#!/bin/bash set -e # abort on first error shopt -s nullglob shopt -s extglob source "$(dirname $0)/../versions.sh" if ! [[ $DRY_RUN ]] && ! [[ $GITHUB_TOKEN ]]; then echo "Don't forget to set \$GITHUB_TOKEN." exit 1 fi # determine GPGKEY to use and test signing if [[ -f /etc/makepkg.conf ]]; then source /etc/makepkg.conf fi if ! [[ $GPGKEY ]] && ! [[ $SKIP_SIGNING ]]; then echo "You must set \$GPGKEY for signing or \$SKIP_SIGNING to skip signing." exit 2 fi if [[ -n $GPGKEY ]]; then # make helpers for signing used by buildservice available to this script as well export PATH=/var/lib/buildservice-git/bin:/var/lib/buildservice:$PATH SIGNWITHKEY=(-u "${GPGKEY}") echo 'test' > /tmp/signing-test if ! gpg --detach-sign --yes --use-agent "${SIGNWITHKEY[@]}" --no-armor /tmp/signing-test ; then echo 'Not continuing, setup for signing is broken' exit 3 fi rm /tmp/signing-test* echo "Will sign archives with key ${GPGKEY}" fi if [[ $DRY_RUN ]]; then target=${DRY_RUN_TARGET:-$PWD} fi projects=(${PROJECTS:-${!versions[@]}}) repo_dir=${PATH_REPO_OWNSTUFF} if ! [[ $repo_dir ]]; then echo "\$PATH_REPO_OWNSTUFF is empty." exit -1 fi repo_dir+='/x86_64' if ! [[ -d $repo_dir ]]; then echo "\$PATH_REPO_OWNSTUFF/x86_64 does not point to a directory." exit -1 fi # upload latest static mingw-w64 package of my projects on GitHub (if not already present) for project in "${projects[@]}" do version=${versions[$project]} gh_name=${github_names[$project]:-$project} [[ $gh_name == 'skip' ]] && continue [[ $version == 'none' ]] && continue echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------' echo "NEXT: $project/v$version" temp_dir=$(mktemp -d -t "$project-XXXXXXXXXX") zip_files=() pushd "$temp_dir" for variant in '' 'qt6'; do [[ $variant ]] && variant_suffix=-$variant || variant_suffix= # determine file path of arch linux package pkg_name=mingw-w64-$project$variant_suffix pkg_files=("$repo_dir/$pkg_name-$version"-*-*.pkg.tar.!(*.sig)) if [[ ${#pkg_files[@]} == 0 ]]; then echo "no mingw-w64$variant_suffix package for $project/v$version present" continue fi latest_pkg_file=${pkg_files[-1]} # extract arch linux package pkg_file_name=${latest_pkg_file##*/} bsdtar xJf "$latest_pkg_file" # locate the license file license_file=usr/share/licenses/$pkg_name/LICENSES-windows-distribution.md if [[ ! -f $license_file ]]; then echo "the package $latest_pkg_file does not include the expected license file $license_file" continue fi # make a zip file for each statically linked binary for arch in i686-w64-mingw32 x86_64-w64-mingw32; do binaries=(usr/$arch/bin/*-static.exe) for binary in ${binaries[@]}; do binary_cli=${binary%-static.exe}-static-cli.exe base_name=${binary##*/} base_name=${base_name%-static.exe} symlink_name=$base_name-$arch.exe symlink_name_cli=$base_name-$arch-cli.exe # consider Qt 6 the suffixless default and use suffix for Qt 5 version instead if [[ $base_name =~ .*-qt6 ]]; then base_name=${base_name%-qt6} else base_name=${base_name}-qt5 fi binary_name=$base_name-$version-$arch.exe binary_name_cli=$base_name-$version-$arch-cli.exe # check whether upload already exists zip_file="$binary_name.zip" if ! [[ $DRY_RUN ]] && github-release info --user martchus --repo "$gh_name" --tag "v$version" | grep "artifact: $zip_file"; then echo "auto-skipping $project/v$version; $zip_file already present" continue elif [[ $DRY_RUN ]] && [[ -e $zip_file ]]; then echo "auto-skipping $project/v$version; $zip_file already present (dry-run)" continue fi # create zip file echo "zipping $binary to $zip_file" mv "$binary" "$binary_name" ln -s "$binary_name" "$symlink_name" additional_files=() if [[ -f $binary_cli ]]; then mv "$binary_cli" "$binary_name_cli" ln -s "$binary_name_cli" "$symlink_name_cli" additional_files+=("$binary_name_cli") fi license_file_2=$project-$version-$arch-LICENSES.md cp "$license_file" "$license_file_2" bsdtar acf "$zip_file" "$binary_name" "$license_file_2" "${additional_files[@]}" zip_files+=("$zip_file") done done done pkg_name=static-compat-$project pkg_files=("$repo_dir/$pkg_name-$version"-*-*.pkg.tar.!(*.sig)) if [[ ${#pkg_files[@]} == 0 ]]; then echo "no static-compat package for $project/v$version present" else latest_pkg_file=${pkg_files[-1]} # extract arch linux package pkg_file_name=${latest_pkg_file##*/} bsdtar xJf "$latest_pkg_file" # locate the license file license_file=usr/share/licenses/$pkg_name/LICENSES-linux-distribution.md if [[ ! -f $license_file ]]; then echo "the package $latest_pkg_file does not include the expected license file $license_file" fi binaries=(usr/static-compat/bin/*) arch=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu for binary in ${binaries[@]}; do base_name=${binary##*/} symlink_name=$base_name-$arch binary_name=$base_name-$version-$arch # check whether upload already exists zip_file="$binary_name.tar.xz" if ! [[ $DRY_RUN ]] && github-release info --user martchus --repo "$gh_name" --tag "v$version" | grep "artifact: $zip_file"; then echo "auto-skipping $project/v$version; $zip_file already present" continue elif [[ $DRY_RUN ]] && [[ -e $zip_file ]]; then echo "auto-skipping $project/v$version; $zip_file already present (dry-run)" continue fi # create zip file echo "zipping $binary to $zip_file" mv "$binary" "$binary_name" ln -s "$binary_name" "$symlink_name" #license_file_2=$project-$version-$arch-LICENSES.md #cp "$license_file" "$license_file_2" bsdtar acf "$zip_file" "$binary_name" "$symlink_name" zip_files+=("$zip_file") done fi # try next project and print warning if no files could be created if [[ ${#zip_files[@]} == 0 ]]; then echo "no zip files for $project/v$version could be created (either all skipped or no executables found)" continue fi # sign files to_upload=() for zip_file in ${zip_files[@]}; do to_upload+=("$zip_file") if ! [[ $GPGKEY ]]; then continue fi echo "signing $project/v$version -> $zip_file" gpg --detach-sign --yes --use-agent "${SIGNWITHKEY[@]}" --no-armor "$zip_file" to_upload+=("$zip_file.sig") done # upload files for zip_file in ${to_upload[@]}; do echo "uploading $project/v$version -> $zip_file" if [[ $DRY_RUN ]]; then mv --target-directory="$target" "$zip_file" continue fi if github-release upload --user martchus --repo "$gh_name" --tag "v$version" --file "$zip_file" --name "$zip_file"; then echo "SUCCESS: uploaded $project/v$version -> $zip_file" else echo "FAILURE: unable to upload $project/v$version -> $zip_file" exit -1 fi done popd rm -r "$temp_dir" done