Qt for webOS

webOS Open Source Edition (webOS OSE) is an open source edition of LG’s webOS. webOS supports development using both modern web application frameworks as well as native technologies including Qt and the QML language.

Developing Applications with Qt for webOS

Both native C++ and QML are supported but QML is suggested for application development. For information on how to develop QML applications for webOS see LG's documentation.

You can also view an excellent talk given by LG at Qt world summit 2019 that discusses this in detail.

Supported Platforms and Versions

WebOS versions are released with modified Qt versions. The meta-webosose Yocto layer configuration creates a customized Qt configuration to depend on.

The Qt Company has verified that webOS OSE version 2.26 works with applications developed with Qt 6.8.

The supported target device is a Raspberry Pi 4, which is the main platform currently used by the community. Also QEMU emulator is supported.

The supported development host is Ubuntu 18.04/20.04/22.04.

Further Reading

Read more about webOS OSE at https://www.webosose.org/.