
260 lines
5.9 KiB

package scanner
import (
type Walker struct {
// Dir is the base directory for the walk
Dir string
// If FollowSymlinks is true, symbolic links directly under Dir will be followed.
// Symbolic links at deeper levels are never followed regardless of this flag.
FollowSymlinks bool
// BlockSize controls the size of the block used when hashing.
BlockSize int
// If IgnoreFile is not empty, it is the name used for the file that holds ignore patterns.
IgnoreFile string
// If TempNamer is not nil, it is used to ignore tempory files when walking.
TempNamer TempNamer
// If Suppressor is not nil, it is queried for supression of modified files.
Suppressor Suppressor
previous map[string]File // file name -> last seen file state
suppressed map[string]bool // file name -> suppression status
type TempNamer interface {
// Temporary returns a temporary name for the filed referred to by path.
TempName(path string) string
// IsTemporary returns true if path refers to the name of temporary file.
IsTemporary(path string) bool
type Suppressor interface {
// Supress returns true if the update to the named file should be ignored.
Suppress(name string, fi os.FileInfo) bool
// Walk returns the list of files found in the local repository by scanning the
// file system. Files are blockwise hashed.
func (w *Walker) Walk() (files []File, ignore map[string][]string) {
if debug {
dlog.Println("Walk", w.Dir, w.FollowSymlinks, w.BlockSize, w.IgnoreFile)
t0 := time.Now()
ignore = make(map[string][]string)
hashFiles := w.walkAndHashFiles(&files, ignore)
filepath.Walk(w.Dir, w.loadIgnoreFiles(w.Dir, ignore))
filepath.Walk(w.Dir, hashFiles)
if w.FollowSymlinks {
d, err := os.Open(w.Dir)
if err != nil {
defer d.Close()
fis, err := d.Readdir(-1)
if err != nil {
for _, info := range fis {
if info.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 {
dir := path.Join(w.Dir, info.Name()) + "/"
filepath.Walk(dir, w.loadIgnoreFiles(dir, ignore))
filepath.Walk(dir, hashFiles)
if debug {
t1 := time.Now()
d := t1.Sub(t0).Seconds()
dlog.Printf("Walk in %.02f ms, %.0f files/s", d*1000, float64(len(files))/d)
// CleanTempFiles removes all files that match the temporary filename pattern.
func (w *Walker) CleanTempFiles() {
filepath.Walk(w.Dir, w.cleanTempFile)
func (w *Walker) lazyInit() {
if w.previous == nil {
w.previous = make(map[string]File)
w.suppressed = make(map[string]bool)
func (w *Walker) loadIgnoreFiles(dir string, ign map[string][]string) filepath.WalkFunc {
return func(p string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return nil
p, err = filepath.Rel(dir, p)
if err != nil {
return nil
if pn, sn := path.Split(p); sn == w.IgnoreFile {
pn := strings.Trim(pn, "/")
bs, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(p)
lines := bytes.Split(bs, []byte("\n"))
var patterns []string
for _, line := range lines {
if len(line) > 0 {
patterns = append(patterns, string(line))
ign[pn] = patterns
return nil
func (w *Walker) walkAndHashFiles(res *[]File, ign map[string][]string) filepath.WalkFunc {
return func(p string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
if debug {
dlog.Println("error:", p, info, err)
return nil
p, err = filepath.Rel(w.Dir, p)
if err != nil {
return nil
if w.TempNamer != nil && w.TempNamer.IsTemporary(p) {
if debug {
dlog.Println("temporary:", p)
return nil
if _, sn := path.Split(p); sn == w.IgnoreFile {
if debug {
dlog.Println("ignorefile:", p)
return nil
if w.ignoreFile(ign, p) {
if debug {
dlog.Println("ignored:", p)
return nil
if info.Mode()&os.ModeType == 0 {
modified := info.ModTime().Unix()
pf := w.previous[p]
if pf.Modified == modified {
if nf := uint32(info.Mode()); nf != pf.Flags {
if debug {
dlog.Println("new flags:", p)
pf.Flags = nf
w.previous[p] = pf
} else if debug {
dlog.Println("unchanged:", p)
*res = append(*res, pf)
return nil
if w.Suppressor != nil && w.Suppressor.Suppress(p, info) {
if debug {
dlog.Println("suppressed:", p)
if !w.suppressed[p] {
w.suppressed[p] = true
log.Printf("INFO: Changes to %q are being temporarily suppressed because it changes too frequently.", p)
f := pf
f.Flags = protocol.FlagInvalid
f.Blocks = nil
*res = append(*res, f)
return nil
} else if w.suppressed[p] {
log.Printf("INFO: Changes to %q are no longer suppressed.", p)
delete(w.suppressed, p)
fd, err := os.Open(p)
if err != nil {
return nil
defer fd.Close()
t0 := time.Now()
blocks, err := Blocks(fd, w.BlockSize)
if err != nil {
if debug {
dlog.Println("hash error:", p, err)
return nil
if debug {
t1 := time.Now()
dlog.Println("hashed:", p, ";", len(blocks), "blocks;", info.Size(), "bytes;", int(float64(info.Size())/1024/t1.Sub(t0).Seconds()), "KB/s")
f := File{
Name: p,
Size: info.Size(),
Flags: uint32(info.Mode()),
Modified: modified,
Blocks: blocks,
w.previous[p] = f
*res = append(*res, f)
return nil
func (w *Walker) cleanTempFile(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if info.Mode()&os.ModeType == 0 && w.TempNamer.IsTemporary(path) {
return nil
func (w *Walker) ignoreFile(patterns map[string][]string, file string) bool {
first, last := path.Split(file)
for prefix, pats := range patterns {
if len(prefix) == 0 || prefix == first || strings.HasPrefix(first, prefix+"/") {
for _, pattern := range pats {
if match, _ := path.Match(pattern, last); match {
return true
return false