#include "../../testhelper/syncthingtestinstance.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace Data; using namespace ChronoUtilities; using namespace IoUtilities; using namespace TestUtilities; using namespace TestUtilities::Literals; using namespace CPPUNIT_NS; /*! * \brief The ApplicationTests class tests the overall CLI application. */ class ApplicationTests : public TestFixture, private SyncthingTestInstance { CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(ApplicationTests); #ifdef PLATFORM_UNIX CPPUNIT_TEST(test); #endif CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END(); public: ApplicationTests(); void test(); void setUp(); void tearDown(); private: DateTime m_startTime; }; CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(ApplicationTests); ApplicationTests::ApplicationTests() { } /*! * \brief Ensures Syncthing dirs are empty and starts Syncthing. */ void ApplicationTests::setUp() { remove("/tmp/some/path/1/new-file.txt"); remove("/tmp/some/path/1/newdir/yet-another-file.txt"); remove("/tmp/some/path/1/newdir/default.profraw"); rmdir("/tmp/some/path/1/newdir"); SyncthingTestInstance::start(); m_startTime = DateTime::gmtNow(); } /*! * \brief Terminates Syncthing and prints stdout/stderr from Syncthing. */ void ApplicationTests::tearDown() { SyncthingTestInstance::stop(); } #ifdef PLATFORM_UNIX /*! * \brief Tests the overall CLI application. */ void ApplicationTests::test() { // prepare executing syncthingctl string stdout, stderr; const auto apiKey(this->apiKey().toLocal8Bit()); const auto url(argsToString("http://localhost:", syncthingPort().toInt())); // disable colorful output setenv("ENABLE_ESCAPE_CODES", "0", true); // load expected status const auto expectedStatusData(readFile(testFilePath("expected-status.txt"), 2048)); const regex expectedStatus(expectedStatusData); // save cwd (to restore later) char cwd[1024]; const bool hasCwd(getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd))); // wait till Syncthing GUI becomes available cerr << "\nWaiting till Syncthing GUI becomes available ..."; QByteArray syncthingOutput; do { // wait for output if (!syncthingProcess().bytesAvailable()) { // fail when already waiting for over 15 seconds const auto waitingTime(DateTime::gmtNow() - m_startTime); if (waitingTime.seconds() > 15) { CPPUNIT_FAIL("Syncthing needs longer than 15 seconds to become available."); } syncthingProcess().waitForReadyRead(15000 - waitingTime.milliseconds()); } syncthingOutput.append(syncthingProcess().readAll()); } while (!syncthingOutput.contains("Access the GUI via the following URL")); // test status for all dirs and devs const char *const statusArgs[] = { "syncthingctl", "status", "--api-key", apiKey.data(), "--url", url.data(), nullptr }; TESTUTILS_ASSERT_EXEC(statusArgs); cout << stdout; if (!regex_search(stdout, expectedStatus)) { cout << "expected status: " << expectedStatusData << '\n'; CPPUNIT_FAIL("Actual status does not match expected status."); } // test log const char *const logArgs[] = { "syncthingctl", "log", "--api-key", apiKey.data(), "--url", url.data(), nullptr }; TESTUTILS_ASSERT_EXEC(logArgs); cout << stdout; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("syncthing v") != string::npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("My ID") != string::npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Startup complete") != string::npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Access the GUI via the following URL") != string::npos); // use environment variables to specify API-key and URL setenv("SYNCTHING_CTL_API_KEY", apiKey.data(), true); setenv("SYNCTHING_CTL_URL", url.data(), true); // test resume, verify via status for dirs only const char *const resumeArgs[] = { "syncthingctl", "resume", "--dir", "test2", nullptr }; const char *const statusDirsOnlyArgs[] = { "syncthingctl", "status", "--all-dirs", nullptr }; TESTUTILS_ASSERT_EXEC(resumeArgs); TESTUTILS_ASSERT_EXEC(statusDirsOnlyArgs); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("test2") != string::npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("paused") == string::npos); // test pause, verify via status on specific dir const char *const pauseArgs[] = { "syncthingctl", "pause", "--dir", "test2", nullptr }; const char *const statusTest2Args[] = { "syncthingctl", "status", "--dir", "test2", nullptr }; TESTUTILS_ASSERT_EXEC(pauseArgs); TESTUTILS_ASSERT_EXEC(statusTest2Args); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("test1") == string::npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("test2") != string::npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("paused") != string::npos); // test cat const char *const catArgs[] = { "syncthingctl", "cat", nullptr }; TESTUTILS_ASSERT_EXEC(catArgs); cout << stdout; QJsonParseError error; const auto doc(QJsonDocument::fromJson(QByteArray(stdout.data(), stdout.size()), &error)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(QJsonParseError::NoError, error.error); const auto object(doc.object()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(object.value(QLatin1String("options")).isObject()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(object.value(QLatin1String("devices")).isArray()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(object.value(QLatin1String("folders")).isArray()); // test edit #if defined(SYNCTHINGCTL_USE_JSENGINE) || defined(SYNCTHINGCTL_USE_SCRIPT) const char *const editArgs[] = { "syncthingctl", "edit", "--js-lines", "assignIfPresent(findFolder('test1'), 'rescanIntervalS', 0);", nullptr }; const char *const statusTest1Args[] = { "syncthingctl", "status", "--dir", "test1", nullptr }; TESTUTILS_ASSERT_EXEC(editArgs); cout << stdout; TESTUTILS_ASSERT_EXEC(statusTest1Args); cout << stdout; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("test1") != string::npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("test2") == string::npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Rescan interval file system watcher and periodic rescan disabled") != string::npos); #endif // test rescan: create new file, trigger rescan, check status CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ofstream("/tmp/some/path/1/new-file.txt") << "foo"); const char *const rescanArgs[] = { "syncthingctl", "rescan", "test1", nullptr }; TESTUTILS_ASSERT_EXEC(rescanArgs); cout << stdout; TESTUTILS_ASSERT_EXEC(statusTest1Args); cout << stdout; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("test1") != string::npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Local 1 file(s), 0 dir(s), 3 bytes") != string::npos); // test pwd // -> create and enter new dir, also create a 2nd file in it chdir("/tmp/some/path/1"); mkdir("newdir", S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); chdir("newdir"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ofstream("yet-another-file.txt") << "bar"); // -> change LLVM_PROFILE_FILE to prevent default.profraw file being created in the new directory const char *const llvmProfileFile(getenv("LLVM_PROFILE_FILE")); setenv("LLVM_PROFILE_FILE", "/tmp/syncthingctl-%p.profraw", true); // -> do actual test const char *const pwdRescanArgs[] = { "syncthingctl", "pwd", "rescan", nullptr }; TESTUTILS_ASSERT_EXEC(pwdRescanArgs); cout << stdout; // -> restore LLVM_PROFILE_FILE if (llvmProfileFile) { setenv("LLVM_PROFILE_FILE", llvmProfileFile, true); } else { unsetenv("LLVM_PROFILE_FILE"); } // -> verify result const char *const pwdStatusArgs[] = { "syncthingctl", "pwd", "status", nullptr }; TESTUTILS_ASSERT_EXEC(pwdStatusArgs); cout << stdout; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("test1") != string::npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Local 2 file(s), 1 dir(s)") != string::npos); // switch back to initial working dir if (hasCwd) { chdir(cwd); } } #endif