License Changes
Changes in Qt and Third Party Modules released with Qt that are relevant to licensing.
Qt 6.8.1
Qt GUI Module
- HarfBuzz-NG was updated to version 10.1.0.
- LibJPEG-turbo was updated to version 3.0.4.
Qt Image Formats
- TIFF Software Distribution (libtiff) was updated to version 4.7.0.
Qt Multimedia Module
- FFmpeg was updated to version 7.1.
Qt SQL Module
- SQLite was updated to version 3.47.0.
Qt 6.8.0
No changes of licenses in Qt and Third Party Modules between Qt 6.7.3 and Qt 6.8.0
Qt 6.7.3
Qt 3D Module
- Open Asset Import Library was updated to version 5.4.3.
- Dear ImGui was updated to version 1.91.0.
Qt Quick3D module
Qt Assistant Module
- litehtml was updated to version 0.9.
Qt Core Module
- Gradle wrapper was updated to version 8.10.
- PCRE2 was updated to version 10.44.
- PCRE2 - Stack-less Just-In-Time Compiler was updated to version 10.44.
- Usage of Apache Tika MimeType Definitions is now documented.
- Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) was updated to version 45.
Qt GUI Module
- Freetype 2 was updated to version 2.13.3.
- HarfBuzz-NG was updated to version 9.0.0.
- LibPNG was updated to version 1.6.44.
- The Public Suffix List was updated to the commit matching the sha 903a83ff7bfc3148e3692e09396f9f3bdc9462ef, on 2024-06-05.
Qt Multimedia Module
- FFmpeg was updated to version 7.0.2.
Qt OpcUA Module
- Open62541 was updated to version 1.3.11.
Qt Positioning Module
- Poly2Tri Polygon Triangulation Library was updated to commit a922022da4c0d3a55b1d6b6d634219caea653053.
Qt Quick3D module
- Open Asset Import Library was updated to version 5.4.3.
- Usage of OpenXR SDK is now documented.
- Usage of JsonCpp is now documented.
- Usage of Java Native Interface for C++ is now documented.
- Tiny OpenEXR was updated to version v1.0.9.
Qt Shadertools Module
- glslang was updated to version 14.2.0.
- SPIRV-Cross was updated to version 2d990d355a296ae1e368585810f884ebadcc4773.
Qt SQL Module
- SQLite was updated to version 3.46.1.
Qt Testlib Module
- Cycle was updated to version 3.3.10.
- Linux Performance Events was updated to version 6.0.
Qt 6.7.2
Qt 3D Module
- Open Asset Import Library was updated to version 5.4.1.
- Usage of Miramar Skybox Textures was removed.
- Usage of Substance Share was removed.
Qt Quick3D module
- Open Asset Import Library was updated to version 5.4.1.
Qt GUI Module
- HarfBuzz-NG was updated to version 8.5.0.
- LibJPEG-turbo was updated to version 3.0.3.
Qt Sensors Module
- Usage of Android getRotationMatrix and getOrientation is now documented.
Qt SQL Module
- SQLite was updated to version 3.46.0.
Qt 6.7.1
Qt GUI Module
- HarfBuzz-NG was updated to version 8.4.0.
Qt Image Formats
- WebP (libwebp) was updated to version 1.4.0.
Qt Quick3D module
- Open Asset Import Library was updated to version 5.4.0.
Qt Spatial Audio Module
- pfft was updated to version fbc4058602803f40dc554b8a5d2bcc694c005f2f.
Qt SQL Module
- SQLite was updated to version 3.45.3.
Qt 6.7.0
Qt Doc Module
- Usage of QualTypeNames is now documented.
Qt OpcUA Module
- Open62541 was updated to version 1.3.9.
Qt Positioning Module
- Tango Weather Icon Pack by Darkobra isn't used anymore.
- The Tango Icons package isn't used anymore.
- Poly2Tri Polygon Triangulation Library was updated to commit 0be213d95f82471b95d96d0248a0490d0a934f9f.
Qt Quick Module
- Usage of Weather icons from the Noto Emoji collection is now documented.
- Usage of Map of Europe from Wikipedia is now documented.
