#if defined(LIB_SYNCTHING_CONNECTOR_SUPPORT_SYSTEMD) && !defined(DATA_SYNCTHINGSERVICE_H) #define DATA_SYNCTHINGSERVICE_H #include "./global.h" #include #include #include #include QT_FORWARD_DECLARE_CLASS(QDBusServiceWatcher) QT_FORWARD_DECLARE_CLASS(QDBusArgument) QT_FORWARD_DECLARE_CLASS(QDBusObjectPath) QT_FORWARD_DECLARE_CLASS(QDBusPendingCall) QT_FORWARD_DECLARE_CLASS(QDBusPendingCallWatcher) class OrgFreedesktopSystemd1ManagerInterface; class OrgFreedesktopSystemd1UnitInterface; class OrgFreedesktopSystemd1ServiceInterface; class OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesInterface; class OrgFreedesktopLogin1ManagerInterface; namespace Data { struct ManagerDBusUnitFileChange { QString type; QString path; QString source; }; QDBusArgument &operator<<(QDBusArgument &argument, const ManagerDBusUnitFileChange &unitFileChange); const QDBusArgument &operator>>(const QDBusArgument &argument, ManagerDBusUnitFileChange &unitFileChange); typedef QList ManagerDBusUnitFileChangeList; enum class SystemdScope { System, User }; class LIB_SYNCTHING_CONNECTOR_EXPORT SyncthingService : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QString unitName READ unitName WRITE setUnitName NOTIFY unitNameChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool systemdAvailable READ isSystemdAvailable NOTIFY systemdAvailableChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool unitAvailable READ isUnitAvailable NOTIFY unitAvailableChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString activeState READ activeState NOTIFY activeStateChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString subState READ subState NOTIFY subStateChanged) Q_PROPERTY(CppUtilities::DateTime activeSince READ activeSince NOTIFY activeStateChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString unitFileState READ unitFileState NOTIFY unitFileStateChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString description READ description NOTIFY descriptionChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool running READ isRunning WRITE setRunning NOTIFY runningChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool enable READ isEnabled WRITE setEnabled NOTIFY enabledChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool manuallyStopped READ isManuallyStopped) Q_PROPERTY(SystemdScope scope READ scope WRITE setScope NOTIFY scopeChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool userScope READ isUserScope NOTIFY scopeChanged) public: explicit SyncthingService(SystemdScope scope = SystemdScope::User, QObject *parent = nullptr); const QString &unitName() const; bool isSystemdAvailable() const; bool isUnitAvailable() const; const QString &activeState() const; const QString &subState() const; CppUtilities::DateTime activeSince() const; bool isActiveFor(unsigned int atLeastSeconds) const; bool isActiveWithoutSleepFor(unsigned int atLeastSeconds) const; static bool isActiveWithoutSleepFor(CppUtilities::DateTime activeSince, unsigned int atLeastSeconds); static CppUtilities::DateTime lastWakeUp(); const QString &unitFileState() const; const QString &description() const; bool isRunning() const; bool isEnabled() const; bool isDisabled() const; bool canEnableOrStart() const; bool isManuallyStopped() const; SystemdScope scope() const; void setScope(SystemdScope scope); void setScopeAndUnitName(SystemdScope scope, const QString &unitName); bool isUserScope() const; static SyncthingService *mainInstance(); static void setMainInstance(SyncthingService *mainInstance); public Q_SLOTS: void setUnitName(const QString &unitName); void setRunning(bool running); void start(); void stop(); void toggleRunning(); void setEnabled(bool enable); void enable(); void disable(); void reloadAllUnitFiles(); Q_SIGNALS: void unitNameChanged(const QString &unitName); void systemdAvailableChanged(bool available); void unitAvailableChanged(bool available); void stateChanged(const QString &activeState, const QString &subState, CppUtilities::DateTime activeSince); void activeStateChanged(const QString &activeState); void subStateChanged(const QString &subState); void unitFileStateChanged(const QString &unitFileState); void descriptionChanged(const QString &description); void runningChanged(bool running); void enabledChanged(bool enable); void errorOccurred(const QString &context, const QString &name, const QString &message); void scopeChanged(SystemdScope scope); private Q_SLOTS: void handleUnitAdded(const QString &unitName, const QDBusObjectPath &unitPath); void handleUnitRemoved(const QString &unitName, const QDBusObjectPath &unitPath); void handleReloading(bool started); void handleUnitGet(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher); void handleGetUnitFileState(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher); void handlePropertiesChanged(const QString &interface, const QVariantMap &changedProperties, const QStringList &invalidatedProperties); void handleError(const char *error, QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher, bool reload = false); void handleServiceRegisteredChanged(const QString &service); static void handlePrepareForSleep(bool rightBefore); void setUnit(const QDBusObjectPath &objectPath); void setProperties( bool unitAvailable, const QString &activeState, const QString &subState, const QString &unitFileState, const QString &description); private: void setupSystemdInterface(); void setupFreedesktopLoginInterface(); template void makeAsyncCall(const QDBusPendingCall &call, HandlerType &&handler, bool removeHandler = true); void registerErrorHandler(const QDBusPendingCall &call, const char *context, bool reload = false, bool removeHandler = true); bool concludeAsyncCall(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher, bool reload = false); void clearSystemdInterface(); void clearUnitData(); void queryUnitFromSystemdInterface(); bool handlePropertyChanged(QString &variable, void (SyncthingService::*signal)(const