#include "./syncthingprocess.h" #include using namespace CppUtilities; namespace Data { SyncthingProcess *SyncthingProcess::s_mainInstance = nullptr; /*! * \class SyncthingProcess * \brief The SyncthingProcess class starts a Syncthing instance or additional tools as an external process. * * This class is actually not Syncthing-specific. It is just an extension of QProcess for some use-cases within * Syncthing Tray. */ /*! * \brief Constructs a new Syncthing process. */ SyncthingProcess::SyncthingProcess(QObject *parent) : QProcess(parent) , m_manuallyStopped(false) { m_killTimer.setInterval(3000); m_killTimer.setSingleShot(true); setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); connect(this, &SyncthingProcess::started, this, &SyncthingProcess::handleStarted); connect(this, static_cast(&SyncthingProcess::finished), this, &SyncthingProcess::handleFinished); connect(&m_killTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &SyncthingProcess::confirmKill); } /*! * \brief Splits the given arguments similar to how a shell would split it. So whitespaces are considered seperators unless quotes are used. */ QStringList SyncthingProcess::splitArguments(const QString &arguments) { enum { Any, Quote, Slash, Space } lastInput = Any; bool inQuotes = false; QStringList result; QString currentArg; for (const auto c : arguments) { switch (c.unicode()) { case '\"': case '\'': switch (lastInput) { case Slash: currentArg += c; lastInput = Any; break; default: inQuotes = !inQuotes; lastInput = Quote; } break; case '\\': switch (lastInput) { case Slash: currentArg += c; lastInput = Any; break; default: lastInput = Slash; } break; case ' ': switch (lastInput) { case Slash: if (!currentArg.isEmpty()) { currentArg += c; } lastInput = Any; break; case Space: if (inQuotes) { currentArg += c; lastInput = Any; } break; default: if (inQuotes) { currentArg += c; lastInput = Any; } else { if (!currentArg.isEmpty()) { result << currentArg; currentArg.clear(); } lastInput = Space; } } break; default: currentArg += c; lastInput = Any; } } if (!currentArg.isEmpty()) { result << currentArg; } return result; } /*! * \brief Stops the currently running process. If it has been stopped, starts the specified \a program with the specified \a arguments. */ void SyncthingProcess::restartSyncthing(const QString &program, const QStringList &arguments) { if (!isRunning()) { startSyncthing(program, arguments); return; } m_program = program; m_arguments = arguments; m_manuallyStopped = true; m_killTimer.start(); terminate(); } /*! * \brief Starts the specified \a program with the specified \a arguments. */ void SyncthingProcess::startSyncthing(const QString &program, const QStringList &arguments) { if (isRunning()) { return; } m_manuallyStopped = false; m_killTimer.stop(); start(program, arguments, QProcess::ReadOnly); } /*! * \brief Stops the currently running process gracefully. If it doesn't stop after 3 seconds, attempts to kill the process. */ void SyncthingProcess::stopSyncthing() { if (!isRunning()) { return; } m_manuallyStopped = true; m_killTimer.start(); terminate(); } /*! * \brief Kills the currently running process. */ void SyncthingProcess::killSyncthing() { if (!isRunning()) { return; } m_manuallyStopped = true; m_killTimer.stop(); kill(); } void SyncthingProcess::handleStarted() { m_activeSince = DateTime::gmtNow(); } void SyncthingProcess::handleFinished(int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus) { Q_UNUSED(exitCode) Q_UNUSED(exitStatus) m_activeSince = DateTime(); m_killTimer.stop(); if (!m_program.isEmpty()) { startSyncthing(m_program, m_arguments); m_program.clear(); m_arguments.clear(); } } void SyncthingProcess::killToRestart() { if (!m_program.isEmpty()) { kill(); } } } // namespace Data