import QtQuick 2.7 import QtQuick.Templates 2.0 as T2 import QtQuick.Controls 2.1 as Controls import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3 import org.kde.kirigami 2.4 as Kirigami Kirigami.ApplicationWindow { id: root property var fieldsPage: undefined property var lastEntriesPage: undefined globalDrawer: Kirigami.GlobalDrawer { id: leftMenu property bool showNoPasswordWarning: nativeInterface.fileOpen && !nativeInterface.passwordSet title: app.applicationName titleIcon: "qrc://icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/passwordmanager.svg" visible: true resetMenuOnTriggered: false topContent: ColumnLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true Item { Layout.preferredHeight: 4 } Item { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.preferredHeight: filterTextField.implicitHeight enabled: nativeInterface.fileOpen visible: !nativeInterface.filterAsDialog Controls.TextField { id: filterTextField anchors.fill: parent placeholderText: qsTr("Filter") onTextChanged: nativeInterface.entryFilter = text } Kirigami.Icon { source: "edit-clear" anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: 6 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter width: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.small height: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.small visible: filterTextField.text.length !== 0 MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: filterTextField.text = "" } } } Controls.MenuSeparator { padding: 0 topPadding: 8 bottomPadding: 0 Layout.fillWidth: true } Controls.Label { id: fileNameLabel padding: 8 wrapMode: Controls.Label.Wrap fontSizeMode: Text.HorizontalFit minimumPixelSize: 10 font.pixelSize: 20 Layout.fillWidth: true text: nativeInterface.fileOpen ? nativeInterface.fileName : qsTr( "No file opened") MouseArea { id: fileNameMouseArea anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true } Controls.ToolTip { z: 1000 text: nativeInterface.filePath visible: text ? fileNameMouseArea.containsMouse : false delay: Qt.styleHints.mousePressAndHoldInterval onAboutToShow: { x = fileNameMouseArea.mouseX + 10 y = fileNameMouseArea.mouseY + 10 } } } RowLayout { visible: leftMenu.showNoPasswordWarning Item { Layout.preferredWidth: 2 } Kirigami.Icon { source: "emblem-warning" width: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.small height: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.small } Controls.Label { text: qsTr("No password set\nFile will be saved unencrypted!") font.bold: true } } Item { visible: leftMenu.showNoPasswordWarning height: 4 } } actions: [ Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("Create new file") iconName: "document-new" onTriggered: fileDialog.createNew() shortcut: StandardKey.New }, Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("Open existing file") iconName: "document-open" onTriggered: fileDialog.openExisting() shortcut: StandardKey.Open }, Kirigami.Action { id: recentlyOpenedAction text: qsTr("Recently opened ...") iconName: "document-open-recent" children: createRecentlyOpenedActions( nativeInterface.recentFiles) visible: nativeInterface.recentFiles.length > 0 shortcut: "Ctrl+R" }, Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("Save modifications") enabled: nativeInterface.fileOpen iconName: "document-save" onTriggered: shortcut: StandardKey.Save }, Kirigami.Action { text: nativeInterface.passwordSet ? qsTr("Change password") : qsTr( "Add password") enabled: nativeInterface.fileOpen iconName: "document-encrypt" onTriggered: enterPasswordDialog.askForNewPassword( "Change password for " + nativeInterface.filePath) shortcut: "Ctrl+P" }, Kirigami.Action { text: nativeInterface.entryFilter.length === 0 ? qsTr("Search") : qsTr( "Adjust search") enabled: nativeInterface.fileOpen visible: nativeInterface.filterAsDialog iconName: "search" onTriggered: { leftMenu.resetMenu() } shortcut: "Ctrl+F" }, Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("Clear search") enabled: nativeInterface.fileOpen visible: nativeInterface.filterAsDialog && nativeInterface.entryFilter.length > 0 iconName: "edit-clear" onTriggered: { leftMenu.resetMenu() nativeInterface.entryFilter = "" } shortcut: "Ctrl+Shift+F" }, Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("Undo \"%1\"").arg(nativeInterface.undoText) visible: nativeInterface.undoText.length !== 0 && nativeInterface.entryFilter.length === 0 enabled: visible iconName: "edit-undo" shortcut: StandardKey.Undo onTriggered: nativeInterface.undo() }, Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("Redo \"%1\"").arg(nativeInterface.redoText) visible: nativeInterface.redoText.length !