#include "./syncthingprocess.h" #include #ifdef LIB_SYNCTHING_CONNECTOR_BOOST_PROCESS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif using namespace CppUtilities; namespace Data { #ifdef LIB_SYNCTHING_CONNECTOR_BOOST_PROCESS /// \brief Holds data related to the process execution via Boost.Process. /// \remarks A new one is created for each process to be started. struct SyncthingProcessInternalData : std::enable_shared_from_this { static constexpr std::size_t bufferCapacity = 0x1000; static_assert(SyncthingProcessInternalData::bufferCapacity <= std::numeric_limits::max()); explicit SyncthingProcessInternalData(boost::asio::io_context &ioc); struct Lock { explicit Lock(const std::weak_ptr &weak); operator bool() const; std::shared_ptr process; std::unique_lock lock; }; std::mutex mutex; QString program; QStringList arguments; boost::process::group group; boost::process::child child; boost::process::async_pipe pipe; std::mutex readMutex; std::condition_variable readCondVar; char buffer[bufferCapacity]; std::atomic_size_t bytesBuffered = 0; std::size_t bytesRead = 0; QProcess::ProcessState state = QProcess::NotRunning; }; /// \brief Holds the IO context and thread handles for the process execution via Boost.Process. /// \remarks A new one is created for each SyncthingProcess instance. struct SyncthingProcessIOHandler { explicit SyncthingProcessIOHandler(); ~SyncthingProcessIOHandler(); boost::asio::io_context ioc; boost::asio::executor_work_guard guard; std::thread t; }; #endif SyncthingProcess *SyncthingProcess::s_mainInstance = nullptr; /*! * \class SyncthingProcess * \brief The SyncthingProcess class starts a Syncthing instance or additional tools as an external process. * * This class is actually not Syncthing-specific. It is just an extension of QProcess for some use-cases within * Syncthing Tray. */ /*! * \brief Constructs a new Syncthing process. */ SyncthingProcess::SyncthingProcess(QObject *parent) : SyncthingProcessBase(parent) , m_manuallyStopped(true) { m_killTimer.setInterval(3000); m_killTimer.setSingleShot(true); setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); connect(this, &SyncthingProcess::started, this, &SyncthingProcess::handleStarted); connect(this, static_cast(&SyncthingProcess::finished), this, &SyncthingProcess::handleFinished, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(&m_killTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &SyncthingProcess::confirmKill); } /*! * \brief Destroys the process. */ SyncthingProcess::~SyncthingProcess() { #ifdef LIB_SYNCTHING_CONNECTOR_BOOST_PROCESS // block until all callbacks have been processed if (!m_process) { return; } const auto lock = std::lock_guard(m_process->mutex); m_process.reset(); #endif } /*! * \brief Splits the given arguments similar to how a shell would split it. So whitespaces are considered seperators unless quotes are used. */ QStringList SyncthingProcess::splitArguments(const QString &arguments) { enum { Any, Quote, Slash, Space } lastInput = Any; bool inQuotes = false; QStringList result; QString currentArg; for (const auto c : arguments) { switch (c.unicode()) { case '\"': case '\'': switch (lastInput) { case Slash: currentArg += c; lastInput = Any; break; default: inQuotes = !inQuotes; lastInput = Quote; } break; case '\\': switch (lastInput) { case Slash: currentArg += c; lastInput = Any; break; default: lastInput = Slash; } break; case ' ': switch (lastInput) { case Slash: if (!currentArg.isEmpty()) { currentArg += c; } lastInput = Any; break; case Space: if (inQuotes) { currentArg += c; lastInput = Any; } break; default: if (inQuotes) { currentArg += c; lastInput = Any; } else { if (!currentArg.isEmpty()) { result << currentArg; currentArg.clear(); } lastInput = Space; } } break; default: currentArg += c; lastInput = Any; } } if (!currentArg.isEmpty()) { result << currentArg; } return result; } /*! * \brief Stops the currently running process. If it has been stopped, starts the specified \a program with the specified \a arguments. */ void SyncthingProcess::restartSyncthing(const QString &program, const QStringList &arguments) { if (!isRunning()) { startSyncthing(program, arguments); return; } m_program = program; m_arguments = arguments; m_manuallyStopped = true; m_killTimer.start(); terminate(); } /*! * \brief Starts the specified \a program with the specified \a arguments. */ void SyncthingProcess::startSyncthing(const QString &program, const QStringList &arguments) { if (isRunning()) { return; } m_manuallyStopped = false; m_killTimer.stop(); start(program, arguments, QIODevice::ReadOnly); } /*! * \brief Stops the currently running process gracefully. If it doesn't stop after 3 seconds, attempts to kill the process. */ void SyncthingProcess::stopSyncthing() { m_manuallyStopped = true; m_killTimer.start(); terminate(); } /*! * \brief Kills the currently