
860 lines
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#include "../global.h"
#include <functional>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
class ArgumentParserTests;
namespace ApplicationUtilities {
CPP_UTILITIES_EXPORT extern const char *applicationName;
CPP_UTILITIES_EXPORT extern const char *applicationAuthor;
CPP_UTILITIES_EXPORT extern const char *applicationVersion;
CPP_UTILITIES_EXPORT extern const char *applicationUrl;
CPP_UTILITIES_EXPORT extern std::initializer_list<const char *> dependencyVersions;
* \brief Sets meta data about the dependencies the application was linked against which is
* used by ArgumentParser::printHelp().
* \remarks Reads those data from the config header so "config.h" must be included.
#define SET_DEPENDENCY_INFO ::ApplicationUtilities::dependencyVersions = DEPENCENCY_VERSIONS
#define SET_DEPENDENCY_INFO ::ApplicationUtilities::dependencyVersions = STATIC_DEPENCENCY_VERSIONS
* \brief Sets application meta data (including SET_DEPENDENCY_INFO) used by ArgumentParser::printHelp().
* \remarks Reads those data from the config header so "config.h" must be included.
::ApplicationUtilities::applicationName = APP_NAME; \
::ApplicationUtilities::applicationAuthor = APP_AUTHOR; \
::ApplicationUtilities::applicationVersion = APP_VERSION; \
::ApplicationUtilities::applicationUrl = APP_URL; \
CPP_UTILITIES_EXPORT extern void (*exitFunction)(int);
class Argument;
class ArgumentParser;
class ArgumentReader;
typedef std::initializer_list<Argument *> ArgumentInitializerList;
typedef std::vector<Argument *> ArgumentVector;
typedef std::function<bool(Argument *)> ArgumentPredicate;
* \brief The UnknownArgumentBehavior enum specifies the behavior of the argument parser when an unknown
* argument is detected.
enum class UnknownArgumentBehavior {
Ignore, /**< Unknown arguments are ignored without warnings. */
Warn, /**< A warning is printed to std::cerr if an unknown argument is detected. */
Fail /**< Further parsing is aborted and an ApplicationUtilities::Failure instance with an error message is thrown. */
* \brief The ValueCompletionBehavior enum specifies the items to be considered when generating completion for an argument value.
enum class ValueCompletionBehavior : unsigned char {
None = 0, /**< no auto-completion */
PreDefinedValues = 2, /**< values assigned with Argument::setPreDefinedCompletionValues() */
Files = 4, /**< files */
Directories = 8, /**< directories */
FileSystemIfNoPreDefinedValues = 16, /**< files and directories but only if no values have been assigned (default behavior) */
AppendEquationSign = 32 /**< an equation sign is appended to values which not contain an equation sign already */
/// \cond
constexpr ValueCompletionBehavior operator|(ValueCompletionBehavior lhs, ValueCompletionBehavior rhs)
return static_cast<ValueCompletionBehavior>(static_cast<unsigned char>(lhs) | static_cast<unsigned char>(rhs));
constexpr bool operator&(ValueCompletionBehavior lhs, ValueCompletionBehavior rhs)
return static_cast<bool>(static_cast<unsigned char>(lhs) & static_cast<unsigned char>(rhs));
/// \endcond
Argument CPP_UTILITIES_EXPORT *firstPresentUncombinableArg(const ArgumentVector &args, const Argument *except);
* \brief The ArgumentOccurrence struct holds argument values for an occurrence of an argument.
struct CPP_UTILITIES_EXPORT ArgumentOccurrence {
ArgumentOccurrence(std::size_t index);
ArgumentOccurrence(std::size_t index, const std::vector<Argument *> parentPath, Argument *parent);
* \brief The index of the occurrence. This is not necessarily the index in the argv array.
std::size_t index;
* \brief The parameter values which have been specified after the occurrence of the argument.
std::vector<const char *> values;
* \brief The "path" of the occurrence (the parent elements which have been specified before).
* \remarks Empty for top-level occurrences.
std::vector<Argument *> path;
* \brief Constructs an argument occurrence for the specified \a index.
inline ArgumentOccurrence::ArgumentOccurrence(std::size_t index)
: index(index)
* \brief Constructs an argument occurrence.
* \param index Specifies the index.
* \param parentPath Specifies the path of \a parent.
