Jakob Borg d19b12d3fe lib/protocol: Buffer allocation when compressing (fixes #6146) (#6147)
We incorrectly gave a too small buffer to lz4.Compress, causing it to
allocate in some cases (when the data actually becomes larger when
compressed). This then panicked when passed to the buffer pool.

This ensures a buffer that is large enough, and adds tripwires closer to
the source in case this ever pops up again. There is a test that
exercises the issue.
2019-11-11 08:36:31 +00:00

867 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2014 The Protocol Authors.
package protocol
import (
var (
c0ID = NewDeviceID([]byte{1})
c1ID = NewDeviceID([]byte{2})
quickCfg = &quick.Config{}
func TestPing(t *testing.T) {
ar, aw := io.Pipe()
br, bw := io.Pipe()
c0 := NewConnection(c0ID, ar, bw, newTestModel(), "name", CompressAlways).(wireFormatConnection).Connection.(*rawConnection)
c1 := NewConnection(c1ID, br, aw, newTestModel(), "name", CompressAlways).(wireFormatConnection).Connection.(*rawConnection)
if ok :=; !ok {
t.Error("c0 ping failed")
if ok :=; !ok {
t.Error("c1 ping failed")
var errManual = errors.New("manual close")
func TestClose(t *testing.T) {
m0 := newTestModel()
m1 := newTestModel()
ar, aw := io.Pipe()
br, bw := io.Pipe()
c0 := NewConnection(c0ID, ar, bw, m0, "name", CompressAlways).(wireFormatConnection).Connection.(*rawConnection)
c1 := NewConnection(c1ID, br, aw, m1, "name", CompressAlways)
if err := m0.closedError(); err != errManual {
t.Fatal("Connection should be closed")
// None of these should panic, some should return an error
if {
t.Error("Ping should not return true")
c0.Index("default", nil)
c0.Index("default", nil)
if _, err := c0.Request("default", "foo", 0, 0, nil, 0, false); err == nil {
t.Error("Request should return an error")
// TestCloseOnBlockingSend checks that the connection does not deadlock when
// Close is called while the underlying connection is broken (send blocks).
func TestCloseOnBlockingSend(t *testing.T) {
oldCloseTimeout := CloseTimeout
CloseTimeout = 100 * time.Millisecond
defer func() {
CloseTimeout = oldCloseTimeout
m := newTestModel()
c := NewConnection(c0ID, &testutils.BlockingRW{}, &testutils.BlockingRW{}, m, "name", CompressAlways).(wireFormatConnection).Connection.(*rawConnection)
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
go func() {
go func() {
// This simulates an error from ping timeout
go func() {
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
select {
case <-done:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out before all functions returned")
func TestCloseRace(t *testing.T) {
indexReceived := make(chan struct{})
unblockIndex := make(chan struct{})
m0 := newTestModel()
m0.indexFn = func(_ DeviceID, _ string, _ []FileInfo) {
m1 := newTestModel()
ar, aw := io.Pipe()
br, bw := io.Pipe()
c0 := NewConnection(c0ID, ar, bw, m0, "c0", CompressNever).(wireFormatConnection).Connection.(*rawConnection)
c1 := NewConnection(c1ID, br, aw, m1, "c1", CompressNever)
c1.Index("default", nil)
select {
case <-indexReceived:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out before receiving index")
go c0.internalClose(errManual)
select {
case <-c0.closed:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out before c0.closed was closed")
select {
case <-m0.closedCh:
t.Errorf("receiver.Closed called before receiver.Index")
if err := m0.closedError(); err != errManual {
t.Fatal("Connection should be closed")
func TestClusterConfigFirst(t *testing.T) {
m := newTestModel()
c := NewConnection(c0ID, &testutils.BlockingRW{}, &testutils.NoopRW{}, m, "name", CompressAlways).(wireFormatConnection).Connection.(*rawConnection)
select {
case c.outbox <- asyncMessage{&Ping{}, nil}:
t.Fatal("able to send ping before cluster config")
case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
// Allow some time for c.writerLoop to setup after c.Start
done := make(chan struct{})
if ok := c.send(&Ping{}, done); !ok {
t.Fatal("send ping after cluster config returned false")
select {
case <-done:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out before ping was sent")
done = make(chan struct{})
go func() {
select {
case <-done:
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("Close didn't return before timeout")
if err := m.closedError(); err != errManual {
t.Fatal("Connection should be closed")
// TestCloseTimeout checks that calling Close times out and proceeds, if sending
// the close message does not succeed.
