#include "./controller.h" #include "./android.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef QT_NO_CLIPBOARD #include #endif #if defined(DEBUG_BUILD) || (defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) && defined(CPP_UTILITIES_USE_NATIVE_FILE_BUFFER)) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace Io; using namespace IoUtilities; using namespace Dialogs; namespace QtGui { Controller::Controller(QSettings &settings, const QString &filePath, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_settings(settings) #ifdef PASSWORD_MANAGER_UNDO_SUPPORT , m_entryModel(&m_undoStack) , m_fieldModel(&m_undoStack) #endif , m_fileOpen(false) , m_fileModified(false) , m_useNativeFileDialog(false) , m_filterAsDialog( #ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID true #else false #endif ) { m_fieldModel.setPasswordVisibility(PasswordVisibility::Never); m_entryFilterModel.setFilterCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); m_entryFilterModel.setSourceModel(&m_entryModel); connect(&m_entryModel, &QAbstractItemModel::rowsAboutToBeRemoved, this, &Controller::handleEntriesRemoved); #ifdef PASSWORD_MANAGER_UNDO_SUPPORT connect(&m_undoStack, &QUndoStack::undoTextChanged, this, &Controller::undoTextChanged); connect(&m_undoStack, &QUndoStack::redoTextChanged, this, &Controller::redoTextChanged); #endif // share settings with main window m_settings.beginGroup(QStringLiteral("mainwindow")); m_recentFiles = m_settings.value(QStringLiteral("recententries")).toStringList(); m_useNativeFileDialog = m_settings.value(QStringLiteral("usenativefiledialog"), m_useNativeFileDialog).toBool(); connect(this, &Controller::recentFilesChanged, this, &Controller::handleRecentFilesChanged); // set initial file path setFilePath(filePath); } void Controller::setFilePath(const QString &filePath) { // get rid of file:// prefix QStringRef actualFilePath(&filePath); if (filePath.startsWith(QLatin1String("file:"))) { actualFilePath = filePath.midRef(5); } while (filePath.startsWith(QLatin1String("//"))) { actualFilePath = actualFilePath.mid(1); } // skip if this path is already set if (m_filePath == actualFilePath) { return; } // assign full file path and file name m_file.clear(); m_file.setPath(filePath.toLocal8Bit().data()); m_fileName = QString::fromLocal8Bit(IoUtilities::fileName(m_file.path()).data()); emit filePathChanged(m_filePath = filePath); // clear password so we don't use the password from the previous file m_password.clear(); // handle recent files const auto index = m_recentFiles.indexOf(m_filePath); if (!index) { return; } if (index < 0) { m_recentFiles.prepend(m_filePath); } else if (index > 0) { m_recentFiles[index].swap(m_recentFiles.first()); } while (m_recentFiles.size() > 10) { m_recentFiles.removeLast(); } emit recentFilesChanged(m_recentFiles); } void Controller::setPassword(const QString &password) { if (m_password == password) { return; } m_file.setPassword(password.toUtf8().data()); emit passwordChanged(m_password = password); } void Controller::init() { if (!m_filePath.isEmpty()) { load(); } } void Controller::load(const QString &filePath) { if (!filePath.isEmpty()) { setFilePath(filePath); } resetFileStatus(); try { m_file.load(); m_entryModel.setRootEntry(m_file.rootEntry()); if (!m_entryModel.rootEntry()) { emit fileError(tr("An error occured when opening the file: root element missing"), QStringLiteral("load")); return; } setFileOpen(true); updateWindowTitle(); } catch (const CryptoException &e) { if ((m_file.saveOptions() & PasswordFileSaveFlags::Encryption) && m_password.isEmpty()) { emit passwordRequired(m_filePath); } else { // clear password since the password which has been provided likely wasn't correct clearPassword(); emit fileError(tr("A crypto error occured when opening the file: ") + QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what()), QStringLiteral("load")); } } catch (const runtime_error &e) { emit fileError(tr("A parsing error occured when opening the file: ") + QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what()), QStringLiteral("load")); } catch (...) { emitIoError(tr("loading")); } } void Controller::create(const QString &filePath) { if (!filePath.isEmpty()) { setFilePath(filePath); } resetFileStatus(); try { if (filePath.isEmpty()) { m_file.clear(); } m_file.create(); } catch (...) { emitIoError(tr("creating")); } m_file.generateRootEntry(); m_entryModel.setRootEntry(m_file.rootEntry()); setFileOpen(true); updateWindowTitle(); } void Controller::close() { try { m_file.close(); resetFileStatus(); } catch (...) { emitIoError(tr("closing")); } } PasswordFileSaveFlags Controller::prepareSaving() { auto flags = PasswordFileSaveFlags::Compression | PasswordFileSaveFlags::PasswordHashing; if (!m_password.isEmpty()) { flags |= PasswordFileSaveFlags::Encryption; const auto passwordUtf8(m_password.toUtf8()); m_file.setPassword(passwordUtf8.data(), static_cast(passwordUtf8.size())); } else { m_file.clearPassword(); } return flags; } void Controller::save() { const auto flags = prepareSaving(); try { #if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) && defined(CPP_UTILITIES_USE_NATIVE_FILE_BUFFER) if (!m_nativeUrl.isEmpty()) { // ensure file is closed m_file.close(); // open new file descriptor to replace existing file and allow writing qDebug() << "Opening new fd for saving, native url: " << m_nativeUrl; const auto newFileDescriptor = openFileDescriptorFromAndroidContentUrl(m_nativeUrl, QStringLiteral("wt")); if (newFileDescriptor < 0) { emit fileError(tr("Unable to open file descriptor for saving the file.")); return; } m_file.fileStream().openFromFileDescriptor(newFileDescriptor, ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc | ios_base::binary); m_file.write(flags); } else { #endif // let libpasswordfile handle everything m_file.save(flags); #if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) && defined(CPP_UTILITIES_USE_NATIVE_FILE_BUFFER) } #endif emit fileSaved(); } catch (const CryptoException &e) { emit fileError(tr("A crypto error occured when saving the file: ") + QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what()), QStringLiteral("save")); } catch (const runtime_error &e) { emit fileError(tr("An internal error occured when saving the file: ") + QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what()), QStringLiteral("save")); } catch (...) { emitIoError(tr("saving")); } } /*! * \brief Shows a native file dialog if supported; otherwise returns false. * \remarks If supported, this method will load/create the selected file (according to \a existing). */ bool Controller::showNativeFileDialog(bool existing) { #if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) && defined(CPP_UTILITIES_USE_NATIVE_FILE_BUFFER) if (!m_useNativeFileDialog) { return false; } return showAndroidFileDialog(existing); #else Q_UNUSED(existing) return false; #endif } void Controller::handleFileSelectionAccepted(const QString &filePath, bool existing) { m_nativeUrl.clear(); if (existing) { load(filePath); } else { create(filePath); } } #if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) && defined(CPP_UTILITIES_USE_NATIVE_FILE_BUFFER) void Controller::handleFileSelectionAcceptedDescriptor(const QString &nativeUrl, const QString &fileName, int fileDescriptor, bool existing) { try { qDebug() << "Opening fd for native url: " << nativeUrl; m_file.setPath(fileName.toStdString()); m_file.fileStream().openFromFileDescriptor(fileDescriptor, ios_base::in | ios_base::binary); m_file.opened(); } catch (...) { emitIoError(tr("opening from native file descriptor")); } emit filePathChanged(m_filePath = m_fileName = fileName); handleFileSelectionAccepted(QString(), existing); m_nativeUrl = nativeUrl; } #endif void Controller::handleFileSelectionCanceled() { emit newNotification(tr("Canceled file selection")); } void Controller::handleEntriesRemoved(const QModelIndex &parentIndex, int first, int last) { // handle deletion of root (currently the view doesn't allow this) const auto *const parentEntry = m_entryModel.entry(parentIndex); if (!parentEntry) { emit entryAboutToBeRemoved(m_entryModel.index(0, 0, QModelIndex())); setCurrentAccount(nullptr); return; } // assert arguments assert(parentEntry->type() == EntryType::Node); const auto &childEntries = static_cast(parentEntry)->children(); assert(first >= 0 && static_cast(first) < childEntries.size()); assert(last >= 0 && static_cast(last) < childEntries.size()); // iterate from first to last of the deleted entries const auto *const currentAccount = this->currentAccount(); for (; first <= last; ++first) { // inform view about deletion emit entryAboutToBeRemoved(m_entryModel.index(first, 