running process. */ void SyncthingProcess::killSyncthing() { m_manuallyStopped = true; m_killTimer.stop(); kill(); } /*! * \brief Keeps track of when the process has been started. */ void SyncthingProcess::handleStarted() { m_activeSince = DateTime::gmtNow(); } /*! * \brief Resets the state after the process has finished; restart it again if requested. */ void SyncthingProcess::handleFinished(int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus) { Q_UNUSED(exitCode) Q_UNUSED(exitStatus) m_activeSince = DateTime(); m_killTimer.stop(); if (!m_program.isEmpty()) { startSyncthing(m_program, m_arguments); m_program.clear(); m_arguments.clear(); } } /*! * \brief Kills the process if it is supposed to be restarted. */ void SyncthingProcess::killToRestart() { if (!m_program.isEmpty()) { kill(); } } // The functions below are for using Boost.Process (instead of QProcess) to be able to // terminate the process better by using a group. #ifdef LIB_SYNCTHING_CONNECTOR_BOOST_PROCESS SyncthingProcessIOHandler::SyncthingProcessIOHandler() : ioc() , guard(boost::asio::make_work_guard(ioc)) , t([this] { ioc.run(); }) { } SyncthingProcessIOHandler::~SyncthingProcessIOHandler() { ioc.stop(); guard.reset(); t.join(); } Data::SyncthingProcessInternalData::SyncthingProcessInternalData(boost::asio::io_context &ioc) : pipe(ioc) { } Data::SyncthingProcessInternalData::Lock::Lock(const std::weak_ptr &weak) : process(weak.lock()) , lock(process ? decltype(lock)(process->mutex, std::try_to_lock) : decltype(lock)()) { } Data::SyncthingProcessInternalData::Lock::operator bool() const { return process && lock; } /*! * \brief Internally handles an error. */ void SyncthingProcess::handleError(int error, const QString &errorMessage, bool closed) { setErrorString(errorMessage); emit errorOccurred(static_cast(error)); if (closed) { setOpenMode(QIODevice::NotOpen); } } /*! * \brief Returns the process' state. * \remarks The process is only considered QProcess::NotRunning if all sub processes it has created have been * terminated as well. */ QProcess::ProcessState SyncthingProcess::state() const { return !m_process ? QProcess::NotRunning : m_process->state; } /*! * \brief Starts a new process within a new process group (or job object under Windows) with the specified parameters. * \remarks * - The specified \a openMode must be QIODevice::ReadOnly. * - Only one process can be started at a time. Starting another process while the previous one or any child * process of it is still running is an error. * - In case of an error the error strinng is set and errorOccurred() is emitted. */ void SyncthingProcess::start(const QString &program, const QStringList &arguments, QIODevice::OpenMode openMode) { // ensure the dev is only opened in read-only mode because writing is not implemented here if (openMode != QIODevice::ReadOnly) { setErrorString(QStringLiteral("only read-only openmode supported")); std::cerr << EscapeCodes::Phrases::Error << "Unable to launch process: only read-only openmode supported" << EscapeCodes::Phrases::End; emit errorOccurred(QProcess::FailedToStart); return; } // handle current/previous process if (m_process) { const auto lock = std::lock_guard(m_process->mutex); if (m_process->state != QProcess::NotRunning) { setErrorString(QStringLiteral("process is still running")); std::cerr << EscapeCodes::Phrases::Error << "Unable to launch process: previous process still running" << EscapeCodes::Phrases::End; emit errorOccurred(QProcess::FailedToStart); return; } m_process.reset(); } // setup new handler/process if (!m_handler) { m_handler = std::make_unique(); } m_process = std::make_shared(m_handler->ioc); emit stateChanged(m_process->state = QProcess::Starting); // convert args auto prog = program.toStdString(); auto args = std::vector(); args.reserve(static_cast(arguments.size())); for (const auto &arg : arguments) { args.emplace_back(arg.toStdString()); } m_process->program = program; m_process->arguments = arguments; // define handler auto successHandler = boost::process::extend::on_success = [this, maybeProcess = m_process->weak_from_this()](auto &executor) { std::cerr << EscapeCodes::Phrases::Info << "Launched process, PID: " << executor #ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS .proc_info.dwProcessId #else .pid #endif << EscapeCodes::Phrases::End; if (const auto lock = SyncthingProcessInternalData::Lock(maybeProcess)) { emit stateChanged(m_process->state = QProcess::Running); emit started(); } }; auto exitHandler = boost::process::on_exit = [this, maybeProcess = m_process->weak_from_this()](int rc, const std::error_code &ec) { const auto lock = SyncthingProcessInternalData::Lock(maybeProcess); if (!lock) { return; } handleLeftoverProcesses(); emit stateChanged(m_process->state = QProcess::NotRunning); emit finished(rc, rc != 0 ? QProcess::CrashExit : QProcess::NormalExit); if (ec) { const auto msg = ec.message(); std::cerr << EscapeCodes::Phrases::Info << "Launched process " << m_process->child.native_handle() << " exited with error: " << msg << EscapeCodes::Phrases::End; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "handleError", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(int, QProcess::Crashed), Q_ARG(QString, QString::fromStdString(msg)), Q_ARG(bool, false)); } }; auto errorHandler = boost::process::extend::on_error = [this, maybeProcess = m_process->weak_from_this()](auto &, const std::error_code &ec) { const auto lock = SyncthingProcessInternalData::Lock(maybeProcess); if (!lock) { return; } handleLeftoverProcesses(); const auto started = m_process->state == QProcess::Running; if (m_process->state != QProcess::NotRunning) { emit stateChanged(m_process->state = QProcess::NotRunning); } if (started) { emit finished(0, QProcess::CrashExit); } const auto error = ec == std::errc::timed_out || ec == std::errc::stream_timeout ? QProcess::Timedout : QProcess::Crashed; const auto msg = ec.message(); std::cerr << EscapeCodes::Phrases::Error << "Unable to launch process: " << msg << EscapeCodes::Phrases::End; QMetaObject::invokeMethod( this, "handleError", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(int, error), Q_ARG(QString, QString::fromStdString(msg)), Q_ARG(bool, false)); }; // start the process within a new process group (or job object under Windows) try { auto path = boost::filesystem::path(prog); if (path.is_relative()) { path = boost::process::search_path(path); } switch (m_mode) { case QProcess::MergedChannels: m_process->child = boost::process::child(m_handler->ioc, m_process->group, path, args, (boost::process::std_out & boost::process::std_err) > m_process->pipe, std::move(successHandler), std::move(exitHandler), std::move(errorHandler)); break; case QProcess::ForwardedChannels: m_process->child = boost::process::child( m_handler->ioc, m_process->group, path, args, std::move(successHandler), std::move(exitHandler), std::move(errorHandler)); break; default: std::cerr << EscapeCodes::Phrases::Error << "Unable to launch process: specified channel mode not supported" << EscapeCodes::Phrases::End; emit stateChanged(m_process->state = QProcess::NotRunning); handleError(QProcess::FailedToStart, QStringLiteral("specified channel mode not supported"), false); return; } } catch (const boost::process::process_error &e) { std::cerr << EscapeCodes::Phrases::Error << "Unable to launch process: " << e.what() << EscapeCodes::Phrases::End; emit stateChanged(m_process->state = QProcess::NotRunning); handleError(QProcess::FailedToStart, QString::fromUtf8(e.what()), false); return; } // start reading the process' output open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); bufferOutput(); } /*! * \brief Terminates the launched process and all child processes gracefully if possible. * \remarks Sends SIGTERM to the process group under POSIX and invokes TerminateJobObject() under Windows. */ void SyncthingProcess::terminate() { if (!m_process) { return; } #ifdef PLATFORM_UNIX auto lock = std::unique_lock(m_process->mutex); if (!m_process->group.valid()) { return; } const auto groupId = m_process->group.native_handle(); lock.unlock(); if (::killpg(groupId, SIGTERM) == -1) { if (const auto ec = boost::process::detail::get_last_error(); ec != std::errc::no_such_process) { const auto msg = ec.message(); std::cerr << EscapeCodes::Phrases::Error << "Unable to kill process group " << groupId << ": " << msg << EscapeCodes::Phrases::End; setErrorString(QString::fromStdString(msg)); emit errorOccurred(QProcess::UnknownError); } } #else // there seems no way to stop the process group gracefully under Windows so just kill it // note: Posting a WM_CLOSE message like QProcess would attempt doesn't work for Syncthing. kill(); #endif } /*! * \brief Terminates the launched process and all child processes forcefully. * \remarks Sends SIGKILL to the process group under POSIX and invokes TerminateJobObject() under Windows. */ void SyncthingProcess::kill() { if (!m_process) { return; } auto ec = std::error_code(); auto lock = std::unique_lock(m_process->mutex); if (!m_process->group.valid()) { return; } const auto groupId = m_process->group.native_handle(); m_process->group.terminate(ec); lock.unlock(); if (ec && ec != std::errc::no_such_process) { const auto msg = ec.message(); std::cerr << EscapeCodes::Phrases::Error << "Unable to kill process group " << groupId << ": " << msg << EscapeCodes::Phrases::End; setErrorString(QString::fromStdString(msg)); emit errorOccurred(QProcess::UnknownError); } // note: No need to emit finished() signal here, the on_exit handler will fire // also in case of a forceful termination. } /*! * \brief Reads data from the pipe into the internal buffer. */ void