// Copyright (C) 2014 Jakob Borg and Contributors (see the CONTRIBUTORS file). // All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // +build ignore package main import ( "bytes" "flag" "fmt" "go/ast" "go/format" "go/parser" "go/token" "os" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "text/template" ) type fieldInfo struct { Name string IsBasic bool // handled by one the native Read/WriteUint64 etc functions IsSlice bool // field is a slice of FieldType FieldType string // original type of field, i.e. "int" Encoder string // the encoder name, i.e. "Uint64" for Read/WriteUint64 Convert string // what to convert to when encoding, i.e. "uint64" Max int // max size for slices and strings } type structInfo struct { Name string Fields []fieldInfo } var headerTpl = template.Must(template.New("header").Parse(`// Copyright (C) 2014 Jakob Borg and Contributors (see the CONTRIBUTORS file). // All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // ************************************************************ // This file is automatically generated by genxdr. Do not edit. // ************************************************************ package {{.Package}} import ( "bytes" "io" "github.com/calmh/syncthing/xdr" ) `)) var encodeTpl = template.Must(template.New("encoder").Parse(` func (o {{.TypeName}}) EncodeXDR(w io.Writer) (int, error) { var xw = xdr.NewWriter(w) return o.encodeXDR(xw) }//+n func (o {{.TypeName}}) MarshalXDR() []byte { return o.AppendXDR(make([]byte, 0, 128)) }//+n func (o {{.TypeName}}) AppendXDR(bs []byte) []byte { var aw = xdr.AppendWriter(bs) var xw = xdr.NewWriter(&aw) o.encodeXDR(xw) return []byte(aw) }//+n func (o {{.TypeName}}) encodeXDR(xw *xdr.Writer) (int, error) { {{range $fieldInfo := .Fields}} {{if not $fieldInfo.IsSlice}} {{if ne $fieldInfo.Convert ""}} xw.Write{{$fieldInfo.Encoder}}({{$fieldInfo.Convert}}(o.{{$fieldInfo.Name}})) {{else if $fieldInfo.IsBasic}} {{if ge $fieldInfo.Max 1}} if len(o.{{$fieldInfo.Name}}) > {{$fieldInfo.Max}} { return xw.Tot(), xdr.ErrElementSizeExceeded } {{end}} xw.Write{{$fieldInfo.Encoder}}(o.{{$fieldInfo.Name}}) {{else}} o.{{$fieldInfo.Name}}.encodeXDR(xw) {{end}} {{else}} {{if ge $fieldInfo.Max 1}} if len(o.{{$fieldInfo.Name}}) > {{$fieldInfo.Max}} { return xw.Tot(), xdr.ErrElementSizeExceeded } {{end}} xw.WriteUint32(uint32(len(o.{{$fieldInfo.Name}}))) for i := range o.{{$fieldInfo.Name}} { {{if ne $fieldInfo.Convert ""}} xw.Write{{$fieldInfo.Encoder}}({{$fieldInfo.Convert}}(o.{{$fieldInfo.Name}}[i])) {{else if $fieldInfo.IsBasic}} xw.Write{{$fieldInfo.Encoder}}(o.{{$fieldInfo.Name}}[i]) {{else}} o.{{$fieldInfo.Name}}[i].encodeXDR(xw) {{end}} } {{end}} {{end}} return xw.Tot(), xw.Error() }//+n func (o *{{.TypeName}}) DecodeXDR(r io.Reader) error { xr := xdr.NewReader(r) return o.decodeXDR(xr) }//+n func (o *{{.TypeName}}) UnmarshalXDR(bs []byte) error { var br = bytes.NewReader(bs) var xr = xdr.NewReader(br) return o.decodeXDR(xr) }//+n func (o *{{.TypeName}}) decodeXDR(xr *xdr.Reader) error { {{range $fieldInfo := .Fields}} {{if not $fieldInfo.IsSlice}} {{if ne $fieldInfo.Convert ""}} o.