#ifdef LIB_SYNCTHING_CONNECTOR_SUPPORT_SYSTEMD #include "./syncthingservice.h" #include "loginmanagerinterface.h" #include "managerinterface.h" #include "propertiesinterface.h" #include "serviceinterface.h" #include "unitinterface.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace std::placeholders; using namespace CppUtilities; namespace Data { /*! * \class SyncthingService * \brief The SyncthingService class controls and monitors a Syncthing as systemd user service. * \remarks Internally systemd's D-Bus interface is used. So the service "org.freedesktop.systemd1" must * be running on the user-session D-Bus. * * This class is actually not Syncthing-specific. It could be used to control and monitor any systemd * user service. */ /// \cond QDBusArgument &operator<<(QDBusArgument &argument, const ManagerDBusUnitFileChange &unitFileChange) { argument.beginStructure(); argument << unitFileChange.type << unitFileChange.path << unitFileChange.source; argument.endStructure(); return argument; } const QDBusArgument &operator>>(const QDBusArgument &argument, ManagerDBusUnitFileChange &unitFileChange) { argument.beginStructure(); argument >> unitFileChange.type >> unitFileChange.path >> unitFileChange.source; argument.endStructure(); return argument; } constexpr DateTime dateTimeFromSystemdTimeStamp(qulonglong timeStamp) { return DateTime(DateTime::unixEpochStart().totalTicks() + timeStamp * 10); } SyncthingService *SyncthingService::s_mainInstance = nullptr; OrgFreedesktopSystemd1ManagerInterface *SyncthingService::s_manager = nullptr; OrgFreedesktopLogin1ManagerInterface *SyncthingService::s_loginManager = nullptr; DateTime SyncthingService::s_lastWakeUp = DateTime(); bool SyncthingService::s_fallingAsleep = false; /// \endcond /*! * \brief Creates a new SyncthingService instance. */ SyncthingService::SyncthingService(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_unit(nullptr) , m_service(nullptr) , m_properties(nullptr) , m_manuallyStopped(false) , m_unitAvailable(false) { #ifndef LIB_SYNCTHING_CONNECTOR_SERVICE_MOCKED if (!s_manager) { // register custom data types qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); s_manager = new OrgFreedesktopSystemd1ManagerInterface( QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.systemd1"), QStringLiteral("/org/freedesktop/systemd1"), QDBusConnection::sessionBus()); // enable systemd to emit signals s_manager->Subscribe(); } if (!s_loginManager) { s_loginManager = new OrgFreedesktopLogin1ManagerInterface( QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.login1"), QStringLiteral("/org/freedesktop/login1"), QDBusConnection::systemBus()); connect(s_loginManager, &OrgFreedesktopLogin1ManagerInterface::PrepareForSleep, &SyncthingService::handlePrepareForSleep); } connect(s_manager, &OrgFreedesktopSystemd1ManagerInterface::UnitNew, this, &SyncthingService::handleUnitAdded); connect(s_manager, &OrgFreedesktopSystemd1ManagerInterface::UnitRemoved, this, &SyncthingService::handleUnitRemoved); m_serviceWatcher = new QDBusServiceWatcher(s_manager->service(), s_manager->connection()); connect(m_serviceWatcher, &QDBusServiceWatcher::serviceRegistered, this, &SyncthingService::handleServiceRegisteredChanged); connect(m_serviceWatcher, &QDBusServiceWatcher::serviceUnregistered, this, &SyncthingService::handleServiceRegisteredChanged); #else // let the mocked service initially be stopped and simulate start after 5 seconds, then stop after 10 seconds and start after 15 seconds QTimer::singleShot(5000, this, [this] { m_activeSince = DateTime::gmtNow() - TimeSpan::fromMilliseconds(250); handlePropertiesChanged(QStringLiteral("syncthing.mocked-service"), QVariantMap{ { QStringLiteral("ActiveState"), QStringLiteral("active") }, { QStringLiteral("SubState"), QStringLiteral("running") }, { QStringLiteral("Description"), QStringLiteral("This service is fake.") } }, QStringList()); }); QTimer::singleShot(10000, this, [this] { m_activeSince = DateTime(); handlePropertiesChanged(QStringLiteral("syncthing.mocked-service"), QVariantMap{ { QStringLiteral("ActiveState"), QStringLiteral("inactive") }, { QStringLiteral("SubState"), QStringLiteral("dead") }, { QStringLiteral("Description"), QStringLiteral("This service is still fake.") } }, QStringList()); }); QTimer::singleShot(15000, this, [this] { m_activeSince = DateTime::gmtNow(); handlePropertiesChanged(QStringLiteral("syncthing.mocked-service"), QVariantMap{ { QStringLiteral("ActiveState"), QStringLiteral("active") }, { QStringLiteral("SubState"), QStringLiteral("running") }, { QStringLiteral("Description"), QStringLiteral("This service is alive again!") } }, QStringList()); }); #endif } /*! * \brief Sets the \a unitName of the systemd user service to be controlled/monitored, e.g. "syncthing.service". */ void SyncthingService::setUnitName(const QString &unitName) { if (m_unitName == unitName) { return; } m_unitName = unitName; delete m_service, delete