List of All Members for GraphsView
This is the complete list of members for GraphsView, including inherited members.
- axisX : AbstractAxis
- axisXSmoothing : real
- axisY : AbstractAxis
- axisYSmoothing : real
- gridSmoothing : real
- marginBottom : real
- marginLeft : real
- marginRight : real
- marginTop : real
- orientation : Qt.Orientation
- seriesList : list
- shadowBarWidth : real
- shadowColor : color
- shadowSmoothing : real
- shadowVisible : bool
- shadowXOffset : real
- shadowYOffset : real
- theme : GraphsTheme
- addSeries(AbstractSeries series)
- bool hasSeries(AbstractSeries series)
- insertSeries(int index, AbstractSeries series)
- removeSeries(AbstractSeries series)
- removeSeries(int index)