QString &), const QString &propertyName, const QVariantMap &changedProperties, const QStringList &invalidatedProperties); bool handlePropertyChanged(CppUtilities::DateTime &variable, const QString &propertyName, const QVariantMap &changedProperties, const QStringList &invalidatedProperties); static OrgFreedesktopSystemd1ManagerInterface *s_systemdUserInterface; static OrgFreedesktopSystemd1ManagerInterface *s_systemdSystemInterface; static OrgFreedesktopLogin1ManagerInterface *s_loginManager; static bool s_fallingAsleep; static CppUtilities::DateTime s_lastWakeUp; static SyncthingService *s_mainInstance; QString m_unitName; QDBusServiceWatcher *m_serviceWatcher; OrgFreedesktopSystemd1UnitInterface *m_unit; OrgFreedesktopSystemd1ServiceInterface *m_service; OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesInterface *m_properties; QString m_description; QString m_activeState; QString m_subState; QString m_unitFileState; CppUtilities::DateTime m_activeSince; OrgFreedesktopSystemd1ManagerInterface *m_currentSystemdInterface; std::unordered_set m_pendingCalls; SystemdScope m_scope; bool m_manuallyStopped; bool m_unitAvailable; }; /*! * \brief Returns the name of the systemd user service unit to be controlled/monitored, e.g. "syncthing.service". */ inline const QString &SyncthingService::unitName() const { return m_unitName; } /*! * \brief Returns the active state of the unit. * \remarks The unit must be available, \sa SyncthingService::isUnitAvailable(). */ inline const QString &SyncthingService::activeState() const { return m_activeState; } /*! * \brief Returns the sub state of the unit. * \remarks The unit must be available, \sa SyncthingService::isUnitAvailable(). */ inline const QString &SyncthingService::subState() const { return m_subState; } /*! * \brief Returns the unit file state. * \remarks The unit must be available, \sa SyncthingService::isUnitAvailable(). */ inline const QString &SyncthingService::unitFileState() const { return m_unitFileState; } /*! * \brief Returns the unit description. * \remarks The unit must be available, \sa SyncthingService::isUnitAvailable(). */ inline const QString &SyncthingService::description() const { return m_description; } /*! * \brief Returns whether the unit is running. * \remarks The unit must be available, \sa SyncthingService::isUnitAvailable(). */ inline bool SyncthingService::isRunning() const { return m_activeState == QLatin1String("active") && m_subState == QLatin1String("running"); } /*! * \brief Starts the unit. */ inline void SyncthingService::start() { setRunning(true); } /*! * \brief Stops the unit. */ inline void SyncthingService::stop() { setRunning(false); } /*! * \brief Toggles the running state. */ inline void SyncthingService::toggleRunning() { setRunning(!isRunning()); } /*! * \brief Returns whether the unit is enabled. * \remarks The unit must be available, \sa SyncthingService::isUnitAvailable(). */ inline bool SyncthingService::isEnabled() const { return m_unitFileState == QLatin1String("enabled"); } /*! * \brief Returns whether the unit is disabled. * \remarks The unit must be available, \sa SyncthingService::isUnitAvailable(). */ inline bool SyncthingService::isDisabled() const { return m_unitFileState == QLatin1String("disabled"); } /*! * \brief Returns whether the unit can be enabled or started. */ inline bool Data::SyncthingService::canEnableOrStart() const { return isUnitAvailable() && (isDisabled() || !isRunning()); } /*! * \brief Returns whether the unit has been manually stopped via stop(), toggleRunning() or setRunning(). */ inline bool SyncthingService::isManuallyStopped() const { return m_manuallyStopped; } /*! * \brief Returns the scope the current instance is tuned to. */ inline SystemdScope SyncthingService::scope() const { return m_scope; } /*! * \brief Returns whether the scope is SystemdScope::User. */ inline bool SyncthingService::isUserScope() const { return m_scope == SystemdScope::User; } /*! * \brief Returns since when the unit is active. */ inline CppUtilities::DateTime SyncthingService::activeSince() const { return m_activeSince; } /*! * \brief Returns whether the unit has been active for at least \a atLeastSeconds. * \remarks An interruption due to standby is *not* taken into account. */ inline bool SyncthingService::isActiveFor(unsigned int atLeastSeconds) const { return !m_activeSince.isNull() && (CppUtilities::DateTime::gmtNow() - m_activeSince).totalSeconds() > atLeastSeconds; } /*! * \brief Returns whether the unit has been active for at least \a atLeastSeconds. * \remarks An interruption due to standby is taken into account. So if the last standby-wakeup was less than \a atLeastSeconds * ago this function returns false regardless of the unit's activeness. */ inline bool SyncthingService::isActiveWithoutSleepFor(unsigned int atLeastSeconds) const { return isActiveWithoutSleepFor(m_activeSince, atLeastSeconds); } /*! * \brief Returns when the last standby-wakeup happend. */ inline CppUtilities::DateTime SyncthingService::lastWakeUp() { return s_lastWakeUp; } /*! * \brief Enables the unit. */ inline void SyncthingService::enable() { setEnabled(true); } /*! * \brief Disables the unit. */ inline void SyncthingService::disable() { setEnabled(false); } /*! * \brief Returns the SyncthingService instance which has previously been assigned via SyncthingService::setMainInstance(). */ inline SyncthingService *SyncthingService::mainInstance() { return s_mainInstance; } /*! * \brief Assigns the "main" SyncthingService instance. */ inline void SyncthingService::setMainInstance(SyncthingService *mainInstance) { s_mainInstance = mainInstance; } } // namespace Data Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Data::ManagerDBusUnitFileChange) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Data::ManagerDBusUnitFileChangeList) #endif // defined(LIB_SYNCTHING_CONNECTOR_SUPPORT_SYSTEMD) && !defined(DATA_SYNCTHINGSERVICE_H)