* \param parent Specifies the parent which might be nullptr for top-level occurrences.
* The path of the new occurrence is built from the specified \a parentPath and \a parent.
inline ArgumentOccurrence::ArgumentOccurrence(std::size_t index, const std::vector<Argument *> parentPath, Argument *parent)
: index(index)
, path(parentPath)
if (parent) {
friend ArgumentParser;
friend ArgumentReader;
friend ArgumentParserTests;
typedef std::function<void(const ArgumentOccurrence &)> CallbackFunction;
Argument(const char *name, char abbreviation = '\0', const char *description = nullptr, const char *example = nullptr);
const char *name() const;
void setName(const char *name);
char abbreviation() const;
void setAbbreviation(char abbreviation);
const char *environmentVariable() const;
void setEnvironmentVariable(const char *environmentVariable);
const char *description() const;
void setDescription(const char *description);
const char *example() const;
void setExample(const char *example);
const std::vector<const char *> &values(std::size_t occurrence = 0) const;
const char *firstValue() const;
std::size_t requiredValueCount() const;
void setRequiredValueCount(std::size_t requiredValueCount);
const std::vector<const char *> &valueNames() const;
void setValueNames(std::initializer_list<const char *> valueNames);
void appendValueName(const char *valueName);
bool allRequiredValuesPresent(std::size_t occurrence = 0) const;
bool isPresent() const;
std::size_t occurrences() const;
std::size_t index(std::size_t occurrence) const;
std::size_t minOccurrences() const;
std::size_t maxOccurrences() const;
void setConstraints(std::size_t minOccurrences, std::size_t maxOccurrences);
const std::vector<Argument *> &path(std::size_t occurrence = 0) const;
bool isRequired() const;
void setRequired(bool required);
bool isCombinable() const;
void setCombinable(bool value);
bool isImplicit() const;
void setImplicit(bool value);
bool denotesOperation() const;
void setDenotesOperation(bool denotesOperation);
void setCallback(CallbackFunction callback);
void printInfo(std::ostream &os, unsigned char indentation = 0) const;
const ArgumentVector &subArguments() const;
void setSubArguments(const ArgumentInitializerList &subArguments);
void addSubArgument(Argument *arg);
bool hasSubArguments() const;
const ArgumentVector parents() const;
bool isMainArgument() const;
bool isParentPresent() const;
ValueCompletionBehavior valueCompletionBehaviour() const;
void setValueCompletionBehavior(ValueCompletionBehavior valueCompletionBehaviour);
const char *preDefinedCompletionValues() const;
void setPreDefinedCompletionValues(const char *preDefinedCompletionValues);
Argument *conflictsWithArgument() const;
Argument *wouldConflictWithArgument() const;
Argument *specifiedOperation() const;
void reset();
void resetRecursively();
* \brief Denotes a variable number of values.
* \sa setRequiredValueCount()
static constexpr std::size_t varValueCount = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
const char *m_name;
char m_abbreviation;
const char *m_environmentVar;
const char *m_description;
const char *m_example;
std::size_t m_minOccurrences;
std::size_t m_maxOccurrences;
bool m_combinable;
bool m_denotesOperation;
std::size_t m_requiredValueCount;
std::vector<const char *> m_valueNames;
bool m_implicit;
std::vector<ArgumentOccurrence> m_occurrences;
ArgumentVector m_subArgs;
CallbackFunction m_callbackFunction;
ArgumentVector m_parents;
bool m_isMainArg;
ValueCompletionBehavior m_valueCompletionBehavior;
const char *m_preDefinedCompletionValues;
class CPP_UTILITIES_EXPORT ArgumentParser {
friend ArgumentParserTests;
friend ArgumentReader;
const ArgumentVector &mainArguments() const;
void setMainArguments(const ArgumentInitializerList &mainArguments);
void addMainArgument(Argument *argument);
void printHelp(std::ostream &os) const;
void parseArgs(int argc, const char *const *argv);
void readArgs(int argc, const char *const *argv);
void resetArgs();
unsigned int actualArgumentCount() const;
const char *executable() const;
UnknownArgumentBehavior unknownArgumentBehavior() const;
void setUnknownArgumentBehavior(UnknownArgumentBehavior behavior);
Argument *defaultArgument() const;
void setDefaultArgument(Argument *argument);
Argument *specifiedOperation() const;
void checkConstraints();
void invokeCallbacks();
bool isUncombinableMainArgPresent() const;
IF_DEBUG_BUILD(void verifyArgs(const ArgumentVector &args, std::vector<char> abbreviations, std::vector<const char *> names);)
void printBashCompletion(int argc, const char *const *argv, unsigned int cursorPos, const ArgumentReader &reader);
void checkConstraints(const ArgumentVector &args);
static void invokeCallbacks(const ArgumentVector &args);
ArgumentVector m_mainArgs;
unsigned int m_actualArgc;
const char *m_executable;
UnknownArgumentBehavior m_unknownArgBehavior;
Argument *m_defaultArg;
* \brief Returns the name of the argument.
