QML Lint Warning and Errors
Here is an overview over all QML Lint warning and error messages.
[alias-cycle] Alias property is part of an alias cycle. | |
[attached-property-reuse] Attached type was initialized multiple times. | |
[access-singleton-via-object] A singleton was incorrectly accessed. | |
[required] A component's required property was not bound. | |
[deprecated] A deprecated property or type was used. | |
[duplicate-property-binding] A property was bound multiple times. | |
[syntax.duplicate-ids] An id is not unique. | |
[duplicated-name] Multiple signals or properties share the same name in the same Component. | |
[syntax.id-quotation] Id has quotation marks. | |
[incompatible-type] An object, value, or expression is used on an incompatible type. | |
[inheritance-cycle] A component inherits from itself. | |
[invalid-lint-directive] Invalid qmllint comments. | |
[missing-enum-entry] Enum value is missing from its declaration. | |
[missing-property] Binding a value to a non-existing property. | |
[missing-type] A type used in a binding or alias was not found. | |
[multiline-strings] A string is spanning over multiple lines. | |
[non-list-property] Multiple values were assigned to a non-list property. | |
Misuses of the Quick attached property types. | |
[read-only-property] A readonly property was written. | |
[recursion-depth-errors] Qml statement or expression is too deeply nested. | |
[restricted-type] A restricted type was accessed. | |
[signal-handler-parameters] The signal handler does not satisfy the signal types. | |
[syntax] Various syntactic errors. | |
[top-level-component] Root QML type is a component | |
[uncreatable-type] Types that can't be created. | |
[unqualified] Accessing an outer scope without its id. | |
[unresolved-alias] Property of property alias was not found. | |
[unresolved-type] A used type was not found. | |
[unused-imports] Types of the imported module were not used. | |
[use-proper-function] Calling something that might not be a function. | |
[var-used-before-declaration] A JavaScript variable was used before its declaration. | |
[import] The imported module was not found. | |
[with] With statements are strongly discouraged in QML. | |