- Usage of Work Sans font by Wei Huang is now documented.
- Usage of Gear Icon is now documented.
Qt Shadertools Module
- glslang was updated to version 13.0.0.
- SPIRV-Cross was updated to version sdk-
Qt 6.6.3
Qt Core Module
- PCRE2 was updated to version 10.43.
- PCRE2 - Stack-less Just-In-Time Compiler was updated to version 10.43.
- Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) was updated to version 44.1.
Qt GUI Module
- LibPNG was updated to version 1.6.43.
Qt Multimedia Module
- FFmpeg was updated to version 6.1.1.
Qt Network module
- The Public Suffix List was updated to the commit matching the sha 883ced078a83f9d79a98933145425c221a5e51f0, on 2024-01-25.
Qt Quick3D module
- Tiny OpenEXR was updated to version v1.0.8.
Qt SQL Module
- SQLite was updated to version 3.45.2.
Qt Testlib Module
- Updated Valgrind to version 3.22.0.
Qt 6.6.2
Qt Core Module
- Data Compression Library (zlib) was updated to version 1.3.1.
Qt Doc module
- Usage of HDRI Images is now documented.
- Usage of alpha_blending.frag, version 4500c7f9cb7d569de5978094677e48722bc9133e, is now documented.
Qt GRPC module
- Usage of gRPC, version 1.50.1, is now documented.
- Usage of protobuf, version 21.9, is now documented.
Qt GUI Module
- HarfBuzz-NG was updated to version 8.3.0.
- MD4C was updated to version 0.5.2.
- LibPNG was updated to version 1.6.42.
- LibJPEG-turbo was updated to version 3.0.2.
Qt Multimedia Module
- Usage of FFmpeg, version n6.1, is now documented.
- Usage of libjpeg is now documented.
- Usage of zlib is now documented.
- Usage of boost is now documented.
Qt Protobuf module
- Usage of protobuf, version 21.9, is now documented.
Qt Quick3D module
- Open Asset Import Library was updated to version 5.3.1.
Qt SQL Module
- SQLite was updated to version 3.45.1.
Qt 6.6.1
Qt GUI Module
- HarfBuzz-NG was updated to version 8.3.0.
- LibJPEG-turbo was updated to version 3.0.1.
Qt Spatial Audio Module
- pfft was updated to version 7641e67977cf937c22849e2ef19fffa70269e562.
Qt SQL Module
- SQLite was updated to version 3.44.0.
Qt 6.6.0
Qt Core Module
- Gradle wrapper was updated to version 8.3.
Qt GUI Module
- Usage of D3D12 Memory Allocator, version f128d39b7a95b4235bd228d231646278dc6c24b2 under MIT License is now documented.
- Usage of Mipmap generator for D3D12, version 0aa79bad78992da0b6a8279ddb9002c1753cb849 under MIT License is now documented.
Qt OpcUA Module
- Open62541 was updated to version 1.3.6.
Qt Positioning Module
- Usage of Titillium Web Font under SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 license is now documented.
- Usage of Material Symbols and Icons under Apache License Version 2.0 is now documented.
Qt 6.5.3
Qt Core Module
- double-conversion was updated to version 3.3.0.
- Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) was updated to version 43.
- Data Compression Library (zlib) was updated to version 1.3.
Qt GUI Module
- Freetype 2 was updated to version 2.13.2.
- HarfBuzz-NG was updated to version 8.2.0.
- LibJPEG-turbo was updated to version 3.0.0.
Qt Image Formats
- TIFF Software Distribution (libtiff) was updated to version 4.6.0.
- WebP (libwebp) was updated to version 1.3.2.
Qt Network module
- The Public Suffix List was updated to the commit matching the sha 1a4824549b093abc3077205ae5386ed57f73806d, on 2023-09-20.
Qt Quick3D module
- Tiny OpenEXR was updated to version v1.0.7.
Qt SQL Module
- SQLite was updated to version 3.43.1.
Qt 6.5.2
Qt GUI Module
- HarfBuzz-NG was updated to version 7.3.0.
- LibPNG was updated to version 1.6.40.
