#include "./args.h" #include "resources/config.h" namespace Cli { Args::Args() : status("status", 's', "shows the overall status and/or directory/device specific status") , log("log", 'l', "shows the Syncthing log") , stop("stop", '\0', "stops Syncthing") , restart("restart", '\0', "restarts Syncthing") , rescan("rescan", 'r', "rescans the specified directories") , rescanAll("rescan-all", '\0', "rescans all directories") , pause("pause", '\0', "pauses the specified directories and devices") , resume("resume", '\0', "resumes the specified directories and devices") , waitForIdle("wait-for-idle", 'w', "waits until the specified dirs/devs are idling") , pwd("pwd", 'p', "operates in the current working directory") , cat("cat", '\0', "prints the current Syncthing configuration") , edit("edit", '\0', "allows editing the Syncthing configuration using an external editor") , statusPwd("status", 's', "prints the status of the current working directory") , rescanPwd("rescan", 'r', "rescans the current working directory") , pausePwd("pause", 'p', "pauses the current working directory") , resumePwd("resume", '\0', "resumes the current working directory") , script("script", '\0', "runs the specified UTF-8 encoded ECMAScript on the configuration rather than opening an editor", { "path" }) , jsLines("js-lines", '\0', "runs the specified ECMAScript lines on the configuration rather than opening an editor", { "line" }) , dryRun("dry-run", '\0', "writes the altered configuration to stdout instead of posting it to Syncthing") , stats("stats", '\0', "shows overall statistics") , dir("dir", 'd', "specifies a directory by ID", { "ID" }) , dev("dev", '\0', "specifies a device by ID or name", { "ID/name" }) , allDirs("all-dirs", '\0', "applies the operation for all directories") , allDevs("all-devs", '\0', "applies the operation for all devices") , atLeast("at-least", 'a', "specifies for how many milliseconds Syncthing must idle (prevents exiting too early in case of flaky status)", { "number" }) , timeout("timeout", 't', "specifies how many milliseconds to wait at most", { "number" }) , requireDevsConnected("require-devs-connected", '\0', "require the specified devices to be connected") , editor("editor", '\0', "specifies the editor to be opened", { "editor name", "editor option" }) , configFile("config-file", 'f', "specifies the Syncthing config file to read API key and URL from, when not explicitly specified", { "path" }) , apiKey("api-key", 'k', "specifies the API key", { "key" }) , url("url", 'u', "specifies the Syncthing URL, default is http://localhost:8080", { "URL" }) , credentials("credentials", 'c', "specifies user name and password", { "user name", "password" }) , certificate("cert", '\0', "specifies the certificate used by the Syncthing instance", { "path" }) , requestTimeout("request-timeout", '\0', "specifies the transfer timeout for network requests in milliseconds", { "timeout" }) { dir.setConstraints(0, Argument::varValueCount); dir.setValueCompletionBehavior( ValueCompletionBehavior::PreDefinedValues | ValueCompletionBehavior::Directories | ValueCompletionBehavior::InvokeCallback); dev.setConstraints(0, Argument::varValueCount); dev.setValueCompletionBehavior(ValueCompletionBehavior::PreDefinedValues | ValueCompletionBehavior::InvokeCallback); status.setSubArguments({ &stats, &dir, &dev, &allDirs, &allDevs }); status.setExample(PROJECT_NAME " status # shows all dirs and devs\n" PROJECT_NAME " status --dir dir1 --dir dir2 --dev dev1 --dev dev2"); waitForIdle.setSubArguments({ &dir, &dev, &allDirs, &allDevs, &atLeast, &timeout, &requireDevsConnected }); waitForIdle.setExample(PROJECT_NAME " wait-for-idle --timeout 1800000 --at-least 5000 && systemctl poweroff\n" PROJECT_NAME " wait-for-idle --dir dir1 --dir dir2 --dev dev1 --dev dev2 --at-least 5000"); pwd.setSubArguments({ &statusPwd, &rescanPwd, &pausePwd, &resumePwd }); for (auto *arg : { &editor, &script, &jsLines }) { arg->setCombinable(false); } jsLines.setRequiredValueCount(Argument::varValueCount); edit.setSubArguments({ &editor, &script, &jsLines, &dryRun }); rescan.setValueNames({ "dir ID" }); rescan.setRequiredValueCount(Argument::varValueCount); rescan.setValueCompletionBehavior( ValueCompletionBehavior::PreDefinedValues | ValueCompletionBehavior::Directories | ValueCompletionBehavior::InvokeCallback); rescan.setExample(PROJECT_NAME " rescan dir1 dir2 dir4 dir5"); pause.setSubArguments({ &dir, &dev, &allDirs, &allDevs }); pause.setExample(PROJECT_NAME " pause --dir dir1 --dir dir2 --dev dev1 --dev dev2\n" PROJECT_NAME " pause --all-dirs"); resume.setSubArguments({ &dir, &dev, &allDirs, &allDevs }); resume.setExample(PROJECT_NAME " resume --dir dir1 --dir dir2 --dev dev1 --dev dev2\n" PROJECT_NAME " resume --all-devs"); editor.setEnvironmentVariable("EDITOR"); editor.setRequiredValueCount(Argument::varValueCount); configFile.setExample(PROJECT_NAME " status --dir dir1 --config-file ~/.config/syncthing/config.xml"); credentials.setExample(PROJECT_NAME " status --dir dir1 --credentials name supersecret"); parser.setMainArguments({ &status, &log, &stop, &restart, &rescan, &rescanAll, &pause, &resume, &waitForIdle, &pwd, &cat, &edit, &configFile, &apiKey, &url, &credentials, &certificate, &requestTimeout, &parser.noColorArg(), &parser.helpArg() }); // allow setting default values via environment configFile.setEnvironmentVariable("SYNCTHING_CTL_CONFIG_FILE"); apiKey.setEnvironmentVariable("SYNCTHING_CTL_API_KEY"); apiKey.setValueCompletionBehavior(ValueCompletionBehavior::None); url.setEnvironmentVariable("SYNCTHING_CTL_URL"); url.setValueCompletionBehavior(ValueCompletionBehavior::None); certificate.setEnvironmentVariable("SYNCTHING_CTL_CERTIFICATE"); } } // namespace Cli