{{$fieldInfo.Name}} = {{$fieldInfo.FieldType}}(xr.Read{{$fieldInfo.Encoder}}()) {{else if $fieldInfo.IsBasic}} {{if ge $fieldInfo.Max 1}} o.{{$fieldInfo.Name}} = xr.Read{{$fieldInfo.Encoder}}Max({{$fieldInfo.Max}}) {{else}} o.{{$fieldInfo.Name}} = xr.Read{{$fieldInfo.Encoder}}() {{end}} {{else}} (&o.{{$fieldInfo.Name}}).decodeXDR(xr) {{end}} {{else}} _{{$fieldInfo.Name}}Size := int(xr.ReadUint32()) {{if ge $fieldInfo.Max 1}} if _{{$fieldInfo.Name}}Size > {{$fieldInfo.Max}} { return xdr.ErrElementSizeExceeded } {{end}} o.{{$fieldInfo.Name}} = make([]{{$fieldInfo.FieldType}}, _{{$fieldInfo.Name}}Size) for i := range o.{{$fieldInfo.Name}} { {{if ne $fieldInfo.Convert ""}} o.{{$fieldInfo.Name}}[i] = {{$fieldInfo.FieldType}}(xr.Read{{$fieldInfo.Encoder}}()) {{else if $fieldInfo.IsBasic}} o.{{$fieldInfo.Name}}[i] = xr.Read{{$fieldInfo.Encoder}}() {{else}} (&o.{{$fieldInfo.Name}}[i]).decodeXDR(xr) {{end}} } {{end}} {{end}} return xr.Error() }`)) var maxRe = regexp.MustCompile(`\Wmax:(\d+)`) type typeSet struct { Type string Encoder string } var xdrEncoders = map[string]typeSet{ "int16": typeSet{"uint16", "Uint16"}, "uint16": typeSet{"", "Uint16"}, "int32": typeSet{"uint32", "Uint32"}, "uint32": typeSet{"", "Uint32"}, "int64": typeSet{"uint64", "Uint64"}, "uint64": typeSet{"", "Uint64"}, "int": typeSet{"uint64", "Uint64"}, "string": typeSet{"", "String"}, "[]byte": typeSet{"", "Bytes"}, "bool": typeSet{"", "Bool"}, } func handleStruct(t *ast.StructType) []fieldInfo { var fs []fieldInfo for _, sf := range t.Fields.List { if len(sf.Names) == 0 { // We don't handle anonymous fields continue } fn := sf.Names[0].Name var max = 0 if sf.Comment != nil { c := sf.Comment.List[0].Text if m := maxRe.FindStringSubmatch(c); m != nil { max, _ = strconv.Atoi(m[1]) } if strings.Contains(c, "noencode") { continue } } var f fieldInfo switch ft := sf.Type.(type) { case *ast.Ident: tn := ft.Name if enc, ok := xdrEncoders[tn]; ok { f = fieldInfo{ Name: fn, IsBasic: true, FieldType: tn, Encoder: enc.Encoder, Convert: enc.Type, Max: max, } } else { f = fieldInfo{ Name: fn, IsBasic: false, FieldType: tn, Max: max, } } case *ast.ArrayType: if ft.Len != nil { // We don't handle arrays continue } tn := ft.Elt.(*ast.Ident).Name if enc, ok := xdrEncoders["[]"+tn]; ok { f = fieldInfo{ Name: fn, IsBasic: true, FieldType: tn, Encoder: enc.Encoder, Convert: enc.Type, Max: max, } } else if enc, ok := xdrEncoders[tn]; ok { f = fieldInfo{ Name: fn, IsBasic: true, IsSlice: true, FieldType: tn, Encoder: enc.Encoder, Convert: enc.Type, Max: max, } } else { f = fieldInfo{ Name: fn, IsBasic: false, IsSlice: true, FieldType: tn, Max: max, } } } fs = append(fs, f) } return fs } func generateCode(s structInfo) { name := s.Name fs := s.Fields var buf bytes.Buffer err := encodeTpl.Execute(&buf, map[string]interface{}{"TypeName": name, "Fields": fs}) if err != nil { panic(err) } bs := regexp.MustCompile(`(\s*\n)+`).ReplaceAll(buf.Bytes(), []byte("\n")) bs = bytes.Replace(bs, []byte("//+n"), []byte("\n"), -1) bs, err = format.Source(bs) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(string(bs)) } func uncamelize(s string) string { return regexp.MustCompile("[a-z][A-Z]").ReplaceAllStringFunc(s, func(camel string) string { return camel[:1] + " " + camel[1:] }) } func generateDiagram(s structInfo) { sn := s.Name fs := s.Fields fmt.Println(sn + " Structure:") fmt.Println() fmt.Println(" 0 1 2 3") fmt.Println(" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1") line := "+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+" fmt.Println(line) for _, f := range fs { tn := f.FieldType sl := f.IsSlice name := uncamelize(f.Name) if sl { fmt.Printf("| %s |\n", center("Number of "+name, 61)) fmt.Println(line) } switch tn { case "bool": fmt.Printf("| %s |V|\n", center(name+" (V=0 or 1)", 59)) fmt.Println(line) case "uint16": fmt.Printf("| %s | %s |\n", center("0x0000", 29), center(name, 29)) fmt.Println(line) case "uint32": fmt.Printf("| %s |\n", center(name, 61)) fmt.Println(line) case "int64", "uint64": fmt.Printf("| %-61s |\n", "") fmt.Printf("+ %s +\n", center(name+" (64 bits)", 61)) fmt.Printf("| %-61s |\n", "") fmt.Println(line) case "string", "byte": // XXX We assume slice of byte! fmt.Printf("| %s |\n", center("Length of "+name, 61)) fmt.Println(line) fmt.Printf("/ %61s /\n", "") fmt.Printf("\\ %s \\\n", center(name+" (variable length)", 61)) fmt.Printf("/ %61s /\n", "") fmt.Println(line) default: if sl { tn = "Zero or more " + tn + " Structures" fmt.Printf("/ %s /\n", center("", 61)) fmt.Printf("\\ %s \\\n", center(tn, 61)) fmt.Printf("/ %s /\n", center("", 61)) } else { fmt.Printf("| %s |\n", center(tn, 61)) } fmt.Println(line) } } fmt.Println() fmt.Println() } func generateXdr(s structInfo) { sn := s.Name fs := s.Fields fmt.Printf("struct %s {\n", sn) for _, f := range fs { tn := f.FieldType fn := f.Name suf := "" l := "" if f.Max > 0 { l = strconv.Itoa(f.Max) } if f.IsSlice { suf = "<" + l + ">" } switch tn { case "uint16", "uint32": fmt.Printf("\tunsigned int %s%s;\n", fn, suf) case "int64": fmt.Printf("\thyper %s%s;\n", fn, suf) case "uint64": fmt.Printf("\tunsigned hyper %s%s;\n", fn, suf) case "string": fmt.Printf("\tstring %s<%s>;\n", fn, l) case "byte": fmt.Printf("\topaque %s<%s>;\n", fn, l) default: fmt.Printf("\t%s %s%s;\n", tn, fn, suf) } } fmt.Println("}") fmt.Println() } func center(s string, w int) string { w -= len(s) l := w / 2 r := l if l+r < w { r++ } return strings.Repeat(" ", l) + s + strings.Repeat(" ", r) } func inspector(structs *[]structInfo) func(ast.Node) bool { return func(n ast.Node) bool { switch n := n.(type) { case *ast.TypeSpec: switch t := n.Type.(type) { case *ast.StructType: name := n.Name.Name fs := handleStruct(t) *structs = append(*structs, structInfo{name, fs}) } return false default: return true } } } func main() { flag.Parse() fname := flag.Arg(0) fset := token.NewFileSet() f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, fname, nil, parser.ParseComments) if err != nil { panic(err) } var structs []structInfo i := inspector(&structs) ast.Inspect(f, i) headerTpl.Execute(os.Stdout, map[string]string{"Package": f.Name.Name}) for _, s := range structs { fmt.Printf("\n/*\n\n") generateDiagram(s) generateXdr(s) fmt.Printf("*/\n") generateCode(s) } }