0, parentIndex)); // unset current account if it is under the deleted node if (!currentAccount) { continue; } const auto *const childEntry = childEntries[static_cast(first)]; switch (childEntry->type()) { case EntryType::Account: if (currentAccount == static_cast(childEntry)) { setCurrentAccount(nullptr); } break; case EntryType::Node: if (currentAccount->isIndirectChildOf(static_cast(childEntry))) { setCurrentAccount(nullptr); } break; } } } void Controller::handleRecentFilesChanged() { m_settings.setValue(QStringLiteral("recententries"), m_recentFiles); } QStringList Controller::pasteEntries(const QModelIndex &destinationParentMaybeFromFilterModel, int row) { // skip if no entries have been cut if (m_cutEntries.isEmpty()) { return QStringList(); } // determine destinationParent and row in the source model QModelIndex destinationParent; if (destinationParentMaybeFromFilterModel.model() == &m_entryFilterModel) { if (row < 0) { row = m_entryFilterModel.rowCount(destinationParentMaybeFromFilterModel); } const auto destinationIndexInFilter = m_entryFilterModel.index(row, 0, destinationParentMaybeFromFilterModel); if (destinationIndexInFilter.isValid()) { const auto destinationIndex = m_entryFilterModel.mapToSource(destinationIndexInFilter); destinationParent = destinationIndex.parent(); row = destinationIndex.row(); } else { destinationParent = m_entryFilterModel.mapToSource(destinationParentMaybeFromFilterModel); row = -1; } } else { destinationParent = destinationParentMaybeFromFilterModel; } if (row < 0) { row = m_entryModel.rowCount(destinationParent); } // skip if destination is no node if (!m_entryModel.isNode(destinationParent)) { return QStringList(); } // move the entries QStringList successfullyMovedEntries; successfullyMovedEntries.reserve(m_cutEntries.size()); for (const QPersistentModelIndex &cutIndex : m_cutEntries) { if (m_entryModel.moveRows(cutIndex.parent(), cutIndex.row(), 1, destinationParent, row)) { successfullyMovedEntries << m_entryModel.data(m_entryModel.index(row, 0, destinationParent)).toString(); ++row; } } // clear the cut entries m_cutEntries.clear(); emit cutEntriesChanged(m_cutEntries); return successfullyMovedEntries; } bool Controller::copyToClipboard(const QString &text) const { #ifndef QT_NO_CLIPBOARD auto *const clipboard(QGuiApplication::clipboard()); if (!clipboard) { return false; } clipboard->setText(text); return true; #else return false; #endif } void Controller::resetFileStatus() { m_entryModel.reset(); m_fieldModel.reset(); setFileOpen(false); } void Controller::updateWindowTitle() { if (m_fileOpen) { const QFileInfo file(m_filePath); emit windowTitleChanged(m_windowTitle = file.fileName() % QStringLiteral(" - ") % file.dir().path()); } else { emit windowTitleChanged(tr("No file opened.")); } } void Controller::setFileOpen(bool fileOpen) { if (fileOpen != m_fileOpen) { emit fileOpenChanged(m_fileOpen = fileOpen); } } void Controller::emitIoError(const QString &when) { try { const auto *const msg = catchIoFailure(); emit fileError(tr("An IO error occured when %1 the file %2: ").arg(when, m_filePath) + QString::fromLocal8Bit(msg), QStringLiteral("load")); } catch (const exception &e) { emit fileError(tr("An unknown exception occured when %1 the file %2: ").arg(when, m_filePath) + QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what()), QStringLiteral("load")); } catch (...) { emit fileError(tr("An unknown error occured when %1 the file %2.").arg(when, m_filePath), QStringLiteral("load")); } } void Controller::clearRecentFiles() { if (m_recentFiles.isEmpty()) { return; } m_recentFiles.clear(); emit recentFilesChanged(m_recentFiles); } void Controller::setUseNativeFileDialog(bool useNativeFileDialog) { if (m_useNativeFileDialog == useNativeFileDialog) { return; } emit useNativeFileDialogChanged(m_useNativeFileDialog = useNativeFileDialog); m_settings.setValue(QStringLiteral("usenativefiledialog"), m_useNativeFileDialog); } void Controller::setEntryFilter(const QString &filter) { const auto previousFilter(m_entryFilterModel.filterRegExp().pattern()); if (filter == previousFilter) { return; } m_entryFilterModel.setFilterRegExp(filter); emit entryFilterChanged(filter); if (previousFilter.isEmpty() != filter.isEmpty()) { emit hasEntryFilterChanged(!filter.isEmpty()); } } } // namespace QtGui