connection.findDirInfo(m_dirId, index); if (!dir) { return; } const QString title(tr("Remove non-empty directories for folder \"%1\"").arg(dir->displayName())); if (QMessageBox::warning(this, title, printDirectories(tr("Do you really want to remove the following directories:"), m_nonEmptyDirs), QMessageBox::YesToAll | QMessageBox::NoToAll, QMessageBox::NoToAll) != QMessageBox::YesToAll) { return; } QStringList removedDirs, failedDirs; for (const QString &dirPath : m_nonEmptyDirs) { auto ok = false; auto dirObj = QDir(dirPath); if (!dirObj.exists() || !dirObj.removeRecursively()) { // check whether dir has already been removed by removing its parent for (const QString &removedDir : removedDirs) { if (dirPath.startsWith(removedDir)) { ok = true; break; } } } else { ok = true; } (ok ? removedDirs : failedDirs) << dirPath; } if (!failedDirs.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, title, printDirectories(tr("Unable to remove the following dirs:"), failedDirs)); } } } // namespace QtGui