--- name: Bug report about: Report an existing feature not working as designated title: '' labels: bug assignees: '' --- **Before reporting, please have a look at "[Known bugs and workarounds](https://github.com/Martchus/syncthingtray/blob/master/README.md#known-bugs-and-workarounds)".** Note that I cannot support all operating systems, their flavors and different tooling you might be using (Anti Virus scanners, GNU/Linux desktop environments, AUR helpers, …). So please avoid filing bug reports specific to them and contact the respective vendors instead. Note that adaptions for newer versions of certain platforms (or for completely new platforms) would be *feature requests* and **not** bugs. So for instance, making Syncthing Tray work under an updated/new GNU/Linux desktop environment should be filed as a feature request and *not* a bug report. Note that I will likely have to reject bug reports about Wayland-specific problems due to limitations of that protocol which I cannot workaround from my side. --- **Relevant components** * [ ] Standalone tray application (based on Qt Widgets) * [ ] Plasmoid/applet for Plasma desktop * [ ] Dolphin integration * [ ] Command line tool (`syncthingctl`) * [ ] Integrated Syncthing instance (`libsyncthing`) * [ ] Backend libraries **Environment and versions** * Versions of `syncthingtray`, `qtutilities` and `c++utilities`: …, …, … * Qt version: ….….… * C++ compiler (name and version): … * C++ standard library (name and version): … * Operating system (name and version): … **Bug description** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. **Steps to reproduce** 1. … 2. … **Expected behavior** A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. **Screenshots** If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. **Additional context** Add any other context about the problem here.