#include "../interface.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace CppUtilities; using namespace LibSyncthing; using namespace CPPUNIT_NS; /*! * \brief The InterfaceTests class tests the SyncthingConnector. */ class InterfaceTests : public TestFixture { CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(InterfaceTests); CPPUNIT_TEST(testInitialState); CPPUNIT_TEST(testVersion); CPPUNIT_TEST(testRunWidthConfig); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END(); public: InterfaceTests(); void testInitialState(); void testVersion(); void testRunWidthConfig(); void setUp(); void tearDown(); private: std::string setupConfigDir(); void testRun(const std::function &runFunction); }; CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(InterfaceTests); InterfaceTests::InterfaceTests() { setenv("STNOUPGRADE", "1", 1); } void InterfaceTests::setUp() { } void InterfaceTests::tearDown() { } /*! * \brief Initializes the Syncthing config for this fixture (currently using same config as in connector test). * \returns Returns the config directory. */ string InterfaceTests::setupConfigDir() { // setup Syncthing config (currently using same config as in connector test) const auto configFilePath(workingCopyPath("testconfig/config.xml")); if (configFilePath.empty()) { throw runtime_error("Unable to setup Syncthing config directory."); } // clean database const auto configDir(directory(configFilePath)); try { const auto dirIterator = filesystem::directory_iterator(configDir); for (const auto &dir : dirIterator) { const auto dirPath = dir.path(); if (!dir.is_directory() || dirPath == "." || dirPath == "..") { continue; } const auto subdirIterator = filesystem::directory_iterator(dirPath); for (const auto &file : subdirIterator) { if (file.is_directory()) { continue; } const auto toRemove = file.path().string(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("removing " + toRemove, 0, remove(toRemove.data())); } } } catch (const filesystem::filesystem_error &error) { CPPUNIT_FAIL(argsToString("Unable to clean config dir ", configDir, ": ", error.what())); } return configDir; } /*! * \brief Tests behavior in initial state, when Syncthing isn't supposed to be running. */ void InterfaceTests::testInitialState() { CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("initially not running", !isSyncthingRunning()); // stopping Syncthing when not running should not cause any trouble stopSyncthing(); } /*! * \brief Tests whether the version() functions at least return something. */ void InterfaceTests::testVersion() { const auto version(syncthingVersion()); const auto longVersion(longSyncthingVersion()); cout << "\nversion: " << version; cout << "\nlong version: " << longVersion << endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!version.empty()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!longVersion.empty()); } /*! * \brief Test helper for running Syncthing and checking log according to test configuration. */ void InterfaceTests::testRun(const std::function &runFunction) { // keep track of certain log messages const auto startTime(DateTime::gmtNow()); bool myIdAnnounced = false, performanceAnnounced = false; bool testDir1Ready = false, testDir2Ready = false; bool testDev1Ready = false, testDev2Ready = false; bool shuttingDown = false, shutDownLogged = false; setLoggingCallback([&](LogLevel logLevel, const char *message, std::size_t messageSize) { // ignore debug/verbose messages if (logLevel < LogLevel::Info) { return; } CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Syncthing should be running right now", isSyncthingRunning()); // check whether the usual log messages appear const string msg(message, messageSize); if (startsWith(msg, "My ID: ")) { myIdAnnounced = true; } else if (startsWith(msg, "Single thread SHA256 performance is")) { performanceAnnounced = true; } else if (msg == "Ready to synchronize test1 (sendreceive)") { testDir1Ready = true; } else if (msg == "Ready to synchronize test2 (sendreceive)") { testDir2Ready = true; } else if (msg == "Device 6EIS2PN-J2IHWGS-AXS3YUL-HC5FT3K-77ZXTLL-AKQLJ4C-7SWVPUS-AZW4RQ4 is \"Test dev 1\" at [dynamic]") { testDev1Ready = true; } else if (msg == "Device MMGUI6U-WUEZQCP-XZZ6VYB-LCT4TVC-ER2HAVX-QYT6X7D-S6ZSG2B-323KLQ7 is \"Test dev 2\" at [tcp://]") { testDev2Ready = true; } else if (msg == "Exiting") { shutDownLogged = true; } // print the message on cout (which results in duplicated messages, but allows to check whether we've got everything) cout << "logging callback (" << static_cast::type>(logLevel) << "): "; cout.write(message, static_cast(messageSize)); cout << endl; // stop Syncthing again if the found the messages we've been looking for or we've timed out const auto timeout((DateTime::gmtNow() - startTime) > TimeSpan::fromSeconds(30)); if (!timeout && (!myIdAnnounced || !performanceAnnounced || !testDir1Ready || !testDev1Ready || !testDev2Ready)) { // log status cout << "still wating for:"; if (!myIdAnnounced) { cout << " myIdAnnounced"; } if (!performanceAnnounced) { cout << " performanceAnnounced"; } if (!testDir1Ready) { cout << " testDir1Ready"; } if (!testDir2Ready) { cout << " testDir2Ready"; } if (!testDev1Ready) { cout << " testDev1Ready"; } if (!testDev2Ready) { cout << " testDev2Ready"; } cout << endl; return; } if (!shuttingDown) { cerr << "stopping Syncthing again" << endl; shuttingDown = true; std::thread stopThread(stopSyncthing); stopThread.detach(); } }); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Syncthing exited without error", 0ll, runFunction()); // assert whether all expected log messages were present CPPUNIT_ASSERT(myIdAnnounced); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(performanceAnnounced); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testDir1Ready); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!testDir2Ready); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testDev1Ready); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testDev2Ready); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(shutDownLogged); // keep running a bit longer to check whether would not crash in the next few seconds // (could happen if Syncthing's extra threads haven't been stopped correctly) sleep(5); } /*! * \brief Tests whether Syncthing can be started (and stopped again) using the specified test config. */ void InterfaceTests::testRunWidthConfig() { RuntimeOptions options; options.configDir = setupConfigDir(); testRun(bind(static_cast(&runSyncthing), cref(options))); }