import QtQuick 2.7 import QtQuick.Controls 2.1 as Controls import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3 import org.kde.kirigami 2.4 as Kirigami Kirigami.ApplicationWindow { id: root function clearStack() { pageStack.pop(root.pageStack.initialPage, Controls.StackView.Immediate) } function pushStackEntry(entryModel, rootIndex) { var title = var entriesComponent = Qt.createComponent("EntriesPage.qml") if (entriesComponent.status !== Component.Ready) { var errorMessage = "Unable to load EntriesPage.qml: " + entriesComponent.errorString() showPassiveNotification(errorMessage) console.error(errorMessage) return } var entriesPage = entriesComponent.createObject(root, { model: entryModel, rootIndex: rootIndex, title: title }) pageStack.push(entriesPage) } PasswordDialog { id: enterPasswordDialog } FileDialog { id: fileDialog title: selectExisting ? qsTr("Select an existing file") : qsTr( "Select path for new file") onAccepted: { if (fileUrls.length < 1) { return } nativeInterface.filePath = fileUrls[0] if (selectExisting) { nativeInterface.load() } else { nativeInterface.create() } } onRejected: { showPassiveNotification("Canceled file selection") } function openExisting() { this.selectExisting = true } function createNew() { this.selectExisting = false } } Connections { target: nativeInterface onFileError: { showPassiveNotification(errorMessage) } onPasswordRequired: { enterPasswordDialog.askForExistingPassword( qsTr("Password required to open ") + filePath) leftMenu.resetMenu() } onFileOpenChanged: { clearStack() if (!nativeInterface.fileOpen) { return } var entryModel = nativeInterface.entryModel var rootIndex = entryModel.index(0, 0) pushStackEntry(entryModel, rootIndex) } } header: Kirigami.ApplicationHeader { } globalDrawer: Kirigami.GlobalDrawer { id: leftMenu title: qsTr("Password manager") titleIcon: "passwordmanager" bannerImageSource: "banner.png" actions: [ Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("Create new file") iconName: "document-new" onTriggered: fileDialog.createNew() }, Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("Open existing file") iconName: "document-open" onTriggered: fileDialog.openExisting() }, Kirigami.Action { text: "Save modifications" enabled: nativeInterface.fileOpen iconName: "document-save" onTriggered: }, Kirigami.Action { text: "Change password" enabled: nativeInterface.fileOpen iconName: "dialog-password" onTriggered: enterPasswordDialog.askForNewPassword( "Change password for " + nativeInterface.filePath) }, Kirigami.Action { text: "Close file" enabled: nativeInterface.fileOpen iconName: "document-close" onTriggered: nativeInterface.close() } ] } contextDrawer: Kirigami.ContextDrawer { id: contextDrawer } pageStack.initialPage: mainPageComponent // main app content Component { id: mainPageComponent RowLayout { spacing: 5 Controls.Label { text: { if (nativeInterface.fileOpen) { return qsTr("The file %1 has been opened.").arg( nativeInterface.filePath) } else { return qsTr("No file has been opened.") } } } } } Component.onCompleted: { // load file if one has been specified via CLI argument if (nativeInterface.filePath.length) { nativeInterface.load() } } }