m_unit, delete m_properties; m_service = nullptr, m_unit = nullptr, m_properties = nullptr; setProperties(false, QString(), QString(), QString(), QString()); #ifndef LIB_SYNCTHING_CONNECTOR_SERVICE_MOCKED if (s_manager->isValid()) { connect(new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(s_manager->GetUnit(m_unitName), this), &QDBusPendingCallWatcher::finished, this, &SyncthingService::handleUnitGet); } #endif emit unitNameChanged(unitName); } /*! * \brief Returns whether systemd (and specificly its D-Bus interface for user services) is available. * \remarks The availability might not be instantly detected and may change at any time. Use the systemdAvailableChanged() * to react to availability changes. */ bool SyncthingService::isSystemdAvailable() const { #ifndef LIB_SYNCTHING_CONNECTOR_SERVICE_MOCKED return s_manager && s_manager->isValid(); #else return true; #endif } /*! * \brief Returns whether the unit specified with \a unitName is available. * \remarks * - The availability might not be instantly detected and may change at any time. Use the unitAvailableChanged() * to react to availability changes. * - Unless this function returns true the other unit-related functions will return false/empty values. */ bool SyncthingService::isUnitAvailable() const { #ifndef LIB_SYNCTHING_CONNECTOR_SERVICE_MOCKED return m_unit && m_unit->isValid(); #else return true; #endif } /*! * \brief Returns whether \a activeSince or the last standby-wake-up is longer ago than \a atLeastSeconds. */ bool SyncthingService::isActiveWithoutSleepFor(DateTime activeSince, unsigned int atLeastSeconds) { if (!atLeastSeconds) { return true; } if (activeSince.isNull() || s_fallingAsleep) { return false; } const DateTime now(DateTime::gmtNow()); return ((now - activeSince).totalSeconds() > atLeastSeconds) && (s_lastWakeUp.isNull() || ((now - s_lastWakeUp).totalSeconds() > atLeastSeconds)); } /*! * \brief Starts the unit if \a running is true and stops the unit if \a running is false. */ void SyncthingService::setRunning(bool running) { #ifndef LIB_SYNCTHING_CONNECTOR_SERVICE_MOCKED m_manuallyStopped = !running; if (running) { registerErrorHandler(s_manager->StartUnit(m_unitName, QStringLiteral("replace")), QT_TR_NOOP_UTF8("start unit")); } else { registerErrorHandler(s_manager->StopUnit(m_unitName, QStringLiteral("replace")), QT_TR_NOOP_UTF8("stop unit")); } #endif } /*! * \brief Enables the unit if \a enabled is true and disables the unit if \a enabled is false. */ void SyncthingService::setEnabled(bool enabled) { #ifndef LIB_SYNCTHING_CONNECTOR_SERVICE_MOCKED if (enabled) { registerErrorHandler(s_manager->EnableUnitFiles(QStringList(m_unitName), false, true), QT_TR_NOOP_UTF8("enable unit")); } else { registerErrorHandler(s_manager->DisableUnitFiles(QStringList(m_unitName), false), QT_TR_NOOP_UTF8("disable unit")); } #endif } /*! * \brief Handles when a new unit is added to react if it matches the name of the unit we're monitoring. */ void SyncthingService::handleUnitAdded(const QString &unitName, const QDBusObjectPath &unitPath) { if (unitName == m_unitName) { setUnit(unitPath); } } /*! * \brief Handles when a unit is removed to react if it matches the name of the unit we're monitoring. */ void SyncthingService::handleUnitRemoved(const QString &unitName, const QDBusObjectPath &unitPath) { Q_UNUSED(unitPath) if (unitName == m_unitName) { setUnit(QDBusObjectPath()); } } /*! * \brief Consumes the results of the s_manager->GetUnit() call (in setUnitName()). */ void SyncthingService::handleUnitGet(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher) { watcher->deleteLater(); const QDBusPendingReply unitReply = *watcher; if (unitReply.isError()) { return; } setUnit(unitReply.value()); } /*! * \brief Handles when properties of the monitored unit change. */ void SyncthingService::handlePropertiesChanged( const QString &interface, const QVariantMap &changedProperties, const QStringList &invalidatedProperties) { #ifndef LIB_SYNCTHING_CONNECTOR_SERVICE_MOCKED if (interface != m_unit->interface()) { return; } #else if (interface != QStringLiteral("syncthing.mocked-service")) { return; } #endif handlePropertyChanged(m_activeSince, QStringLiteral("ActiveEnterTimestamp"), changedProperties, invalidatedProperties); const bool wasRunningBefore = isRunning(); if (handlePropertyChanged( m_activeState, &SyncthingService::activeStateChanged, QStringLiteral("ActiveState"), changedProperties, invalidatedProperties) | handlePropertyChanged( m_subState, &SyncthingService::subStateChanged, QStringLiteral("SubState"), changedProperties, invalidatedProperties)) { emit stateChanged(m_activeState, m_subState, m_activeSince); } const bool currentlyRunning = isRunning(); if (currentlyRunning) { m_manuallyStopped = false; } if (wasRunningBefore != currentlyRunning) { emit runningChanged(currentlyRunning); } const bool wasEnabledBefore = isEnabled(); handlePropertyChanged( m_unitFileState, &SyncthingService::unitFileStateChanged, QStringLiteral("UnitFileState"), changedProperties, invalidatedProperties); if (wasEnabledBefore != isEnabled()) { emit enabledChanged(isEnabled()); } handlePropertyChanged( m_description, &SyncthingService::descriptionChanged, QStringLiteral("Description"), changedProperties, invalidatedProperties); } /*! * \brief Handles D-Bus errors. */ void SyncthingService::handleError(const char *context, QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher) { watcher->deleteLater(); const QDBusError error = watcher->error(); if (error.isValid()) { emit errorOccurred(tr(context), error.name(), error.message()); } } /*! * \brief Handles when the service availability changes. */ void SyncthingService::handleServiceRegisteredChanged(const QString &service) { if (service == s_manager->service()) { emit systemdAvailableChanged(s_manager->isValid()); } } /*! * \brief Logs the moment before when standby is enabled and the time of the last standby-wakeup. */ void SyncthingService::handlePrepareForSleep(bool rightBefore) { if (!(s_fallingAsleep = rightBefore)) { s_lastWakeUp = DateTime::gmtNow(); } } /*! * \brief Internal helper to handle property changes for QString-properties. */ bool SyncthingService::handlePropertyChanged(QString &variable, void (SyncthingService::*signal)(const QString &), const QString &propertyName, const QVariantMap &changedProperties, const QStringList &invalidatedProperties) { const QVariant valueVariant(changedProperties[propertyName]); if (valueVariant.isValid()) { const QString valueString(valueVariant.toString()); if (valueString != variable) { emit(this->*signal)(variable = valueString); return true; } } else if (invalidatedProperties.contains(propertyName) && !variable.isEmpty()) { variable.clear(); emit(this->*signal)(variable); return true; } return false; } /*! * \brief Internal helper to handle property changes for DateTime-properties. */ bool SyncthingService::handlePropertyChanged( DateTime &variable, const QString &propertyName, const QVariantMap &changedProperties, const QStringList &invalidatedProperties) { const QVariant valueVariant(changedProperties[propertyName]); if (valueVariant.isValid()) { bool ok; const qulonglong valueInt = valueVariant.toULongLong(&ok); if (ok) { variable = dateTimeFromSystemdTimeStamp(valueInt); return true; } } else if (invalidatedProperties.contains(propertyName) && !variable.isNull()) { variable = DateTime(); return true; } return false; } /*! * \brief Registers error handler for D-Bus errors. */ void SyncthingService::registerErrorHandler(const QDBusPendingCall &call, const char *context) { connect(new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(call, this), &QDBusPendingCallWatcher::finished, bind(&SyncthingService::handleError, this, context, _1)); } /*! * \brief Sets the current unit data. */ void SyncthingService::setUnit(const QDBusObjectPath &objectPath) { // cleanup delete m_service, delete m_unit, delete m_properties; m_service = nullptr, m_unit = nullptr, m_properties = nullptr; const QString path = objectPath.path(); if (path.isEmpty()) { setProperties(false, QString(), QString(), QString(), QString()); return; } // init unit m_unit = new OrgFreedesktopSystemd1UnitInterface(s_manager->service(), path, s_manager->connection()); m_activeSince = dateTimeFromSystemdTimeStamp(m_unit->activeEnterTimestamp()); setProperties(m_unit->isValid(), m_unit->activeState(), m_unit->subState(), m_unit->unitFileState(), m_unit->description()); // init properties m_properties = new OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesInterface(s_manager->service(), path, s_manager->connection()); connect(m_properties, &OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesInterface::PropertiesChanged, this, &SyncthingService::handlePropertiesChanged); } /*! * \brief Updates the properties for the current unit. */ void SyncthingService::setProperties( bool unitAvailable, const QString &activeState, const QString &subState, const QString &unitFileState, const QString &description) { if (m_unitAvailable != unitAvailable) { emit unitAvailableChanged(m_unitAvailable = unitAvailable); } const bool running = isRunning(); bool anyStateChanged = false; if (m_activeState != activeState) { emit activeStateChanged(m_activeState = activeState); anyStateChanged = true; } if (m_subState != subState) { emit subStateChanged(m_subState = subState); anyStateChanged = true; } if (anyStateChanged) { emit stateChanged(m_activeState, m_subState, m_activeSince); } if (running != isRunning()) { emit runningChanged(isRunning()); } const bool enabled = isEnabled(); if (m_unitFileState != unitFileState) { emit unitFileStateChanged(m_unitFileState = unitFileState); } if (enabled != isEnabled()) { emit enabledChanged(isEnabled()); } if (m_description != description) { emit descriptionChanged(m_description = description); } } } // namespace Data #endif