func TestCloseTimeout(t *testing.T) {
oldCloseTimeout := CloseTimeout
CloseTimeout = 100 * time.Millisecond
defer func() {
CloseTimeout = oldCloseTimeout
m := newTestModel()
c := NewConnection(c0ID, &testutils.BlockingRW{}, &testutils.BlockingRW{}, m, "name", CompressAlways).(wireFormatConnection).Connection.(*rawConnection)
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
select {
case <-done:
case <-time.After(5 * CloseTimeout):
t.Fatal("timed out before Close returned")
func TestMarshalIndexMessage(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
quickCfg.MaxCount = 10
f := func(m1 Index) bool {
if len(m1.Files) == 0 {
m1.Files = nil
for i, f := range m1.Files {
if len(f.Blocks) == 0 {
m1.Files[i].Blocks = nil
} else {
for j := range f.Blocks {
f.Blocks[j].Offset = 0
if len(f.Blocks[j].Hash) == 0 {
f.Blocks[j].Hash = nil
if len(f.Version.Counters) == 0 {
m1.Files[i].Version.Counters = nil
return testMarshal(t, "index", &m1, &Index{})
if err := quick.Check(f, quickCfg); err != nil {
func TestMarshalRequestMessage(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
quickCfg.MaxCount = 10
f := func(m1 Request) bool {
if len(m1.Hash) == 0 {
m1.Hash = nil
return testMarshal(t, "request", &m1, &Request{})
if err := quick.Check(f, quickCfg); err != nil {
func TestMarshalResponseMessage(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
quickCfg.MaxCount = 10
f := func(m1 Response) bool {
if len(m1.Data) == 0 {
m1.Data = nil
return testMarshal(t, "response", &m1, &Response{})
if err := quick.Check(f, quickCfg); err != nil {
func TestMarshalClusterConfigMessage(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
quickCfg.MaxCount = 10
f := func(m1 ClusterConfig) bool {
if len(m1.Folders) == 0 {
m1.Folders = nil
for i := range m1.Folders {
if len(m1.Folders[i].Devices) == 0 {
m1.Folders[i].Devices = nil
return testMarshal(t, "clusterconfig", &m1, &ClusterConfig{})
if err := quick.Check(f, quickCfg); err != nil {
func TestMarshalCloseMessage(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
quickCfg.MaxCount = 10
f := func(m1 Close) bool {
return testMarshal(t, "close", &m1, &Close{})
if err := quick.Check(f, quickCfg); err != nil {
func TestMarshalFDPU(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
quickCfg.MaxCount = 10
f := func(m1 FileDownloadProgressUpdate) bool {
if len(m1.Version.Counters) == 0 {
m1.Version.Counters = nil
return testMarshal(t, "close", &m1, &FileDownloadProgressUpdate{})
if err := quick.Check(f, quickCfg); err != nil {
func TestUnmarshalFDPUv16v17(t *testing.T) {
var fdpu FileDownloadProgressUpdate
m0, _ := hex.DecodeString("08cda1e2e3011278f3918787f3b89b8af2958887f0aa9389f3a08588f3aa8f96f39aa8a5f48b9188f19286a0f3848da4f3aba799f3beb489f0a285b9f487b684f2a3bda2f48598b4f2938a89f2a28badf187a0a2f2aebdbdf4849494f4808fbbf2b3a2adf2bb95bff0a6ada4f198ab9af29a9c8bf1abb793f3baabb2f188a6ba1a0020bb9390f60220f6d9e42220b0c7e2b2fdffffffff0120fdb2dfcdfbffffffff0120cedab1d50120bd8784c0feffffffff0120ace99591fdffffffff0120eed7d09af9ffffffff01")
if err := fdpu.Unmarshal(m0); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Unmarshalling message from v0.14.16:", err)
m1, _ := hex.DecodeString("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")
if err := fdpu.Unmarshal(m1); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Unmarshalling message from v0.14.16:", err)
func testMarshal(t *testing.T, prefix string, m1, m2 message) bool {