Qt Image Formats
- TIFF Software Distribution (libtiff) was updated to version 4.5.1.
Qt Network module
- The Public Suffix List was updated to the commit matching the sha 195aa1c180a5ca8c06c1ce485c75693b635c1ebd, on 2023-07-06.
Qt Quick3D module
- Tiny OpenEXR was updated to version v1.0.5.
Qt SQL Module
- SQLite was updated to version 3.42.0.
Qt 6.5.1
Qt GUI Module
- HarfBuzz-NG was updated to version 7.2.0.
Qt Location Module
- Usage of Earcut Polygon Triangulation Library was removed.
- Usage of geosimplify-js polyline simplification library was removed.
Qt Multimedia Module
- pfft was updated to version 38946c766c1a.
- Resonance Audio was updated to version e225aedb5ec7.
Qt Network module
- The Public Suffix List was updated to the commit matching the sha a304485800b4b6b796fcccbb3be1585f189ee038, on 2023-05-03.
Qt Quick3D module
- Tiny OpenEXR was updated to version v1.0.2.
Qt SQL Module
- SQLite was updated to version 3.41.2.
Qt Webengine Module
- Usage of Marked (WebEngine Markdown Editor example) was removed.
- Usage of Markdown.css (WebEngine Markdown Editor example) was removed.
- Usage of Tango Icon Library was removed.
Qt 6.5.0
Qt Core Module
- Gradle wrapper was updated to version 8.0
- double-conversion was updated to version 3.2.1.
- Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) was updated to version 42.
Qt Doc Module
- Usage of Selected Material Icons under Apache License Version 2.0 was documented.
Qt GUI Module
- Vulkan Memory Allocator was updated to version 3.0.1.
- Vulkan API Registry was updated to version 1.3.223.
Qt Location Module
- Usage of Earcut Polygon Triangulation Library under ISC License was documented.
- Usage of geosimplify-js polyline simplification library under geosimplify-js License was documented.
Qt Testlib Module
- Updated Valgrind to version 3.20.0.
Qt Network module
- The Public Suffix List was updated to the commit matching the sha f15705582ed13f390c59541300dea7288acf4137, on 2023-02-02.
Qt NFC Module
- Usage of Selected Material Icons under Apache License Version 2.0 was documented.
Qt OpcUA Module
- Open62541 was updated to version 1.3.4.
Qt Quick3D Module
- Open Asset Import Library was updated to version 5.2.5.
- Usage of meshoptimizer version v0.18 under MIT license was documented.
- Usage of Godot Engine: Fog under MIT license was documented.
Qt Shadertools Module
- glslang was updated to version 11.10.0.
- SPIRV-Cross was updated to version sdk-
Qt SQL Module
- SQLite was updated to version 3.41.1.
Qt Wayland Module
- Usage of Wayland XDG Foreign Protocol version 1 under MIT license is now documented.
- Usage of Wayland Fractional Scale Protocol version 1 under MIT license is now documented.
Qt 6.4.3
Qt Core Module
- PCRE2 was updated to version 10.42.
- PCRE2 - Stack-less Just-In-Time Compiler was updated to version 10.42.
- Unicode Character Database (UCD) was updated to version 30.
Qt GUI Module
- LibJPEG-turbo was updated to version 2.1.5.
- Freetype 2 was updated to version 2.13.0.
- HarfBuzz-NG was updated to version 7.0.1.
Qt Image Formats
- TIFF Software Distribution (libtiff) was updated to version 4.5.0.
- WebP (libwebp) was updated to version 1.3.0.
Qt SQL Module
- SQLite was updated to version 3.41.0.
Qt 6.4.2
Qt Core Module
- Data Compression Library (zlib) was updated to version 1.2.13.
Qt GUI Module
- LibPNG was updated to version 1.6.39.
Qt 6.4.1
Qt GUI Module
- LibJPEG-turbo was updated to version 2.1.4.
- LibPNG was updated to version 1.6.38.
Qt Testlib Module
- Catch2 was updated to version 2.13.10.
Qt Tools Module
- Catch2 was updated to version 2.13.10.
Qt 6.4.0
Qt Core Module
- Gradle wrapper was updated to version 7.4.2.
- Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) was updated to version 41.
Qt Imageformats Module
- WebP (libwebp) was updated to version 1.2.4
Qt Network Module
- libpsl - C library to handle the Public Suffix List version 664f3dc85259ec65e30248a61fa1c45b7b0e4c3f under "BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License is now documented.
Qt Multimedia Module
- Eigen version 3.4.0 under Mozilla Public License 2.0 and BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License is now documented.
- pfft version 7c3b5a7dc510a0f513b9c5b6dc5b56f7aeeda422 under BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License is now documented.
- Resonance Audio version e225aedb5ec76ca6a0fe7079c0b84dbcbb490553 under Apache License 2.0 is now documented.
Qt Quick3D Module
- Open Asset Import Library was updated to version 5.2.3.
- Intel Embree version 3.13.3 under Apache License 2.0 is now documented.
- Tiny OpenEXR version 1.0.1 under BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License is now documented.
- xatlas was updated to version 16ace528acd2cf1f16a7c0dde99c42c486488dbe.
- ProceduralSky under MIT License is now documented.
Qt Quick3DPhysics Module
- NVIDIA PhysX SDK version PhysX_4.1.2.29882248 under BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License is now documented.
Qt Tools Module
- Catch2 version 2.13.9 under Boost Software License 1.0 is now documented.
Qt Wayland Module
- Wayland Text Input Protocol v1 version unstable v1 under MIT License is now documented.
Qt 6.3.2
Qt GUI Module
- Freetype 2 was updated to version 2.12.1.
Qt SQL Module
- SQLite was updated to version 3.39.2
Qt 6.3.1
Qt Core Module
- PCRE2 was updated to version 10.40.
- PCRE2 - Stack-less Just-In-Time Compiler was updated to version 10.40.
- The Public Suffix List was updated to version d17a65633b0286833727ef21e897a22564695ef5.
Qt GUI Module
- HarfBuzz-NG was updated to version 4.2.1.
Qt 6.3.0
Qt Core Module
- Efficient Binary-Decimal and Decimal-Binary Conversion Routines for IEEE Doubles was updated to version 3.2.0+e634f265db5d296bd7a780f9813d6b8573f5bd90.
- Usage of FreeBSD strtoll and strtoull was removed.
- Gradle wrapper was updated to version 7.4.0.
- TinyCBOR was updated to version 0.6.0.
- Data Compression Library (zlib) was updated to version 1.2.12.
- Unicode Character Database (UCD) was updated to version 28.
Qt GUI Module
- HarfBuzz-NG was updated to version 3.0.0.
- LibJPEG-turbo was updated to version 2.1.3.
Qt Imageformats Module
- WebP (libwebp) was updated to version 1.2.2
Qt Quick3D Module
- Open Asset Import Library was updated to version 5.1.6
Qt Wayland Compositor Module
- Wayland Protocol was updated to version 1.19.0
- Usage of Wayland Text Input Protocol version unstable v4, WIP under HPND license is now documented.
- Usage of Wayland xdg-activation Protocol version unstable v1, version 1 under MIT license is now documented.
- Usage of Presentation Time Protocol version 1 under MIT license is now documented.
Qt 6.2.4
Qt Core Module
- The Public Suffix List was updated to version c7fe8ddee7f4e16095e51fbc3dd72f18b7a8567d.
Qt SQL Module
- SQLite was updated to version 3.37.2
Qt Testlib Module
- Catch2 was updated to version 2.13.8.
Qt 6.2.3
Qt SQL Module
- SQLite was updated to version 3.37.0
Qt 6.2.2
Qt Core Module
- Gradle wrapper was updated to version 7.2.0
- PCRE2 was updated to version 10.39
- PCRE2 - Stack-less Just-In-Time Compiler was updated to version 10.39
Qt 6.2.1
Qt Core Module
- PCRE2 was updated to version 10.38
- PCRE2 - Stack-less Just-In-Time Compiler was updated to version 10.38
Qt 6.2.0
Qt Core Module
- extra-cmake-modules was updated to version 5.84.0
- Gradle wrapper was updated to version 6.8.3
Qt GUI Module
- Freetype 2 was updated to version 2.10.4
- HarfBuzz-NG was updated to version 2.9.0
- LibJPEG-turbo was updated to version 2.1.1
Qt Imageformats Module
- WebP (libwebp) was updated to version 1.2.1
Qt Positioning Module
- Clipper Polygon Clipping Library was updated to version 6.4.2.
