Product Names
Use the following macros to refer to products:
Macro | Expands To |
\B2Q | Boot to Qt |
\B2QSS | Boot to Qt Software Stack |
\B2QST | Boot to Qt Startup Screen |
\IFW | Qt Installer Framework |
\macos | macOS |
\QA | Qt Assistant |
\QB | Qt Bridge |
\QBF | Qt Bridge for Figma |
\QBPS | Qt Bridge for Adobe Photoshop |
\QBSK | Qt Bridge for Sketch |
\QBXD | Qt Bridge for Adobe XD |
\QC | Qt Creator |
\QD | Qt Widgets Designer |
\QDS | Qt Design Studio |
\QDV | Qt Design Viewer |
\QfP | Qt for Python |
\QL | Qt Linguist |
\QMCU | Qt for MCUs |
\QMLLS | QML Language Server |
\QMLP | QML Profiler |
\QMT | Qt Maintenance Tool |
\QOI | Qt Online Installer |
\QQEM | Qt Quick Effect Maker |
\QQV | Qt QML Viewer |
\QtAA | Qt for Android Automotive |
\QtTAS | Qt Tools for Android Studio |
\QUL | Qt Quick Ultralite |