* The parser compares the name with the characters following a "--" prefix to identify arguments.
inline const char *Argument::name() const
return m_name;
* \brief Sets the name of the argument.
* The name mustn't be empty, start with a minus or contain white spaces, equation chars, quotes and newlines.
* The parser compares the name with the characters following a "--" prefix to identify arguments.
inline void Argument::setName(const char *name)
if (name && *name) {
assert(*name != '-');
for (const char *c = name; *c; ++c) {
assert(*c != ' ' && *c != '=' && *c != '\'' && *c != '\"' && *c != '\n' && *c != '\r');
m_name = name;
* \brief Returns the abbreviation of the argument.
* The parser compares the abbreviation with the characters following a "-" prefix to identify arguments.
inline char Argument::abbreviation() const
return m_abbreviation;
* \brief Sets the abbreviation of the argument.
* The abbreviation might be empty but mustn't be white spaces, equation char, single quote, double quote or newline.
* The parser compares the abbreviation with the characters following a "-" prefix to identify arguments.
inline void Argument::setAbbreviation(char abbreviation)
IF_DEBUG_BUILD(assert(abbreviation != ' ' && abbreviation != '=' && abbreviation != '-' && abbreviation != '\'' && abbreviation != '"'
&& abbreviation != '\n' && abbreviation != '\r'));
m_abbreviation = abbreviation;
* \brief Returns the environment variable queried when firstValue() is called.
* \sa firstValue(), setEnvironmentVariable()
inline const char *Argument::environmentVariable() const
return m_environmentVar;
* \brief Sets the environment variable queried when firstValue() is called.
* \sa firstValue(), environmentVariable()
inline void Argument::setEnvironmentVariable(const char *environmentVariable)
m_environmentVar = environmentVariable;
* \brief Returns the description of the argument.
* The parser uses the description when printing help information.
inline const char *Argument::description() const
return m_description;
* \brief Sets the description of the argument.
* The parser uses the description when printing help information.
inline void Argument::setDescription(const char *description)
m_description = description;
* \brief Returns the usage example of the argument.
* The parser uses the description when printing help information.
inline const char *Argument::example() const
return m_example;
* \brief Sets the a usage example for the argument.
* The parser uses the description when printing help information.
inline void Argument::setExample(const char *example)
m_example = example;
* \brief Returns the parameter values for the specified \a occurrence of argument.
* \remarks
* - The values are set by the parser when parsing the command line arguments.
* - The specified \a occurrence must be less than occurrences().
inline const std::vector<const char *> &Argument::values(std::size_t occurrence) const
return m_occurrences[occurrence].values;
* \brief Returns the number of values which are required to be given
* for this argument.
* The parser will expect that many values when parsing command line arguments.
* A negative value indicates a variable number of arguments to be expected.
* The default value is 0, except for ConfigValueArgument instances.
* \sa setRequiredValueCount()
* \sa valueNames()
* \sa setValueNames()
inline std::size_t Argument::requiredValueCount() const
return m_requiredValueCount;
* \brief Sets the number of values which are required to be given
* for this argument.
* The parser will expect that many values when parsing command line arguments.
* Pass Argument::varValueCount for a variable number of arguments
* to be expected.
* \sa requiredValueCount()
* \sa valueNames()
* \sa setValueNames()
inline void Argument::setRequiredValueCount(std::size_t requiredValueCount)
m_requiredValueCount = requiredValueCount;
* \brief Returns the names of the requried values.
* These names will be shown when printing information about the argument.
* \sa setValueNames()
* \sa appendValueName()
inline const std::vector<const char *> &Argument::valueNames() const
return m_valueNames;
* \brief Sets the names of the requried values. These names will be used
* when printing information about the argument.
