package suture import ( "errors" "fmt" "log" "math" "runtime" "sync" "time" ) const ( notRunning = iota normal paused ) type supervisorID uint32 type serviceID uint32 var currentSupervisorIDL sync.Mutex var currentSupervisorID uint32 // ErrWrongSupervisor is returned by the (*Supervisor).Remove method // if you pass a ServiceToken from the wrong Supervisor. var ErrWrongSupervisor = errors.New("wrong supervisor for this service token, no service removed") // ServiceToken is an opaque identifier that can be used to terminate a service that // has been Add()ed to a Supervisor. type ServiceToken struct { id uint64 } type serviceWithName struct { Service Service name string } /* Supervisor is the core type of the module that represents a Supervisor. Supervisors should be constructed either by New or NewSimple. Once constructed, a Supervisor should be started in one of three ways: 1. Calling .Serve(). 2. Calling .ServeBackground(). 3. Adding it to an existing Supervisor. Calling Serve will cause the supervisor to run until it is shut down by an external user calling Stop() on it. If that never happens, it simply runs forever. I suggest creating your services in Supervisors, then making a Serve() call on your top-level Supervisor be the last line of your main func. Calling ServeBackground will CORRECTLY start the supervisor running in a new goroutine. You do not want to just: go supervisor.Serve() because that will briefly create a race condition as it starts up, if you try to .Add() services immediately afterward. */ type Supervisor struct { Name string id supervisorID failureDecay float64 failureThreshold float64 failureBackoff time.Duration timeout time.Duration log func(string) services map[serviceID]serviceWithName servicesShuttingDown map[serviceID]serviceWithName lastFail time.Time failures float64 restartQueue []serviceID serviceCounter serviceID control chan supervisorMessage liveness chan struct{} resumeTimer <-chan time.Time // The testing uses the ability to grab these individual logging functions // and get inside of suture's handling at a deep level. // If you ever come up with some need to get into these, submit a pull // request to make them public and some smidge of justification, and // I'll happily do it. // But since I've now changed the signature on these once, I'm glad I // didn't start with them public... :) logBadStop func(*Supervisor, Service, string) logFailure func(supervisor *Supervisor, service Service, serviceName string, currentFailures float64, failureThreshold float64, restarting bool, error interface{}, stacktrace []byte) logBackoff func(*Supervisor, bool) // avoid a dependency on by just implementing // a minimal chunk. getNow func() time.Time getAfterChan func(time.Duration) <-chan time.Time sync.Mutex state uint8 } // Spec is used to pass arguments to the New function to create a // supervisor. See the New function for full documentation. type Spec struct { Log func(string) FailureDecay float64 FailureThreshold float64 FailureBackoff time.Duration Timeout time.Duration } /* New is the full constructor function for a supervisor. The name is a friendly human name for the supervisor, used in logging. Suture does not care if this is unique, but it is good for your sanity if it is. If not set, the following values are used: * Log: A function is created that uses log.Print. * FailureDecay: 30 seconds * FailureThreshold: 5 failures * FailureBackoff: 15 seconds * Timeout: 10 seconds The Log function will be called when errors occur. Suture will log the following: * When a service has failed, with a descriptive message about the current backoff status, and whether it was immediately restarted * When the supervisor has gone into its backoff mode, and when it exits it * When a service fails to stop The failureRate, failureThreshold, and failureBackoff controls how failures are handled, in order to avoid the supervisor failure case where the program does nothing but restarting failed services. If you do not care how failures behave, the default values should be fine for the vast majority of services, but if you want the details: The supervisor tracks the number of failures that have occurred, with an exponential decay on the count. Every FailureDecay seconds, the number of failures that have occurred is cut in half. (This is done smoothly with an exponential function.) When a failure occurs, the number of failures is incremented by one. When the number of failures passes the FailureThreshold, the entire service waits for FailureBackoff seconds before attempting any further restarts, at which point it resets its failure count to zero. Timeout is how long Suture will wait for a service to