CMake Property Reference
Target Properties
List of ABIs that packages of a single target are built for | |
Overrides the Qt dependencies added to the target's deployment | |
Specifies the location of a target's generated deployment settings file | |
Extra libraries to deploy with the target | |
Extra Qt plugins to deploy with the target | |
Minimum Android SDK version | |
Whether Qt shared libraries are packaged in the APK on Android | |
App's package name | |
Path to a custom Android package template | |
Revision of Android build tools to use | |
Specifies the location of Qt libraries on the target device | |
Android target SDK version | |
Internal Android app version | |
Human-readable Android app version | |
Path to iOS launch screen storyboard | |
Prevents forcing source files to be treated as UTF-8 for Windows | |
Specifies a list of directories to search for QML imports | |
Overrides the location of the application's qml directory | |
Specifies the default Qt resource prefix | |
Internal WebAssembly initial memory | |
Internal WebAssembly maximum memory | |
Internal WebAssembly thread pool size | |
Specifies to inhibit linking against Qt's entrypoint lib |
Source File Properties
Specifies that the given files should be empty in the resource file system | |
Specifies the Qt resource alias for a file in a resource |
Global Properties
Sets the FOLDER property for Qt-internal targets |
Source File Properties
Overrides the default interface class name | |
Adds an include path | |
Disables generation of a namespaced name |
Target Properties
Marks the target as excluded from translation | |
List of source file paths that shall be excluded from translation |
Directory Properties
Marks the directory as excluded from translation |
Source File Properties
Specifies a non-default .h and .cpp file name | |
Marks a QML file for Java code generation | |
Marks a QML file as providing an internal type | |
Marks a QML file as providing a singleton type | |
Excludes a file from being compiled to byte code | |
Excludes a file from being added as a type to the QML module's typeinfo file | |
Prevents a file from being included in automatic qmllint processing | |
Excludes a file from being compiled to C++ using qmltc | |
Overrides the type name provided by the file | |
Specifies a custom set of versions for a type |
Global Properties
Sets the FOLDER property for targets that belong to the QML linter |
Standard CMake Properties
Improves the dependency graph for multi-configuration generators when you set it on a target |