buf, err := m1.Marshal()
if err != nil {
err = m2.Unmarshal(buf)
if err != nil {
bs1, _ := json.MarshalIndent(m1, "", " ")
bs2, _ := json.MarshalIndent(m2, "", " ")
if !bytes.Equal(bs1, bs2) {
ioutil.WriteFile(prefix+"-1.txt", bs1, 0644)
ioutil.WriteFile(prefix+"-2.txt", bs2, 0644)
return false
return true
func TestLZ4Compression(t *testing.T) {
c := new(rawConnection)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
dataLen := 150 + rand.Intn(150)
data := make([]byte, dataLen)
_, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, data[100:])
if err != nil {
comp, err := c.lz4Compress(data)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("compressing %d bytes: %v", dataLen, err)
res, err := c.lz4Decompress(comp)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("decompressing %d bytes to %d: %v", len(comp), dataLen, err)
if len(res) != len(data) {
t.Errorf("Incorrect len %d != expected %d", len(res), len(data))
if !bytes.Equal(data, res) {
t.Error("Incorrect decompressed data")
t.Logf("OK #%d, %d -> %d -> %d", i, dataLen, len(comp), dataLen)
func TestStressLZ4CompressGrows(t *testing.T) {
c := new(rawConnection)
success := 0
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
// Create a slize that is precisely one min block size, fill it with
// random data. This shouldn't compress at all, so will in fact
// become larger when LZ4 does its thing.
data := make([]byte, MinBlockSize)
if _, err := rand.Reader.Read(data); err != nil {
t.Fatal("randomness failure")
comp, err := c.lz4Compress(data)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("unexpected compression error: ", err)
if len(comp) < len(data) {
// data size should grow. We must have been really unlucky in
// the random generation, try again.
// Putting it into the buffer pool shouldn't panic because the block
// should come from there to begin with.
if success == 0 {
t.Fatal("unable to find data that grows when compressed")
func TestCheckFilename(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
name string
ok bool
// Valid filenames
{"foo", true},
{"foo/bar/baz", true},
{"foo/bar:baz", true}, // colon is ok in general, will be filtered on windows
{`\`, true}, // path separator on the wire is forward slash, so as above
{`\.`, true},
{`\..`, true},
{".foo", true},
{"foo..", true},
// Invalid filenames
{"foo/..", false},
{"foo/../bar", false},
{"../foo/../bar", false},
{"", false},
{".", false},
{"..", false},
{"/", false},
{"/.", false},
{"/..", false},
{"/foo", false},
{"./foo", false},
{"foo./", false},
{"foo/.", false},
{"foo/", false},
for _, tc := range cases {
err := checkFilename(
if (err == nil) != tc.ok {
t.Errorf("Unexpected result for checkFilename(%q): %v",, err)
func TestCheckConsistency(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
fi FileInfo
ok bool
// valid
fi: FileInfo{
Name: "foo",
Type: FileInfoTypeFile,
Blocks: []BlockInfo{{Size: 1234, Offset: 0, Hash: []byte{1, 2, 3, 4}}},
ok: true,
// deleted with blocks
fi: FileInfo{
Name: "foo",
Deleted: true,
Type: FileInfoTypeFile,
Blocks: []BlockInfo{{Size: 1234, Offset: 0, Hash: []byte{1, 2, 3, 4}}},
ok: false,
// no blocks
fi: FileInfo{
Name: "foo",
Type: FileInfoTypeFile,
ok: false,
// directory with blocks
fi: FileInfo{
Name: "foo",
Type: FileInfoTypeDirectory,
Blocks: []BlockInfo{{Size: 1234, Offset: 0, Hash: []byte{1, 2, 3, 4}}},
ok: false,
for _, tc := range cases {
err := checkFileInfoConsistency(
