#include "./singleinstance.h" #include "../gui/trayicon.h" #include "../gui/traywidget.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef LIB_SYNCTHING_CONNECTOR_SUPPORT_SYSTEMD #include #endif #ifdef SYNCTHINGTRAY_USE_LIBSYNCTHING #include #endif #include "resources/config.h" #include "resources/qtconfig.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace CppUtilities; using namespace QtGui; using namespace Data; // import static icon engine plugin #ifdef QT_FORK_AWESOME_ICON_ENGINE_STATIC #include Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(ForkAwesomeIconEnginePlugin) #endif ENABLE_QT_RESOURCES_OF_STATIC_DEPENDENCIES #ifdef LIB_SYNCTHING_CONNECTOR_SUPPORT_SYSTEMD void handleSystemdServiceError(const QString &context, const QString &name, const QString &message) { auto *const msgBox = new QMessageBox; msgBox->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); msgBox->setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); msgBox->setText(QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Unable to ") + context); msgBox->setInformativeText(name % QStringLiteral(":\n") % message); msgBox->show(); } #endif int initSyncthingTray(bool windowed, bool waitForTray, const Argument &connectionConfigArg) { // get settings auto &settings = Settings::values(); static const auto defaultConnection = std::vector({ "" }); const auto &connectionConfigurations = connectionConfigArg.isPresent() && !connectionConfigArg.values().empty() ? connectionConfigArg.values() : defaultConnection; // handle "windowed" case if (windowed) { // launch Syncthing if configured settings.launcher.autostart(); // show a window for each connection for (const auto *const connectionConfig : connectionConfigurations) { auto *const trayWidget = new TrayWidget(); trayWidget->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); trayWidget->show(); trayWidget->applySettings(QString::fromLocal8Bit(connectionConfig)); } return 0; } #ifndef QT_NO_SYSTEMTRAYICON // check whether system tray is available if (!QSystemTrayIcon::isSystemTrayAvailable() && !waitForTray) { QMessageBox::critical(nullptr, QApplication::applicationName(), QApplication::translate("main", "The system tray is (currently) not available. You could open the tray menu as a regular window using the --windowed flag, though." "It is also possible to start Syncthing Tray with --wait to wait until the system tray becomes available instead of showing this " "message.")); return -1; } // launch Syncthing if configured settings.launcher.autostart(); // show a tray icon for each connection TrayWidget *widget; for (const auto *const connectionConfig : connectionConfigurations) { auto *const trayIcon = new TrayIcon(QString::fromLocal8Bit(connectionConfig), QApplication::instance()); trayIcon->show(); widget = &trayIcon->trayMenu().widget(); } // show wizard on first launch if (settings.firstLaunch || settings.fakeFirstLaunch) { widget->showWizard(); } return 0; #else // show error if system tray is not supported by Qt QMessageBox::critical(nullptr, QApplication::applicationName(), QApplication::translate("main", "The Qt libraries have not been built with tray icon support. You could open the tray menu as a regular " "window using the -w flag, though.")); return -2; #endif } static void trigger(bool tray, bool webUi, bool wizard) { if (TrayWidget::instances().empty() || !(tray || webUi || wizard)) { return; } auto *const trayWidget = TrayWidget::instances().front(); if (webUi) { trayWidget->showWebUi(); } if (tray) { trayWidget->showUsingPositioningSettings(); } if (wizard) { trayWidget->showWizard(); } } void shutdownSyncthingTray() { Settings::save(); Settings::Launcher::terminate(); } int runApplication(int argc, const char *const *argv) { // setup argument parser SET_APPLICATION_INFO; CMD_UTILS_CONVERT_ARGS_TO_UTF8; CMD_UTILS_HANDLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING; auto parser = ArgumentParser(); auto qtConfigArgs = QT_CONFIG_ARGUMENTS(); auto windowedArg = ConfigValueArgument("windowed", 'w', "opens the tray menu as a regular window"); auto showWebUiArg = ConfigValueArgument("webui", '\0', "instantly shows the web UI - meant for creating shortcut to web UI"); auto triggerArg = ConfigValueArgument("trigger", '\0', "instantly shows the left-click tray menu - meant for creating a shortcut"); auto showWizardArg = ConfigValueArgument("show-wizard", '\0', "instantly shows the setup wizard"); showWizardArg.setFlags(Argument::Flags::Deprecated, true); // hide as it is WIP auto assumeFirstLaunchArg = ConfigValueArgument("assume-first-launch", '\0', "assumes first launch"); assumeFirstLaunchArg.setFlags(Argument::Flags::Deprecated, true); // hide as it is