Qt GUI Private C++ Classes
Provides access to private GUI functionality. More...
Accelerated 2D/3D graphics API abstraction | |
Vertex, index, or uniform (constant) buffer resource | |
Contains information about the underlying native resources of a buffer | |
Describes the a single color attachment of a render target | |
Command buffer resource | |
Compute pipeline state resource | |
Direct3D 11 specific initialization parameters | |
Holds the D3D device and device context used by the QRhi | |
Holds the ID3D12GraphicsCommandList1 object that is backing a QRhiCommandBuffer | |
Direct3D 12 specific initialization parameters | |
Holds the D3D12 device used by the QRhi | |
Specifies clear values for a depth or stencil buffer | |
Describes the physical device, adapter, or graphics API implementation that is used by an initialized QRhi | |
OpenGL specific initialization parameters | |
Holds the OpenGL context used by the QRhi | |
Graphics pipeline state resource | |
Describes the stencil operation state | |
Describes the blend state for one color attachment | |
Base class for backend-specific initialization parameters | |
Holds the MTLCommandBuffer and MTLRenderCommandEncoder objects that are backing a QRhiCommandBuffer | |
Metal specific initialization parameters | |
Holds the Metal device used by the QRhi | |
Base class for classes exposing backend-specific collections of native resource objects | |
Null backend specific initialization parameters | |
Empty | |
Describes a readback (reading back texture contents from possibly GPU-only memory) operation | |
Describes the results of a potentially asynchronous buffer or texture readback operation | |
Renderbuffer resource | |
Wraps a native renderbuffer object | |
Render pass resource | |
Represents an onscreen (swapchain) or offscreen (texture) render target | |
Base class for classes encapsulating native resource objects | |
Records upload and copy type of operations | |
Sampler resource | |
Specifies a scissor rectangle | |
Describes the shader resource for a single binding point | |
Encapsulates resources for making buffer, texture, sampler resources visible to shaders | |
Specifies the type and the shader code for a shader stage in the pipeline | |
Statistics provided from the underlying memory allocator | |
Swapchain resource | |
Describes the high dynamic range related information of the swapchain's associated output | |
Opaque data describing native objects needed to set up a swapchain | |
Swapchain render target resource | |
Texture resource | |
Contains information about the underlying native resources of a texture | |
Specifies the view format for reading or writing from or to the texture | |
Describes a texture-to-texture copy operation | |
Texture render target resource | |
Describes the color and depth or depth/stencil attachments of a render target | |
Describes the source for one mip level in a layer in a texture upload operation | |
Describes a texture upload operation | |
Describes one layer (face for cubemaps, slice for 3D textures, element for texture arrays) in a texture upload operation | |
Describes a single vertex input element | |
Describes a vertex input binding | |
Describes the layout of vertex inputs consumed by a vertex shader | |
Specifies a viewport rectangle | |
Holds the Vulkan command buffer object that is backing a QRhiCommandBuffer | |
Vulkan specific initialization parameters | |
Collects device, queue, and other Vulkan objects that are used by the QRhi | |
Holds the Vulkan render pass object backing a QRhiRenderPassDescriptor |
Detailed Description
Use the following CMake commands in your CMakeLists.txt
to access private Qt GUI APIs:
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Gui) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::GuiPrivate)