properly terminate. */ func New(name string, spec Spec) (s *Supervisor) { s = new(Supervisor) s.Name = name currentSupervisorIDL.Lock() currentSupervisorID++ = supervisorID(currentSupervisorID) currentSupervisorIDL.Unlock() if spec.Log == nil { s.log = func(msg string) { log.Print(fmt.Sprintf("Supervisor %s: %s", s.Name, msg)) } } else { s.log = spec.Log } if spec.FailureDecay == 0 { s.failureDecay = 30 } else { s.failureDecay = spec.FailureDecay } if spec.FailureThreshold == 0 { s.failureThreshold = 5 } else { s.failureThreshold = spec.FailureThreshold } if spec.FailureBackoff == 0 { s.failureBackoff = time.Second * 15 } else { s.failureBackoff = spec.FailureBackoff } if spec.Timeout == 0 { s.timeout = time.Second * 10 } else { s.timeout = spec.Timeout } // overriding these allows for testing the threshold behavior s.getNow = time.Now s.getAfterChan = time.After s.control = make(chan supervisorMessage) s.liveness = make(chan struct{}) = make(map[serviceID]serviceWithName) s.servicesShuttingDown = make(map[serviceID]serviceWithName) s.restartQueue = make([]serviceID, 0, 1) s.resumeTimer = make(chan time.Time) // set up the default logging handlers s.logBadStop = func(supervisor *Supervisor, service Service, name string) { s.log(fmt.Sprintf("%s: Service %s failed to terminate in a timely manner", supervisor.Name, name)) } s.logFailure = func(supervisor *Supervisor, service Service, serviceName string, failures float64, threshold float64, restarting bool, err interface{}, st []byte) { var errString string e, canError := err.(error) if canError { errString = e.Error() } else { errString = fmt.Sprintf("%#v", err) } s.log(fmt.Sprintf("%s: Failed service '%s' (%f failures of %f), restarting: %#v, error: %s, stacktrace: %s", supervisor.Name, serviceName, failures, threshold, restarting, errString, string(st))) } s.logBackoff = func(s *Supervisor, entering bool) { if entering { s.log("Entering the backoff state.") } else { s.log("Exiting backoff state.") } } return } func serviceName(service Service) (serviceName string) { stringer, canStringer := service.(fmt.Stringer) if canStringer { serviceName = stringer.String() } else { serviceName = fmt.Sprintf("%#v", service) } return } // NewSimple is a convenience function to create a service with just a name // and the sensible defaults. func NewSimple(name string) *Supervisor { return New(name, Spec{}) } /* Add adds a service to this supervisor. If the supervisor is currently running, the service will be started immediately. If the supervisor is not currently running, the service will be started when the supervisor is. The returned ServiceID may be passed to the Remove method of the Supervisor to terminate the service. As a special behavior, if the service added is itself a supervisor, the supervisor being added will copy the Log function from the Supervisor it is being added to. This allows factoring out providing a Supervisor from its logging. */ func (s *Supervisor) Add(service Service) ServiceToken { if s == nil { panic("can't add service to nil *suture.Supervisor") } if supervisor, isSupervisor := service.(*Supervisor); isSupervisor { supervisor.logBadStop = s.logBadStop supervisor.logFailure = s.logFailure supervisor.logBackoff = s.logBackoff } s.Lock() if s.state == notRunning { id := s.serviceCounter s.serviceCounter++[id] = serviceWithName{service, serviceName(service)} s.restartQueue = append(s.restartQueue, id) s.Unlock() return ServiceToken{uint64(<<32 | uint64(id)} } s.Unlock() response := make(chan serviceID) s.control <- addService{service, serviceName(service), response} return ServiceToken{uint64(<<32 | uint64(<-response)} } // ServeBackground starts running a supervisor in its own goroutine. This // method does not return until it is safe to use .Add() on the Supervisor. func (s *Supervisor) ServeBackground() { go s.Serve() s.sync() } /* Serve starts the supervisor. You should call this on the top-level supervisor, but nothing else. */ func (s *Supervisor) Serve() { if s == nil { panic("Can't serve with a nil *suture.Supervisor") } if == 0 { panic("Can't call Serve on an incorrectly-constructed *suture.Supervisor") } defer func() { s.Lock() s.state = notRunning s.Unlock() }() s.Lock() if s.state != notRunning { s.Unlock() panic("Running a supervisor while it is already running?") } s.state = normal s.Unlock() // for all the services I currently know about, start them for _, id := range s.restartQueue { namedService, present :=[id] if present { s.runService(namedService.Service, id) } } s.restartQueue = make([]serviceID, 0, 1) for { select { case m := <-s.control: switch msg := m.