SyncthingProcess::bufferOutput() { m_process->pipe.async_read_some(boost::asio::buffer(m_process->buffer, m_process->bufferCapacity), [this, maybeProcess = m_process->weak_from_this()](const boost::system::error_code &ec, auto bytesRead) { const auto lock = SyncthingProcessInternalData::Lock(maybeProcess); if (!lock) { return; } m_process->bytesBuffered = bytesRead; if (ec == boost::asio::error::eof #ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS // looks like we're getting broken pipe (and not just eof) under Windows when stopping the process || ec == boost::asio::error::broken_pipe #endif ) { m_process->pipe.async_close(); setOpenMode(QIODevice::NotOpen); } else if (ec) { const auto msg = ec.message(); std::cerr << EscapeCodes::Phrases::Error << "Unable to read output of process " << m_process->child.native_handle() << ": " << msg << EscapeCodes::Phrases::End; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "handleError", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(int, QProcess::ReadError), Q_ARG(QString, QString::fromStdString(msg)), Q_ARG(bool, true)); } if (!ec || bytesRead) { emit readyRead(); m_process->readCondVar.notify_all(); } }); } /*! * \brief Terminates all process in the group forcefully and waits until they're gone. */ void SyncthingProcess::handleLeftoverProcesses() { if (!m_process->group.valid()) { return; } auto ec = std::error_code(); m_process->group.terminate(ec); if (ec && ec != std::errc::no_such_process) { std::cerr << EscapeCodes::Phrases::Error << "Unable to kill leftover processes in group " << m_process->group.native_handle() << ": " << ec.message() << EscapeCodes::Phrases::End; } if (!m_process->group.valid()) { return; } m_process->group.wait(ec); // wait until group has terminated: Is this ever required? if (ec && ec != std::errc::no_such_process) { std::cerr << EscapeCodes::Phrases::Error << "Unable to wait for leftover processes in group " << m_process->group.native_handle() << ": " << ec.message() << EscapeCodes::Phrases::End; } } qint64 SyncthingProcess::bytesAvailable() const { return (m_process ? static_cast(m_process->bytesBuffered) : 0) + QIODevice::bytesAvailable(); } void SyncthingProcess::close() { aboutToClose(); if (m_process) { const auto lock = std::lock_guard(m_process->mutex); m_process->pipe.async_close(); kill(); } setOpenMode(QIODevice::NotOpen); } /*! * \brief Returns the exit code of the last process which has been started. * \remarks Only valid if the process has already terminated. */ int SyncthingProcess::exitCode() const { return m_process ? m_process->child.exit_code() : 0; } /*! * \brief Waits until the current process and all its child processes have been terminated. * \param msecs Specifies the number of milliseconds to wait at most or a negative integer to wait infinitely. */ bool SyncthingProcess::waitForFinished(int msecs) { if (!m_process || !m_process->group.valid()) { return false; } auto ec = std::error_code(); if (msecs < 0) { m_process->group.wait(ec); } else { m_process->group.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(msecs), ec); } return !ec || ec == std::errc::no_such_process || ec == std::errc::no_child_process; } bool SyncthingProcess::waitForReadyRead(int msecs) { if (!m_process) { return false; } if (m_process->bytesBuffered) { return true; } auto lock = std::unique_lock(m_process->readMutex); if (msecs < 0) { m_process->readCondVar.wait(lock); } else { m_process->readCondVar.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(msecs)); } return m_process->bytesBuffered; } /*! * \brief Returns the process ID of the last process which has been started. */ qint64 SyncthingProcess::processId() const { return m_process ? m_process->child.id() : -1; } /*! * \brief Returns the path/executable of the last process which has been started. */ QString SyncthingProcess::program() const { return m_process ? m_process->program : QString(); } /*! * \brief Returns the arguments the last process has been started with. */ QStringList SyncthingProcess::arguments() const { return m_process ? m_process->arguments : QStringList(); } qint64 SyncthingProcess::readData(char *data, qint64 maxSize) { if (!m_process) { return -1; } if (maxSize < 1) { return 0; } if (!m_process->bytesBuffered) { bufferOutput(); return 0; } const auto bytesAvailable = m_process->bytesBuffered - m_process->bytesRead; if (bytesAvailable > static_cast(maxSize)) { std::memcpy(data, m_process->buffer + m_process->bytesRead, static_cast(maxSize)); m_process->bytesRead += static_cast(maxSize); return maxSize; } else { std::memcpy(data, m_process->buffer + m_process->bytesRead, bytesAvailable); m_process->bytesBuffered = 0; m_process->bytesRead = 0; bufferOutput(); return static_cast(bytesAvailable); } } qint64 SyncthingProcess::writeData(const char *data, qint64 len) { Q_UNUSED(data) Q_UNUSED(len) return -1; } #endif } // namespace Data