if tc.ok && err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected error %v (want nil) for %v", err,
if !tc.ok && err == nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected nil error for %v",
func TestBlockSize(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
fileSize int64
blockSize int
{1 << KiB, 128 << KiB},
{1 << MiB, 128 << KiB},
{499 << MiB, 256 << KiB},
{500 << MiB, 512 << KiB},
{501 << MiB, 512 << KiB},
{1 << GiB, 1 << MiB},
{2 << GiB, 2 << MiB},
{3 << GiB, 2 << MiB},
{500 << GiB, 16 << MiB},
{50000 << GiB, 16 << MiB},
for _, tc := range cases {
size := BlockSize(tc.fileSize)
if size != tc.blockSize {
t.Errorf("BlockSize(%d), size=%d, expected %d", tc.fileSize, size, tc.blockSize)
var blockSize int
func BenchmarkBlockSize(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
blockSize = BlockSize(16 << 30)
func TestLocalFlagBits(t *testing.T) {
var f FileInfo
if f.IsIgnored() || f.MustRescan() || f.IsInvalid() {
t.Error("file should have no weird bits set by default")
if !f.IsIgnored() || f.MustRescan() || !f.IsInvalid() {
t.Error("file should be ignored and invalid")
if f.IsIgnored() || !f.MustRescan() || !f.IsInvalid() {
t.Error("file should be must-rescan and invalid")
if f.IsIgnored() || f.MustRescan() || !f.IsInvalid() {
t.Error("file should be invalid")
func TestIsEquivalent(t *testing.T) {
b := func(v bool) *bool {
return &v
type testCase struct {
a FileInfo
b FileInfo
ignPerms *bool // nil means should not matter, we'll test both variants
ignBlocks *bool
ignFlags uint32
eq bool
cases := []testCase{
// Empty FileInfos are equivalent
{eq: true},
// Various basic attributes, all of which cause ineqality when
// they differ
a: FileInfo{Name: "foo"},
b: FileInfo{Name: "bar"},
eq: false,
a: FileInfo{Type: FileInfoTypeFile},
b: FileInfo{Type: FileInfoTypeDirectory},
eq: false,
a: FileInfo{Size: 1234},
b: FileInfo{Size: 2345},
eq: false,
a: FileInfo{Deleted: false},
b: FileInfo{Deleted: true},
eq: false,
a: FileInfo{RawInvalid: false},
b: FileInfo{RawInvalid: true},
eq: false,
a: FileInfo{ModifiedS: 1234},
b: FileInfo{ModifiedS: 2345},
eq: false,
a: FileInfo{ModifiedNs: 1234},
b: FileInfo{ModifiedNs: 2345},
eq: false,
// Special handling of local flags and invalidity. "MustRescan"
// files are never equivalent to each other. Otherwise, equivalence
// is based just on whether the file becomes IsInvalid() or not, not
// the specific reason or flag bits.
a: FileInfo{LocalFlags: FlagLocalMustRescan},
b: FileInfo{LocalFlags: FlagLocalMustRescan},
eq: false,
a: FileInfo{RawInvalid: true},
b: FileInfo{RawInvalid: true},
eq: true,
a: FileInfo{LocalFlags: FlagLocalUnsupported},
b: FileInfo{LocalFlags: FlagLocalUnsupported},
eq: true,
a: FileInfo{RawInvalid: true},
b: FileInfo{LocalFlags: FlagLocalUnsupported},
eq: true,
a: FileInfo{LocalFlags: 0},
b: FileInfo{LocalFlags: FlagLocalReceiveOnly},
eq: false,
a: FileInfo{LocalFlags: 0},
b: FileInfo{LocalFlags: FlagLocalReceiveOnly},
ignFlags: FlagLocalReceiveOnly,
eq: true,
// Difference in blocks is not OK
a: FileInfo{Blocks: []BlockInfo{{Hash: []byte{1, 2, 3, 4}}}},
b: FileInfo{Blocks: []BlockInfo{{Hash: []byte{2, 3, 4, 5}}}},
ignBlocks: b(false),
eq: false,
// ... unless we say it is
a: FileInfo{Blocks: []BlockInfo{{Hash: []byte{1, 2, 3, 4}}}},
b: FileInfo{Blocks: []BlockInfo{{Hash: []byte{2, 3, 4, 5}}}},
ignBlocks: b(true),
eq: true,
// Difference in permissions is not OK.
