DetailView Copy value DevicesPage Resume Pause DirectoriesPage Show errors Rescan Resume Pause Open in file browser DownloadsPage Open in file browser FullRepresentation Connect Resume Pause Stop Start Show new notifications Show own device ID Show Syncthing log Rescan all directories Settings Web UI In Out Plasmoid::AppearanceOptionPage Appearance Size of full representation x grid units Note that the size is ignored when the Plasmoid is displayed on the desktop, in full screen mode or as entry of the system tray Plasmoid. Colors Bright custom text colors (use for dark color scheme) Plasmoid::Settings The settings on this page are specific to the current instance of the Plasmoid. Plasmoid::SettingsDialog Plasmoid Web view Extras Plasmoid::ShortcutOptionPage Shortcuts Global shortcut Plasmoid::SyncthingApplet About New notifications D-Bus error - unable to main Web UI Settings Log Internal errors Rescan all directories Restart Syncthing About