#include "./clearcombobox.h" #include #include #include namespace Widgets { /*! * \class Widgets::ClearComboBox * \brief A QComboBox with an embedded button for clearing its contents. */ /*! * \brief Constructs a clear combo box. */ ClearComboBox::ClearComboBox(QWidget *parent) : QComboBox(parent) , ButtonOverlay(this) { const QMargins margins = contentsMargins(); QStyleOptionComboBox opt; opt.initFrom(this); const int frameWidth = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ComboBoxFrameWidth, &opt, this); const int pad = 2; const int buttonWidth = style()->subControlRect(QStyle::CC_ComboBox, &opt, QStyle::SC_ComboBoxArrow, this).width(); buttonLayout()->setContentsMargins(margins.left() + frameWidth + pad, margins.top() + frameWidth, margins.right() + frameWidth + pad + buttonWidth, margins.bottom() + frameWidth); setClearButtonEnabled(isEditable()); connect(this, &ClearComboBox::currentTextChanged, this, &ClearComboBox::handleTextChanged); } /*! * \brief Destroys the clear combo box. */ ClearComboBox::~ClearComboBox() { } /*! * \brief Updates the visibility of the clear button. */ void ClearComboBox::handleTextChanged(const QString &text) { updateClearButtonVisibility(!text.isEmpty()); } void ClearComboBox::handleClearButtonClicked() { clearEditText(); } bool ClearComboBox::isCleared() const { return currentText().isEmpty(); } }