import QtQuick 2.7 import QtQuick.Controls 2.1 as Controls import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2 import org.kde.kirigami 2.4 as Kirigami BasicDialog { id: passwordDialog property alias instruction: instructionLabel.text property alias password: passwordTextField.text property bool newPassword: false readonly property bool canAccept: !newPassword || showCharactersCheckBox.checked || passwordTextField.text === repeatPasswordTextField.text standardButtons: canAccept ? Controls.Dialog.Ok | Controls.Dialog.Cancel : Controls.Dialog.Cancel title: qsTr("Enter password") onAccepted: { nativeInterface.password = password if (newPassword) { showPassiveNotification( qsTr("The new password will be used when saving next time.")) } else { nativeInterface.load() } } onRejected: { if (newPassword) { showPassiveNotification( qsTr("You aborted. The password has not been altered.")) } } ColumnLayout { Controls.Label { id: instructionLabel Layout.preferredWidth: passwordDialog.availableWidth wrapMode: Controls.Label.Wrap } Controls.TextField { id: passwordTextField Layout.preferredWidth: passwordDialog.availableWidth echoMode: showCharactersCheckBox.checked ? TextInput.Normal : TextInput.Password placeholderText: qsTr("enter password here, leave empty for no encryption") background: Rectangle { border.color: "#5d5e6d" } } Controls.TextField { id: repeatPasswordTextField Layout.preferredWidth: passwordDialog.availableWidth visible: passwordDialog.newPassword && !showCharactersCheckBox.checked echoMode: TextInput.Password placeholderText: qsTr("repeat password") background: Rectangle { border.color: passwordDialog.canAccept ? "#089900" : "#ff0000" } } Controls.CheckBox { id: showCharactersCheckBox text: qsTr("Show characters") checked: false } } function clear() { passwordTextField.text = "" repeatPasswordTextField.text = "" } function askForPassword(instruction) { this.instruction = instruction clear() open() } function askForExistingPassword(instruction) { newPassword = false askForPassword(instruction) } function askForNewPassword(instruction) { newPassword = true askForPassword(instruction) } }