(type) { case serviceFailed: s.handleFailedService(, msg.err, msg.stacktrace) case serviceEnded: service, monitored :=[] if monitored { s.handleFailedService(, fmt.Sprintf("%s returned unexpectedly", service), []byte("[unknown stack trace]")) } case addService: id := s.serviceCounter s.serviceCounter++[id] = serviceWithName{msg.service,} s.runService(msg.service, id) msg.response <- id case removeService: s.removeService(, s.control) case serviceTerminated: delete(s.servicesShuttingDown, case stopSupervisor: s.stopSupervisor() msg.done <- struct{}{} return case listServices: services := []Service{} for _, service := range { services = append(services, service.Service) } msg.c <- services case syncSupervisor: // this does nothing on purpose; its sole purpose is to // introduce a sync point via the channel receive case panicSupervisor: // used only by tests panic("Panicking as requested!") } case _ = <-s.resumeTimer: // We're resuming normal operation after a pause due to // excessive thrashing // FIXME: Ought to permit some spacing of these functions, rather // than simply hammering through them s.Lock() s.state = normal s.Unlock() s.failures = 0 s.logBackoff(s, false) for _, id := range s.restartQueue { namedService, present :=[id] if present { s.runService(namedService.Service, id) } } s.restartQueue = make([]serviceID, 0, 1) } } } func (s *Supervisor) handleFailedService(id serviceID, err interface{}, stacktrace []byte) { now := s.getNow() if s.lastFail.IsZero() { s.lastFail = now s.failures = 1.0 } else { sinceLastFail := now.Sub(s.lastFail).Seconds() intervals := sinceLastFail / s.failureDecay s.failures = s.failures*math.Pow(.5, intervals) + 1 } if s.failures > s.failureThreshold { s.Lock() s.state = paused s.Unlock() s.logBackoff(s, true) s.resumeTimer = s.getAfterChan(s.failureBackoff) } s.lastFail = now failedService, monitored :=[id] // It is possible for a service to be no longer monitored // by the time we get here. In that case, just ignore it. if monitored { // this may look dangerous because the state could change, but this // code is only ever run in the one goroutine that is permitted to // change the state, so nothing else will. s.Lock() curState := s.state s.Unlock() if curState == normal { s.runService(failedService.Service, id) s.logFailure(s, failedService.Service,, s.failures, s.failureThreshold, true, err, stacktrace) } else { // FIXME: When restarting, check that the service still // exists (it may have been stopped in the meantime) s.restartQueue = append(s.restartQueue, id) s.logFailure(s, failedService.Service,, s.failures, s.failureThreshold, false, err, stacktrace) } } } func (s *Supervisor) runService(service Service, id serviceID) { go func() { defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { buf := make([]byte, 65535, 65535) written := runtime.Stack(buf, false) buf = buf[:written], r, buf) } }() service.Serve() s.serviceEnded(id) }() } func (s *Supervisor) removeService(id serviceID, removedChan chan supervisorMessage) { namedService, present :=[id] if present { delete(, id) s.servicesShuttingDown[id] = namedService go func() { successChan := make(chan bool) go func() { namedService.Service.Stop() successChan <- true }() select { case <-successChan: // Life is good! case <-s.getAfterChan(s.timeout): s.logBadStop(s, namedService.Service, } removedChan <- serviceTerminated{id} }() } } func (s *Supervisor) stopSupervisor() { notifyDone := make(chan serviceID) for id := range { namedService, present :=[id] if present { delete(, id) s.servicesShuttingDown[id] = namedService go func(sID serviceID) { namedService.Service.Stop() notifyDone <- sID }(id) } } timeout := s.getAfterChan(s.timeout) for len(s.servicesShuttingDown) > 0 { select { case id := <-notifyDone: delete(s.servicesShuttingDown, id) case <-timeout: for _, namedService := range s.servicesShuttingDown { s.logBadStop(s, namedService.Service, } return } } close(s.liveness) return } // String implements the fmt.Stringer interface. func (s *Supervisor) String() string { return s.Name } func (s *Supervisor) sendControl(sm supervisorMessage) bool { select { case s.control <- sm: return true case _, _ = (<-s.liveness): return false } } /* Remove will remove the given service from the Supervisor, and attempt to Stop() it. The ServiceID token comes from the Add() call. */ func (s *Supervisor) Remove(id ServiceToken) error { sID := supervisorID( >> 32) if sID != { return ErrWrongSupervisor } s.sendControl(removeService{serviceID( & 0xffffffff)}) return nil } /* Services returns a []Service containing a snapshot of the services this Supervisor is managing. */ func (s *Supervisor) Services() []Service { ls := listServices{make(chan []Service)} if s.sendControl(ls) { return <-ls.c } else { return nil } }