import QtQml 2.2 import QtQuick 2.8 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 as QQ2 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore import org.kde.plasma.extras 2.0 as PlasmaExtras import org.kde.plasma.components 3.0 as PlasmaComponents3 PlasmaExtras.Representation { // disable margins as they don't look good together with the scroll view // note: Would be collapsed automatically if the scroll view was the immediate content item. collapseMarginsHint: true // header ("toolbar" with buttons and combo box) and footer ("tabbar") header: PlasmaExtras.PlasmoidHeading { ToolBar { id: toolbar width: parent.width } } footer: PlasmaExtras.PlasmoidHeading { spacing: 0 topPadding: 0 height: units.iconSizes.medium PlasmaComponents3.TabBar { id: tabBar readonly property double buttonWidth: parent.width / count position: PlasmaComponents3.TabBar.Footer Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true TabButton { id: dirsTabButton text: qsTr("Folders") icon.source: plasmoid.nativeInterface.faUrl + "folder" width: tabBar.buttonWidth } TabButton { id: devsTabButton text: qsTr("Devices") icon.source: plasmoid.nativeInterface.faUrl + "sitemap" width: tabBar.buttonWidth } TabButton { id: downloadsTabButton text: qsTr("Downloads") icon.source: plasmoid.nativeInterface.faUrl + "download" width: tabBar.buttonWidth } TabButton { id: recentChangesTabButton text: qsTr("History") icon.source: plasmoid.nativeInterface.faUrl + "history" width: tabBar.buttonWidth } } } // define functions to locate the current page and filter function findCurrentPage() { switch (tabBar.currentIndex) { case 0: return directoriesPage case 1: return devicesPage case 2: return downloadsPage case 3: return recentChangesPage default: return directoriesPage } } function findCurrentFilter() { return findCurrentPage().filter } // define shortcuts to trigger actions for currently selected item function clickCurrentItemButton(buttonName) { findCurrentPage().view.clickCurrentItemButton(buttonName) } Shortcut { sequence: "Ctrl+R" onActivated: clickCurrentItemButton("rescanButton") } Shortcut { sequence: "Ctrl+P" onActivated: clickCurrentItemButton("resumePauseButton") } Shortcut { sequence: "Ctrl+O" onActivated: clickCurrentItemButton("openButton") } // main contents FocusScope { anchors.fill: parent anchors.topMargin: PlasmaCore.Units.smallSpacing * 2 TinyButton { id: searchButton anchors.right: mainLayout.right anchors.rightMargin: PlasmaCore.Units.smallSpacing * 2 icon.source: plasmoid.nativeInterface.faUrl + "search" width: PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizes.smallMedium height: width enabled: tabBar.currentIndex === 0 opacity: enabled ? 1.0 : 0.25 tooltip: qsTr("Toggle filter") onClicked: { var filter = findCurrentFilter() if (!filter) { return } if (!filter.explicitelyShown) { filter.explicitelyShown = true filter.forceActiveFocus() } else { filter.explicitelyShown = false filter.text = "" } } } ColumnLayout { id: mainLayout anchors.fill: parent spacing: 0 // ensure keyboard events can be received after initialization Component.onCompleted: forceActiveFocus() // define custom key handling for switching tabs, selecting items and filtering function sendKeyEventToFilter(event) { var filter = findCurrentFilter() if (!filter || event.text === "" || filter.activeFocus) { return } if (event.key === Qt.Key_Backspace && filter.text === "") { filter.explicitelyShown = false return } if (event.matches(StandardKey.Paste)) { filter.paste() } else { filter.text = "" filter.text += event.text } filter.forceActiveFocus() } Keys.onPressed: { // note: event only received after clicking the tab buttons in plasmoidviewer // but works as expected in plasmashell switch (event.key) { case Qt.Key_Up: switch (event.modifiers) { case Qt.NoModifier: // select previous item in current tab findCurrentPage().view.decrementCurrentIndex() break case Qt.ShiftModifier: // select previous connection --plasmoid.nativeInterface.currentConnectionConfigIndex break } break case Qt.Key_Down: switch (event.modifiers) { case Qt.NoModifier: // select next item in current tab findCurrentPage().view.incrementCurrentIndex() break case Qt.ShiftModifier: // select previous connection ++plasmoid.nativeInterface.currentConnectionConfigIndex break } break case Qt.Key_Left: // select previous tab tabBar.currentIndex = tabBar.currentIndex > 0 ? tabBar.currentIndex - 1 : 3 break case Qt.Key_Right: // select next tab tabBar.currentIndex = tabBar.currentIndex < 3 ? tabBar.currentIndex + 1 : 0 break case Qt.Key_Enter: // fallthrough case Qt.Key_Return: // toggle expanded state of current item var currentItem = findCurrentPage().view.currentItem if (currentItem) { currentItem.expanded = !currentItem.expanded } break case Qt.Key_Escape: var filter = findCurrentFilter() if (filter && filter.text !== "") { // reset filter filter.explicitelyShown = false filter.text = "" event.accepted = true } else { // hide plasmoid plasmoid.expanded = false } break case Qt.Key_1: tabBar.currentIndex = 0 break case Qt.Key_2: tabBar.currentIndex = 1 break case Qt.Key_3: tabBar.currentIndex = 2 break case Qt.Key_4: tabBar.currentIndex = 3 break default: sendKeyEventToFilter(event) return } event.accepted = true } // global statistics and traffic GridLayout { id: infoLayout Layout.leftMargin: PlasmaCore.Units.smallSpacing * 2 Layout.rightMargin: PlasmaCore.Units.smallSpacing * 2 Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: false Layout.maximumWidth: parent.width columns: 4 rowSpacing: 1 columnSpacing: 4 Image { Layout.preferredWidth: 16 Layout.preferredHeight: 16 height: 16 fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit source: plasmoid.nativeInterface.faUrl + "globe" cache: false } StatisticsView { Layout.leftMargin: 4 statistics: plasmoid.nativeInterface.globalStatistics context: qsTr("Global") } IconLabel { Layout.leftMargin: 5 iconSource: plasmoid.nativeInterface.faUrl + "cloud-download" iconOpacity: plasmoid.nativeInterface.hasIncomingTraffic ? 1.0 : 0.5 text: plasmoid.nativeInterface.incomingTraffic tooltip: qsTr("Global incoming traffic") } Item { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.rowSpan: 2 } Image { Layout.preferredWidth: 16 Layout.preferredHeight: 16 height: 16 fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit source: plasmoid.nativeInterface.faUrl + "home" cache: false } StatisticsView { Layout.leftMargin: 4 statistics: plasmoid.nativeInterface.localStatistics context: qsTr("Local") } IconLabel { Layout.leftMargin: 5 iconSource: plasmoid.nativeInterface.faUrl + "cloud-upload" iconOpacity: plasmoid.nativeInterface.hasOutgoingTraffic ? 1.0 : 0.5 text: plasmoid.nativeInterface.outgoingTraffic tooltip: qsTr("Global outgoing traffic") } } // tab content StackLayout { id: tabLayout currentIndex: tabBar.currentIndex Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true DirectoriesPage { id: directoriesPage } DevicesPage { id: devicesPage } DownloadsPage { id: downloadsPage } RecentChangesPage { id: recentChangesPage } } } } }