New Classes and Functions in Qt 5.4

This page contains a comprehensive list of all new classes and functions introduced in Qt 5.4. Links to new APIs in previous Qt 5 releases are found at the bottom of this page.

New Classes

New Member Functions

Class QAbstractProxyModel:

virtual bool canDropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const override
virtual bool dropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) override

Class QAbstractState:

void activeChanged(bool active)

Class QByteArray:

QByteArray fromStdString(const std::string &str)
std::string toStdString() const

Class QCommandLineParser:

bool addOptions(const QList<QCommandLineOption> &options)
void showVersion()

Class QDebug:

QDebug &maybeQuote(char c)
QDebug &noquote()
QDebug &quote()
QDebug &resetFormat()

Class QEnableSharedFromThis:

QSharedPointer<T> sharedFromThis()
QSharedPointer<const T> sharedFromThis() const

Class QHash:

uint qHashBits(const void *p, int len, uint seed)

Class QRegularExpression:

void optimize() const

Class QStateMachine:

void runningChanged(bool running)

Class QString:

QVector<QStringRef> splitRef(QChar sep, SplitBehavior behavior, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const

Class QStringList:

QStringList &operator<<(const QList<QString> &other)
QStringList &operator=(const QList<QString> &other)
QStringList &operator=(QList<QString> &&other)

Class QStringRef:

const_iterator begin() const
const_iterator cbegin() const
const_iterator cend() const
const_iterator end() const

Class QSysInfo:

QString buildAbi()
QString buildCpuArchitecture()
QString currentCpuArchitecture()
QString kernelType()
QString kernelVersion()
QString prettyProductName()
QString productType()
QString productVersion()

Class QTimer:

void singleShot(int msec, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method)
void singleShot(int msec, Qt::TimerType timerType, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method)
void singleShot(int msec, Functor functor)
void singleShot(int msec, Qt::TimerType timerType, Functor functor)
void singleShot(int msec, const QObject *context, Functor functor)
void singleShot(int msec, Qt::TimerType timerType, const QObject *context, Functor functor)

Class QUrl:

QUrl fromUserInput(const QString &userInput, const QString &workingDirectory, UserInputResolutionOptions options)

Class QVector:

int removeAll(const T &t)
bool removeOne(const T &t)

Class QWeakPointer:

QSharedPointer<T> lock() const
void swap(QWeakPointer<T> &other)

Class QGuiApplication:

void paletteChanged(const QPalette &palette)
void screenRemoved(QScreen *screen)

Class QImageReader:

QByteArray subType() const
QList<QByteArray> supportedSubTypes() const

Class QImageWriter:

void setSubType(const QByteArray &type)
QByteArray subType() const
QList<QByteArray> supportedSubTypes() const

Class QOpenGLContext:

QVariant nativeHandle() const
void setNativeHandle(const QVariant &handle)

Class QOpenGLTexture:

DepthStencilMode depthStencilMode() const
void setDepthStencilMode(DepthStencilMode mode)
Target target() const

Class QPlatformDrag:

virtual bool ownsDragObject() const

Class QPlatformWindow:

QPlatformScreen *screenForGeometry(const QRect &newGeometry) const

Class QSurfaceFormat:

QSurfaceFormat defaultFormat()
void setDefaultFormat(const QSurfaceFormat &format)

Class QSslCertificate:

bool importPkcs12(QIODevice *device, QSslKey *key, QSslCertificate *certificate, QList<QSslCertificate> *caCertificates, const QByteArray &passPhrase)
bool isSelfSigned() const

Class QSslConfiguration:

QSsl::SslProtocol sessionProtocol() const

Class QSslSocket:

Class QPrinterInfo:

QPrinter::DuplexMode defaultDuplexMode() const
QList<QPrinter::DuplexMode> supportedDuplexModes() const

Class QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent:

Qt::MouseEventFlags flags() const
Qt::MouseEventSource source() const

Class QX11Info:

QByteArray nextStartupId()
void setNextStartupId(const QByteArray &id)

Class QQuickWindow:

void scheduleRenderJob(QRunnable *job, RenderStage stage)

Class QSGSimpleTextureNode:

bool ownsTexture() const
void setOwnsTexture(bool owns)

Class QBluetoothDeviceInfo:

QBluetoothDeviceInfo::CoreConfigurations coreConfigurations() const
void setCoreConfigurations(QBluetoothDeviceInfo::CoreConfigurations coreConfigs)

Class QBluetoothTransferReply:

void error(QBluetoothTransferReply::TransferError errorType)

Class QBluetoothUuid:

QString characteristicToString(CharacteristicType uuid)
QString descriptorToString(DescriptorType uuid)
QString protocolToString(ProtocolUuid uuid)

Class QAbstractVideoBuffer:

int mapPlanes(MapMode mode, int *numBytes, int[4] bytesPerLine, uchar *[4] data)

Class QVideoFrame:

uchar *bits(int plane)
const uchar *bits(int plane) const
int bytesPerLine(int plane) const
int planeCount() const

Class QXmlSchema:

QXmlSchema &operator=(const QXmlSchema &other)

Class QWinThumbnailToolBar:

New Functions in Namespaces

QFuture<T> run(QThreadPool *pool, Function function, ...)

New Global Functions

QString qFormatLogMessage(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &str)
QString qFormatLogMessage(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &str)
uint qHash(const QSslError &key, uint seed)
uint qHash(const QSslCertificate &key, uint seed)
uint qHashBits(const void *p, int len, uint seed)
quint64 qNextPowerOfTwo(qint64 value)
quint32 qNextPowerOfTwo(qint32 value)
quint64 qNextPowerOfTwo(quint64 value)
quint32 qNextPowerOfTwo(quint32 value)
quint64 qNextPowerOfTwo(qint64 value)
quint32 qNextPowerOfTwo(qint32 value)
quint64 qNextPowerOfTwo(quint64 value)
quint32 qNextPowerOfTwo(quint32 value)

New Macros

Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(name, string, msgType)
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(name, string, msgType)
const char *qUtf8Printable(const QString &str)
const char *qUtf8Printable(const QString &str)

New Enum Types

enum CoreConfiguration { UnknownCoreConfiguration, LowEnergyCoreConfiguration, BaseRateCoreConfiguration, BaseRateAndLowEnergyCoreConfiguration }
enum CharacteristicType { DeviceName, Appearance, PeripheralPrivacyFlag, ReconnectionAddress, PeripheralPreferredConnectionParameters, …, BarometricPressureTrend }
enum DescriptorType { UnknownDescriptorType, CharacteristicExtendedProperties, CharacteristicUserDescription, ClientCharacteristicConfiguration, ServerCharacteristicConfiguration, …, EnvironmentalSensingTriggerSetting }
enum DepthStencilMode { DepthMode, StencilMode }
enum RenderStage { BeforeSynchronizingStage, AfterSynchronizingStage, BeforeRenderingStage, AfterRenderingStage, AfterSwapStage, NoStage }
enum UserInputResolutionOption { DefaultResolution, AssumeLocalFile }

New Type Aliases

New Properties

New QML Types

New QML Properties

New QML Signals

New QML Methods

Additions to Other Qt 5 Releases