SyncthingDirActions Status: not available anymore Folder info for %1 Status: Global: Local: Last scan time: Rescan interval: %1 seconds %1 item(s) out-of-sync %1 item out-of-sync %1 items out-of-sync SyncthingFileItemAction About Rescan selected items Rescan selected folders Rescan "%1" Resume selected folders Pause selected folders Rescan containing folders Resume containing folders Resume "%1" Pause containing folders Pause "%1" Not a shared directory Select Syncthing config ... SyncthingFileItemActionStaticData Syncthing connection error About Select Syncthing config file Syncthing config file can not be automatically located Unable to load Syncthing config from "%1" Syncthing config from "%1" does not contain GUI address. Enter API key The selected config file does not contain an API key. Please enter the API key manually: No API key supplied for "%1". (still using config from "%1") SyncthingMenuAction Syncthing Syncthing - connecting Syncthing - not connected