QtGui::LauncherOptionPage Syncthing launcher 75 true Launch Syncthing when starting the tray icon 30 0 0 0 Syncthing executable Arguments Use built-in Syncthing library (experimental) Config directory Show start/stop button on tray for local instance Consider process status for reconnect attempts to local instance • Don't reconnect when the process is not running • Try to reconnect when starting the process 0 0 Qt::Horizontal 75 true Syncthing log (interleaved stdout/stderr) 0 0 Apply and launch now :/icons/hicolor/scalable/actions/view-refresh.svg:/icons/hicolor/scalable/actions/view-refresh.svg 0 0 Stop launched instance :/icons/hicolor/scalable/actions/process-stop.svg:/icons/hicolor/scalable/actions/process-stop.svg false true No log messages available yet Ensure latest log is visible true QtUtilities::PathSelection QWidget
QtUtilities::ClearLineEdit QLineEdit
QtUtilities::ClearPlainTextEdit QPlainTextEdit
useBuiltInVersionCheckBox toggled(bool) syncthingPathSelection setDisabled(bool) 320 58 320 36 useBuiltInVersionCheckBox toggled(bool) argumentsLineEdit setHidden(bool) 319 68 394 101 useBuiltInVersionCheckBox toggled(bool) configDirPathSelection setVisible(bool) 319 68 171 132 useBuiltInVersionCheckBox toggled(bool) configDirLabel setVisible(bool) 319 68 116 132 useBuiltInVersionCheckBox toggled(bool) argumentsLabel setHidden(bool) 319 68 131 101