debug-only auto wipArg = ConfigValueArgument("wip", '\0', "enables WIP features"); wipArg.setFlags(Argument::Flags::Deprecated, true); // hide as it is debug-only auto waitForTrayArg = ConfigValueArgument("wait", '\0', "wait until the system tray becomes available instead of showing an error message if the system tray is not available on start-up"); auto connectionArg = ConfigValueArgument("connection", '\0', "specifies one or more connection configurations to be used", { "config name" }); connectionArg.setRequiredValueCount(Argument::varValueCount); auto configPathArg = ConfigValueArgument("config-dir-path", '\0', "specifies the path to the configuration directory", { "path" }); configPathArg.setEnvironmentVariable(PROJECT_VARNAME_UPPER "_CONFIG_DIR"); auto singleInstance = Argument("single-instance", '\0', "does nothing if a tray icon is already shown"); auto newInstanceArg = Argument("new-instance", '\0', "disable the usual single-process behavior"); auto &widgetsGuiArg = qtConfigArgs.qtWidgetsGuiArg(); widgetsGuiArg.addSubArguments({ &windowedArg, &showWebUiArg, &triggerArg, &waitForTrayArg, &connectionArg, &configPathArg, &singleInstance, &newInstanceArg, &showWizardArg, &assumeFirstLaunchArg, &wipArg }); #ifdef SYNCTHINGTRAY_USE_LIBSYNCTHING auto cliArg = OperationArgument("cli", 'c', "run Syncthing's CLI"); auto cliHelp = ConfigValueArgument("help", 'h', "show help for Syncthing's CLI"); cliArg.setRequiredValueCount(Argument::varValueCount); cliArg.setFlags(Argument::Flags::Greedy, true); cliArg.setSubArguments({ &cliHelp }); #endif parser.setMainArguments({ &qtConfigArgs.qtWidgetsGuiArg(), #ifdef SYNCTHINGTRAY_USE_LIBSYNCTHING &cliArg, #endif &parser.noColorArg(), &parser.helpArg() }); parser.parseArgs(argc, argv); #ifdef SYNCTHINGTRAY_USE_LIBSYNCTHING if (cliArg.isPresent()) { CMD_UTILS_START_CONSOLE; return static_cast(LibSyncthing::runCli(cliArg.values())); } #endif if (!qtConfigArgs.qtWidgetsGuiArg().isPresent()) { return 0; } // handle override for config dir if (const char *const configPathDir = configPathArg.firstValue()) { QSettings::setPath(QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope, QString::fromLocal8Bit(configPathDir)); } // check whether runApplication() has been called for the first time static auto firstRun = true; if (firstRun) { firstRun = false; // do first-time initializations SET_QT_APPLICATION_INFO; QApplication application(argc, const_cast(argv)); QGuiApplication::setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); SingleInstance singleInstance(argc, argv, newInstanceArg.isPresent()); networkAccessManager().setParent(&singleInstance); QObject::connect(&singleInstance, &SingleInstance::newInstance, &runApplication); Settings::restore(); auto &settings = Settings::values(); settings.qt.apply(); qtConfigArgs.applySettings(true); if (assumeFirstLaunchArg.isPresent()) { settings.fakeFirstLaunch = true; } if (wipArg.isPresent()) { settings.enableWipFeatures = true; } LOAD_QT_TRANSLATIONS; SyncthingLauncher launcher; SyncthingLauncher::setMainInstance(&launcher); #ifdef LIB_SYNCTHING_CONNECTOR_SUPPORT_SYSTEMD SyncthingService service; SyncthingService::setMainInstance(&service); settings.systemd.setupService(service); QObject::connect(&service, &SyncthingService::errorOccurred, &handleSystemdServiceError); #endif if (settings.icons.preferIconsFromTheme) { Data::setForkAwesomeThemeOverrides(); } // init Syncthing Tray and immediately shutdown on failure if (const auto res = initSyncthingTray(windowedArg.isPresent(), waitForTrayArg.isPresent(), connectionArg)) { shutdownSyncthingTray(); return res; } // trigger UI and enter event loop QObject::connect(&application, &QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit, &shutdownSyncthingTray); trigger(triggerArg.isPresent(), showWebUiArg.isPresent(), showWizardArg.isPresent()); return application.exec(); } // trigger actions if --webui or --trigger is present but don't create a new tray icon const auto firstInstance = TrayWidget::instances().empty(); if (!firstInstance && (showWebUiArg.isPresent() || triggerArg.isPresent() || showWizardArg.isPresent())) { trigger(triggerArg.isPresent(), showWebUiArg.isPresent(), showWizardArg.isPresent()); return 0; } // don't create a new instance if --single-instance has been specified if (!firstInstance && singleInstance.isPresent()) { return 0; } // create new/additional tray icon const auto res = initSyncthingTray(windowedArg.isPresent(), waitForTrayArg.isPresent(), connectionArg); if (!res) { trigger(triggerArg.isPresent(), showWebUiArg.isPresent(), showWizardArg.isPresent()); } return res; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { return runApplication(argc, argv); }