* If the number of value names is higher than the number of requried values
* the additional value names will be ignored.
* If the number of value names is lesser than the number of requried values
* generic values will be used for the missing names.
* \sa appendValueName()
* \sa valueNames()
* \sa requiredValueCount()
inline void Argument::setValueNames(std::initializer_list<const char *> valueNames)
* \brief Appends a value name. The value names names will be shown
* when printing information about the argument.
* \sa setValueNames()
* \sa valueNames()
inline void Argument::appendValueName(const char *valueName)
* \brief Returns an indication whether all required values are present.
inline bool Argument::allRequiredValuesPresent(std::size_t occurrence) const
return m_requiredValueCount == static_cast<std::size_t>(-1)
|| (m_occurrences[occurrence].values.size() >= static_cast<std::size_t>(m_requiredValueCount));
* \brief Returns an indication whether the argument is an implicit argument.
* \sa setImplicit()
inline bool Argument::isImplicit() const
return m_implicit;
* \brief Sets whether the argument is an implicit argument.
* \sa isImplicit()
inline void Argument::setImplicit(bool implicit)
m_implicit = implicit;
* \brief Returns an indication whether the argument could be detected when parsing.
inline bool Argument::isPresent() const
return !m_occurrences.empty();
* \brief Returns how often the argument could be detected when parsing.
inline std::size_t Argument::occurrences() const
return m_occurrences.size();
* \brief Returns the indices of the argument's occurences which could be detected when parsing.
inline std::size_t Argument::index(std::size_t occurrence) const
return m_occurrences[occurrence].index;
* \brief Returns the minimum number of occurrences.
* If the argument occurs not that many times, the parser will complain.
inline std::size_t Argument::minOccurrences() const
return m_minOccurrences;
* \brief Returns the maximum number of occurrences.
* If the argument occurs more often, the parser will complain.
inline std::size_t Argument::maxOccurrences() const
return m_maxOccurrences;
* \brief Sets the allowed number of occurrences.
* \sa minOccurrences()
* \sa maxOccurrences()
inline void Argument::setConstraints(std::size_t minOccurrences, std::size_t maxOccurrences)
m_minOccurrences = minOccurrences;
m_maxOccurrences = maxOccurrences;
* \brief Returns the path of the specified \a occurrence.
inline const std::vector<Argument *> &Argument::path(std::size_t occurrence) const
return m_occurrences[occurrence].path;
* \brief Returns an indication whether the argument is mandatory.
* The parser will complain if a mandatory argument is not present.
* The default value is false.
* \sa setRequired()
inline bool Argument::isRequired() const
return m_minOccurrences;
* \brief Sets whether this argument is mandatory or not.
* The parser will complain if a mandatory argument is not present.
* * \sa isRequired()
inline void Argument::setRequired(bool required)
if (required) {
if (!m_minOccurrences) {
m_minOccurrences = 1;
} else {
m_minOccurrences = 0;
* \brief Returns an indication whether the argument is combinable.
* The parser will complain if two arguments labeled as uncombinable are
* present at the same time.
* \sa setCombinable()
inline bool Argument::isCombinable() const
return m_combinable;
* \brief Sets whether this argument can be combined.
* The parser will complain if two arguments labeled as uncombinable are
* present at the same time.
* \sa isCombinable()
inline void Argument::setCombinable(bool value)
m_combinable = value;
* \brief Returns whether the argument denotes the operation.
* An argument which denotes the operation might be specified
* withouth "--" or "-" prefix as first main argument.
* The default value is false, except for OperationArgument instances.
* \sa setDenotesOperation()
inline bool Argument::denotesOperation() const
return m_denotesOperation;
* \brief Sets whether the argument denotes the operation.
* \sa denotesOperation()
inline void Argument::setDenotesOperation(bool denotesOperation)
m_denotesOperation = denotesOperation;
* \brief Sets a \a callback function which will be called by the parser if
* the argument could be found and no parsing errors occured.
* \remarks The \a callback will be called for each occurrence of the argument.
inline void Argument::setCallback(Argument::CallbackFunction callback)
m_callbackFunction = callback;
* \brief Returns the secondary arguments for this argument.