== 0 && nativeInterface.entryFilter.length === 0 enabled: visible iconName: "edit-redo" shortcut: StandardKey.Redo onTriggered: nativeInterface.redo() }, Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("Close file") enabled: nativeInterface.fileOpen iconName: "document-close" shortcut: StandardKey.Close onTriggered: nativeInterface.close() } ] onBannerClicked: { leftMenu.resetMenu() } Controls.Switch { text: qsTr("Use native file dialog") checked: nativeInterface.useNativeFileDialog visible: nativeInterface.supportsNativeFileDialog onCheckedChanged: nativeInterface.useNativeFileDialog = checked } } contextDrawer: Kirigami.ContextDrawer { id: contextDrawer } Component.onCompleted: nativeInterface.init() AboutDialog { id: aboutDialog } PasswordDialog { id: enterPasswordDialog onAboutToShow: leftMenu.close() onRejected: { if (!nativeInterface.fileOpen) { } } } FileDialog { id: fileDialog title: selectExisting ? qsTr("Select an existing file") : qsTr( "Select path for new file") onAccepted: { if (fileUrls.length < 1) { return } nativeInterface.handleFileSelectionAccepted(fileUrls[0], this.selectExisting) } onRejected: nativeInterface.handleFileSelectionCanceled() function show() { if (nativeInterface.showNativeFileDialog(this.selectExisting)) { return } // fallback to the Qt Quick file dialog if a native implementation is not available } function openExisting() { this.selectExisting = true } function createNew() { this.selectExisting = false } } BasicDialog { id: filterDialog title: qsTr("Search for categories and accounts") onAccepted: nativeInterface.entryFilter = filterDialogTextField.text onReset: { nativeInterface.entryFilter = "" filterDialog.close() } onVisibleChanged: { if (visible) { filterDialogTextField.forceActiveFocus() } } footer: Controls.DialogButtonBox { Controls.Button { text: qsTr("Apply search term") Controls.DialogButtonBox.buttonRole: Controls.DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole enabled: filterDialogTextField.text.length > 0 } Controls.Button { text: qsTr("Clear search") Controls.DialogButtonBox.buttonRole: Controls.DialogButtonBox.ResetRole enabled: nativeInterface.entryFilter } Controls.Button { text: qsTr("Quit dialog") Controls.DialogButtonBox.buttonRole: Controls.DialogButtonBox.RejectRole } } ColumnLayout { Controls.TextField { id: filterDialogTextField Layout.preferredWidth: filterDialog.availableWidth Keys.onPressed: filterDialog.acceptOnReturn(event) } } } Connections { target: nativeInterface onEntryFilterChanged: { if (filterTextField.text !== newFilter) { filterTextField.text = newFilter } } onFileError: { if (retryAction.length === 0) { showPassiveNotification(errorMessage) } else { showPassiveNotification(errorMessage, 2500, qsTr("Retry"), function () { nativeInterface[retryAction]() }) } } onPasswordRequired: { enterPasswordDialog.askForExistingPassword( qsTr("Password required to open %1").arg( nativeInterface.filePath)) leftMenu.resetMenu() } onFileOpenChanged: { clearStack() if (!nativeInterface.fileOpen) { showPassiveNotification(qsTr("%1 closed").arg( nativeInterface.fileName)) return } initStack() showPassiveNotification(qsTr("%1 opened").arg( nativeInterface.fileName)) leftMenu.close() } onFileSaved: { showPassiveNotification(qsTr("%1 saved").arg( nativeInterface.fileName)) } onNewNotification: { showPassiveNotification(message) } onCurrentAccountChanged: { // remove the fields page if the current account has been removed if (!nativeInterface.hasCurrentAccount) { pageStack.pop(lastEntriesPage) } } onEntryAboutToBeRemoved: { // get the filter entry index if (nativeInterface.hasEntryFilter) { removedIndex = nativeInterface.filterEntryIndex(removedIndex) } // remove all possibly open stack pages of the removed entry and its children for (var i = pageStack.depth - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var stackPage = pageStack.get(i) if (!stackPage) { continue } if (stackPage.rootIndex === removedIndex) { pageStack.pop(lastEntriesPage = pageStack.get(i - 1)) return } } } onHasEntryFilterChanged: { if (nativeInterface.fileOpen) { pageStack.clear() initStack() } } } Component { id: fileActionComponent Kirigami.Action { property string filePath text: filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) onTriggered: nativeInterface.load(filePath) } } Component { id: clearRecentFilesActionComponent Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("Clear recently opened files") iconName: "edit-clear" onTriggered: { nativeInterface.clearRecentFiles() leftMenu.resetMenu() } } } Component { id: entriesComponent EntriesPage { main: root } } Component { id: fieldsComponent FieldsPage { main: root } } Shortcut { sequence: "Ctrl+M" onActivated: leftMenu.visible = !leftMenu.visible } function initStack() { var entryModel = nativeInterface.hasEntryFilter ? nativeInterface.entryFilterModel : nativeInterface.entryModel var rootIndex = entryModel.index(0, 0) pushStackEntry(entryModel, rootIndex) } function clearStack() { pageStack.pop(lastEntriesPage = root.pageStack.initialPage, Controls.StackView.Immediate) } function pushStackEntry(entryModel, rootIndex) { pageStack.push(lastEntriesPage = entriesComponent.createObject(root, { "entryModel": entryModel, "rootIndex": rootIndex })) } function pushAccountEdit() { // lazy-initialize fieldsPage if (!fieldsPage) { fieldsPage = fieldsComponent.createObject(root) } // remove fieldsPage if already shown to prevent warning if (pageStack.get(pageStack.depth - 1) === fieldsPage) { pageStack.pop(lastEntriesPage) } pageStack.push(fieldsPage) } function createFileActions(files) { return (filePath) { return this.createObject(root, { "filePath": filePath }) }, fileActionComponent) } function createRecentlyOpenedActions(files) { var actions = createFileActions(files) actions.push(clearRecentFilesActionComponent.createObject(root)) return actions } }