- Usage of Clip2Tri Polygon Triangulation Library under MIT license is now documented.
- Usage of Poly2Tri Polygon Triangulation Library under BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" license is now documented.
Qt Quick3D Module
- Usage of Shadow values from Angular Material under MIT license is now documented.
Qt Quick Controls Module
- Usage of xatlas version a8ffc484335ecc3819c69e1749f142e75e03acdf under MIT license is now documented.
Qt SQL Module
- SQLite was updated to version 3.36.0
Qt Wayland Compositor Module
- Usage of Wayland Pointer Gestures Protocol version unstable v1, version 2 under MIT license is now documented.
Qt 6.1.2
Qt Core Module
- BLAKE2 (reference implementation) was updated to version 54f4faa4c16ea34bcd59d16e8da46a64b259fc07.
- PCRE2 was updated to version 10.37.
- PCRE2 - Stack-less Just-In-Time Compiler was updated to version 10.37.
- Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) was updated to version 38.
- The Public Suffix List was updated to version d4e247a71d1b6da08dad906b098c818493166fcc.
Qt GUI Module
- MD4C was updated to version 0.4.8.
Qt Image Formats
- TIFF Software Distribution (libtiff) was updated to version 4.3.0.
Qt 6.1.1
Qt GUI Module
- LibJPEG-turbo was updated to version 2.1.0.
Qt Shadertools Module
- SPIRV-Cross was updated to version d137abeef57b2f3fdbdab0ad5590fe99a44ba546.
Qt SQL Module
- SQLite was updated to version 3.35.5.
Qt 6.1.0
Qt 3D Module
- Usage of Assimp - Clipper was removed.
- Usage of Assimp - irrXML was removed.
- Usage of Assimp - Open3DGC was removed.
- Usage of Assimp - The OpenDDL-Parser was removed.
- Usage of Assimp - Poly2Tri Polygon Triangulation Library was removed.
- Usage of Assimp - RapidJSON was removed.
- Usage of Assimp - Unzip was removed.
- Usage of Assimp - Utf8Cpp was removed.
- Usage of Assimp - Zip was removed.
Qt Core Module
- Efficient Binary-Decimal and Decimal-Binary Conversion Routines for IEEE Doubles was updated to version 3.1.5-30-gbf46072.
- PCRE2 was updated to version 10.36.
- PCRE2 - Stack-less Just-In-Time Compiler was updated to version 10.36.
- The Public Suffix List was updated to version f2cce86a42f38265c67caa32c6e0ff61793bb534, fetched on 2021-01-21.
Qt GUI Module
- HarfBuzz-NG was updated to version 2.8.0.
- LibJPEG-turbo was updated to version 2.0.6.
- MD4C was updated to version 0.4.7.
- Vulkan Memory Allocator was updated to version 2.3.0.
- Vulkan API Registry was updated to version 1.2.166.
Qt Imageformats Module
- TIFF Software Distribution (libtiff) was updated to version 4.2.0.
- WebP (libwebp) was updated to version 1.2.0.
Qt SQL Module
- SQLite was updated to version 3.35.2.
Qt Shadertools Module
- glslang was updated to version 11.1.0.
- SPIRV-Cross was updated to version 2020-09-17.
Qt 6.0.1
Qt Core Module
- PCRE2 was updated to version 10.36.
- CRE2 - Stack-less Just-In-Time Compiler was updated to version 10.36.
Qt 6.0
Qt Core Module
- Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) got updated to upstream version v38.
- The copy of the The Public Suffix List got updated on 2020-11-05.
Qt GUI Module
- MD4C was updated to version 0.4.6.
Qt 3D Module
- Open Asset Import Library was updated to 5.0.1
Previous Qt Versions
To see license change information for Qt 5.15 and earlier, see