cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3.0 FATAL_ERROR) if (NOT BASIC_PROJECT_CONFIG_DONE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Before including the QtGuiConfig module, the BasicConfig module must be included.") endif () if (QT_CONFIGURED) message(FATAL_ERROR "The QtGuiConfig module can not be included when Qt usage has already been configured.") endif () if (TARGET_CONFIG_DONE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can not include QtGuiConfig module when targets are already configured.") endif () if (NOT WIDGETS_GUI AND NOT QUICK_GUI) message(STATUS "GUI is completely disabled.") return() endif () list(APPEND ADDITIONAL_QT_MODULES Gui) # enable Qt Widgets GUI if (WIDGETS_GUI) list(APPEND META_PRIVATE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS GUI_QTWIDGETS) list(APPEND META_PUBLIC_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS ${META_PROJECT_VARNAME_UPPER}_GUI_QTWIDGETS) list(APPEND WIDGETS_FILES ${WIDGETS_HEADER_FILES} ${WIDGETS_SRC_FILES} ${WIDGETS_RES_FILES} ${WIDGETS_UI_FILES}) list(APPEND ADDITIONAL_HEADER_FILES ${WIDGETS_HEADER_FILES}) if (WIDGETS_FILES) list(APPEND ADDITIONAL_QT_MODULES Widgets) message(STATUS "Building with Qt Widgets GUI.") else () message(STATUS "Qt Widgets GUI is not available.") endif () else () message(STATUS "Building WITHOUT Qt Widgets GUI.") endif () # enable Qt Quick GUI if (QUICK_GUI) list(APPEND META_PRIVATE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS GUI_QTQUICK) list(APPEND META_PUBLIC_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS ${META_PROJECT_VARNAME_UPPER}_GUI_QTQUICK) list(APPEND QML_FILES ${QML_HEADER_FILES} ${QML_SRC_FILES} ${QML_RES_FILES}) list(APPEND ADDITIONAL_HEADER_FILES ${QML_HEADER_FILES}) if (QML_FILES) list(APPEND ADDITIONAL_QT_MODULES Qml Quick) list(APPEND ADDITIONAL_QT_REPOS "declarative") message(STATUS "Building with Qt Quick GUI.") # enable QML debugging if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") list(APPEND META_PRIVATE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS QT_QML_DEBUG) endif () # enable Qt Quick Controls 2 if (META_USE_QQC2) list(APPEND ADDITIONAL_QT_MODULES QuickControls2) endif () else () message(STATUS "Qt Quick GUI is not available.") endif () else () message(STATUS "Building WITHOUT Qt Quick GUI.") endif () # set platform-specific GUI-type if (WIN32) # set "GUI-type" to WIN32 to hide console under Windows set(GUI_TYPE WIN32) elseif (APPLE) # make the GUI application a "bundle" under MacOSX set(GUI_TYPE MACOSX_BUNDLE) endif () # add source files requried by both GUI variants list(APPEND SRC_FILES ${GUI_SRC_FILES}) list(APPEND ADDITIONAL_HEADER_FILES ${GUI_HEADER_FILES}) # add option for enabling/disabling static Qt plugins option(SVG_SUPPORT "whether to link against the SVG image format plugin (only relevant when using static Qt)" ON) option(SVG_ICON_SUPPORT "whether to link against the SVG icon engine (only relevant when using static Qt)" ON) set(IMAGE_FORMAT_SUPPORT "Gif;ICO;Jpeg" CACHE STRING "specifies the image format plugins to link against (only relevant when using static Qt)") # always enable the Svg module under Android if (ANDROID) list(APPEND ADDITIONAL_QT_MODULES Svg) endif ()