Plasmoid::AppearanceOptionPage Appearance .. 0 0 Size of directory/device/download list true 2 0 1000 1 25 0 0 x Qt::PlainText 0 1000 1 25 grid units Qt::PlainText 0 0 Note that the size is ignored when the Plasmoid is displayed on the desktop, in full screen mode or as entry of the system tray Plasmoid. Then the Plasmoid can be resized using Plasma's UI. On Plasma older than 5.26, when displayed as entry of the system tray Plasmoid the size can not be changed (setting a high value just leads to the contents being clipped). true States to enable passive mode true QAbstractItemView::NoSelection QListView::Batched Optional GUI elements Show tab texts 0 Prefer icons from theme over ForkAwesome icons (needs restart to apply) Icons Qt::Vertical 20 40