* \sa setSecondaryArguments()
* \sa hasSecondaryArguments()
inline const ArgumentVector &Argument::subArguments() const
return m_subArgs;
* \brief Returns an indication whether the argument has secondary arguments.
* \sa secondaryArguments()
* \sa setSecondaryArguments()
inline bool Argument::hasSubArguments() const
return !m_subArgs.empty();
* \brief Returns the parents of this argument.
* If this argument is used as secondary argument, the arguments which
* contain this argument as secondary arguments are returned
* as "parents" of this argument.
* If this argument is used as a main argument shouldn't be used as
* secondary argument at the same time and thus have no parents.
inline const ArgumentVector Argument::parents() const
return m_parents;
* \brief Returns an indication whether the argument is used as main argument.
* An argument used as main argument shouldn't be used as secondary
* arguments at the same time.
inline bool Argument::isMainArgument() const
return m_isMainArg;
* \brief Returns the items to be considered when generating completion for the values.
inline ValueCompletionBehavior Argument::valueCompletionBehaviour() const
return m_valueCompletionBehavior;
* \brief Sets the items to be considered when generating completion for the values.
inline void Argument::setValueCompletionBehavior(ValueCompletionBehavior completionValues)
m_valueCompletionBehavior = completionValues;
* \brief Returns the assigned values used when generating completion for the values.
inline const char *Argument::preDefinedCompletionValues() const
return m_preDefinedCompletionValues;
* \brief Assignes the values to be used when generating completion for the values.
inline void Argument::setPreDefinedCompletionValues(const char *preDefinedCompletionValues)
m_preDefinedCompletionValues = preDefinedCompletionValues;
* \brief Resets occurrences (indices, values and paths).
inline void Argument::reset()
* \brief Returns the main arguments.
* \sa setMainArguments()
inline const ArgumentVector &ArgumentParser::mainArguments() const
return m_mainArgs;
* \brief Returns the actual number of arguments that could be found when parsing.
inline unsigned int ArgumentParser::actualArgumentCount() const
return m_actualArgc;
* \brief Returns the name of the current executable.
inline const char *ArgumentParser::executable() const
return m_executable;
* \brief Returns how unknown arguments are treated.
* The default value is UnknownArgumentBehavior::Fail.
inline UnknownArgumentBehavior ArgumentParser::unknownArgumentBehavior() const
return m_unknownArgBehavior;
* \brief Sets how unknown arguments are treated.
* The default value is UnknownArgumentBehavior::Fail.
inline void ArgumentParser::setUnknownArgumentBehavior(UnknownArgumentBehavior behavior)
m_unknownArgBehavior = behavior;
* \brief Returns the default argument.
* \remarks The default argument is assumed to be present if no other arguments have been specified.
inline Argument *ArgumentParser::defaultArgument() const
return m_defaultArg;
* \brief Sets the default argument.
* \remarks The default argument is assumed to be present if no other arguments have been specified.
inline void ArgumentParser::setDefaultArgument(Argument *argument)
m_defaultArg = argument;
* \brief Checks whether contraints are violated.
* \remarks Automatically called by parseArgs().
* \throws Throws Failure if constraints are violated.
inline void ArgumentParser::checkConstraints()
* \brief Invokes all assigned callbacks.
* \remarks Automatically called by parseArgs().
inline void ArgumentParser::invokeCallbacks()
class CPP_UTILITIES_EXPORT HelpArgument : public Argument {
HelpArgument(ArgumentParser &parser);
class CPP_UTILITIES_EXPORT OperationArgument : public Argument {
OperationArgument(const char *name, char abbreviation = '\0', const char *description = nullptr, const char *example = nullptr);
inline OperationArgument::OperationArgument(const char *name, char abbreviation, const char *description, const char *example)
: Argument(name, abbreviation, description, example)
class CPP_UTILITIES_EXPORT ConfigValueArgument : public Argument {
ConfigValueArgument(const char *name, char abbreviation = '\0', const char *description = nullptr,
std::initializer_list<const char *> valueNames = std::initializer_list<const char *>());
* \brief Constructs a new ConfigValueArgument with the specified parameter. The initial value of requiredValueCount() is set to size of specified \a valueNames.
inline ConfigValueArgument::ConfigValueArgument(
const char *name, char abbreviation, const char *description, std::initializer_list<const char *> valueNames)
: Argument(name, abbreviation, description)
} // namespace ApplicationUtilities