a: FileInfo{Permissions: 0444},
b: FileInfo{Permissions: 0666},
ignPerms: b(false),
eq: false,
// ... unless we say it is
a: FileInfo{Permissions: 0666},
b: FileInfo{Permissions: 0444},
ignPerms: b(true),
eq: true,
// These attributes are not checked at all
a: FileInfo{NoPermissions: false},
b: FileInfo{NoPermissions: true},
eq: true,
a: FileInfo{Version: Vector{Counters: []Counter{{ID: 1, Value: 42}}}},
b: FileInfo{Version: Vector{Counters: []Counter{{ID: 42, Value: 1}}}},
eq: true,
a: FileInfo{Sequence: 1},
b: FileInfo{Sequence: 2},
eq: true,
// The block size is not checked (but this would fail the blocks
// check in real world)
a: FileInfo{RawBlockSize: 1},
b: FileInfo{RawBlockSize: 2},
eq: true,
// The symlink target is checked for symlinks
a: FileInfo{Type: FileInfoTypeSymlink, SymlinkTarget: "a"},
b: FileInfo{Type: FileInfoTypeSymlink, SymlinkTarget: "b"},
eq: false,
// ... but not for non-symlinks
a: FileInfo{Type: FileInfoTypeFile, SymlinkTarget: "a"},
b: FileInfo{Type: FileInfoTypeFile, SymlinkTarget: "b"},
eq: true,
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
// On windows we only check the user writable bit of the permission
// set, so these are equivalent.
cases = append(cases, testCase{
a: FileInfo{Permissions: 0777},
b: FileInfo{Permissions: 0600},
ignPerms: b(false),
eq: true,
for i, tc := range cases {
// Check the standard attributes with all permutations of the
// special ignore flags, unless the value of those flags are given
// in the tests.
for _, ignPerms := range []bool{true, false} {
for _, ignBlocks := range []bool{true, false} {
if tc.ignPerms != nil && *tc.ignPerms != ignPerms {
if tc.ignBlocks != nil && *tc.ignBlocks != ignBlocks {
if res := tc.a.isEquivalent(tc.b, 0, ignPerms, ignBlocks, tc.ignFlags); res != tc.eq {
t.Errorf("Case %d:\na: %v\nb: %v\na.IsEquivalent(b, %v, %v) => %v, expected %v", i, tc.a, tc.b, ignPerms, ignBlocks, res, tc.eq)
if res := tc.b.isEquivalent(tc.a, 0, ignPerms, ignBlocks, tc.ignFlags); res != tc.eq {
t.Errorf("Case %d:\na: %v\nb: %v\nb.IsEquivalent(a, %v, %v) => %v, expected %v", i, tc.a, tc.b, ignPerms, ignBlocks, res, tc.eq)
func TestSha256OfEmptyBlock(t *testing.T) {
// every block size should have a correct entry in sha256OfEmptyBlock
for blockSize := MinBlockSize; blockSize <= MaxBlockSize; blockSize *= 2 {
expected := sha256.Sum256(make([]byte, blockSize))
if sha256OfEmptyBlock[blockSize] != expected {
t.Error("missing or wrong hash for block of size", blockSize)
// TestClusterConfigAfterClose checks that ClusterConfig does not deadlock when
// ClusterConfig is called on a closed connection.
func TestClusterConfigAfterClose(t *testing.T) {
m := newTestModel()
c := NewConnection(c0ID, &testutils.BlockingRW{}, &testutils.BlockingRW{}, m, "name", CompressAlways).(wireFormatConnection).Connection.(*rawConnection)
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
select {
case <-done:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out before Cluster Config returned")
func TestDispatcherToCloseDeadlock(t *testing.T) {
// Verify that we don't deadlock when calling Close() from within one of
// the model callbacks (ClusterConfig).
m := newTestModel()
c := NewConnection(c0ID, &testutils.BlockingRW{}, &testutils.NoopRW{}, m, "name", CompressAlways).(wireFormatConnection).Connection.(*rawConnection)
m.ccFn = func(devID DeviceID, cc ClusterConfig) {
c.inbox <- &ClusterConfig{}
select {
case <-c.dispatcherLoopStopped:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out before dispatcher loop terminated")