License Changes

Changes in Qt and Third Party Modules released with Qt that are relevant to licensing.

Qt 5.15.16

Qt Core Module

Qt GUI Module

Qt Image Formats

Qt SQL Module

SQLite was updated to upstream version 3.43.2.

Qt 5.15.15

Qt Core Module

The copy of the The Public Suffix List was updated on 2023-07-31.

Qt GUI Module

  • HarfBuzz was updated to upstream version 7.2.0.
  • LibJPEG-turbo was updated to upstream version 3.0.0.
  • LibPNG was updated to upstream version 1.6.40.
  • Freetype 2 was updated to upstream version 2.13.1.

Qt Image Formats

Qt SQL Module

SQLite was updated to upstream version 3.41.2.

Qt 5.15.14

Qt Core Module

The copy of the Public Suffix List was updated to the version published on 2023-05-03.

Qt GUI Module

Freetype 2 was updated to upstream version 2.13.0.

Qt SQL Module

SQLite was updated to upstream version 3.41.1.

Qt 5.15.13

Qt Core Module

PCRE2 was updated to version 10.42.

Qt GUI Module

  • LibJPEG-turbo was updated to upstream version 2.1.5.
  • LibPNG got updated to upstream version 1.6.39.

Qt Image Formats

Qt SQL Module

SQLite was updated to upstream version 3.40.1.

Qt 5.15.12

Qt Core Module

Qt GUI Module

  • LibPNG got updated to upstream version 1.6.38.

Qt 5.15.11

Qt GUI Module

Qt Image Formats

Qt SQL Module

SQLite was updated to upstream version 3.39.2.

Qt 5.15.10

Qt Core Module

PCRE2 was updated to version 10.40.

Qt 5.15.9

Qt Core Module

Qt GUI Module

LibJPEG-turbo was updated to upstream version 2.1.3.

Qt Image Formats

WebP (libwebp) was updated to upstream version 1.2.2.

Qt SQL Module

SQLite was updated to upstream version 3.37.2.

Qt 5.15.8

Qt Core Module

Qt 3D Module

Open Asset Import Library was updated to version 5.0.1.

Qt 5.15.7

Qt Core Module

PCRE2 got updated to upstream version 10.38.

Qt GUI Module

LibJPEG-turbo got updated to upstream version 2.1.1.

Qt Image Formats

WebP (libwebp) got updated to upstream version 1.2.1.

Qt SQL Module

SQLite got updated to upstream version 3.36.0.

Qt 5.15.6

Qt Core Module

Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) got updated to upstream version v39.

Qt GUI Module

  • Freetype 2 got updated to upstream version 2.10.4.
  • MD4C got updated to upstream version 0.4.8.

Qt Image Formats

TIFF Software Distribution (libtiff) got updated to upstream version 4.3.0.

Qt 5.15.5

Qt Core Module

PCRE2 got updated to upstream version 10.37.

Qt GUI Module

LibJPEG-turbo got updated to upstream version 2.1.0. Also, the copyright information got updated.

Qt SQL Module

SQLite got updated to upstream version 3.35.5.

Qt 5.15.4

Qt GUI Module

LibJPEG-turbo got updated to upstream version 2.0.6. Also, the copyright information got updated.

Qt Image Formats

Qt SQL Module

SQLite got updated to upstream version 3.35.2.

Qt 5.15.3

Qt Core Module

Qt GUI Module

MD4C got updated to upstream version 0.4.6.

Qt SQL Module

SQLite got updated to upstream version 3.34.0.

Qt WebEngine Module

  • The Chromium version has been updated to 87.0.4280.144.
  • Chromium received backported security fixes from Chromium up to version 88.0.4324.150.

Qt 5.15.2

Qt 3D Module

  • Use of Assimp - Clipper under the Boost Software License 1.0 is now documented.
  • Use of Assimp - irrXML under the zlib License is now documented.
  • Use of Assimp - Open3DGC under the MIT License and BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License is now documented.
  • Use of Assimp - The OpenDDL-Parser under the MIT License is now documented.
  • Use of Assimp - Poly2Tri Polygon Triangulation Library under the BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License is now documented.
  • Use of Assimp - RapidJSON under the MIT License and BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License is now documented.
  • Use of Assimp - Unzip under the zlib License is now documented.
  • Use of Assimp - Utf8Cpp under the Boost Software License 1.0 is now documented.
  • Use of Assimp - Zip under the Public Domain License is now documented.
  • Use of Dear ImGui - ProggyClean.ttf under the MIT License or Public Domain is now documented.
  • Use of Dear ImGui - stb under the MIT License is now documented.

Qt SQL Module

SQLite got updated to upstream version 3.30.0.

Qt GUI Module

Wintab API license updated to LCS-Telegraphics License

Qt 5.15.1

Qt Core Module

Qt GUI Module

Qt SQL Module

SQLite got updated to upstream version 3.32.3.

Qt 5.15.0

Qt 3D Module

  • imgui version v1.66b was added under MIT License.

Qt Core Module

Qt DBUS Module

libdus-1 headers got updated to upstream version 1.13.12

Qt GUI Module

section2 Qt Image Formats

WebP (libwebp) got updated to upstream version 1.1.0.

Qt Location Module

Qt Quick3D Module

Qt Wayland Compositor

Qt WebEngine Module

  • Updated Chromium to 80.0.3987

Qt 5.14.2

Qt GUI Module

MD4C got updated to upstream version 0.4.3.

Qt SQL Module

SQLite got updated to upstream version 3.31.1.

Qt 5.14.1

Qt Core Module

Qt QML Module

LLVM: ADT was removed from 3rd party sources and we are not bundling that library anymore.

Qt 5.14.0

Qt Core Module

Qt GUI Module

Qt Image Formats

libtiff got updated to upstream version 4.1.0.

Qt QML Module

LLVM: ADT was added under University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License.

Qt SQL Module

SQLite got updated to upstream version 3.30.1.

Qt Wayland Compositor

The compositor module is no longer available under the GPLv2 and LGPLv3 licenses, but is still available under GPLv3 and commercial licenses.

  • The xdg-output-unstable-v1 protocol version 2 was added under the MIT License.
  • The idle-inhibit-unstable-v1 protocol version 1 was added under the MIT License.

Qt Wayland QPA plugin

  • The primary-selection-unstable-v1 protocol version 1 was added under the MIT License.

Qt WebEngine Module

  • Updated Chromium to 77.0.3865

Qt 5.13.2

Qt GUI Module

Qt SQL Module

SQLite got updated to upstream version 3.29.0.

Qt 5.13.1

Qt Core Module

Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) got updated to upstream version v35.1

Qt Image Formats

WebP (libwebp) got updated to upstream version 1.0.3.

Qt 5.13.0

Qt Core Module

Qt SQL Module

SQLite got updated to upstream version 3.28.0.

Qt GUI Module

  • LibJPEG-turbo got updated to upstream version 2.0.2.
  • LibPNG got updated to upstream version 1.6.37.

Qt DBUS Module

The libdus-1 headers got updated to upstream version 1.12.12.

Qt Wayland

  • The fullscreen-shell-unstable-v1 version 1 was added under the MIT License.
  • The linux-dmabuf-unstable-v1 protocol version 3 was added under the MIT License.
  • The wayland protocol got updated to version 1.16.0.
  • The wl-scaler protocol version 2 was added under the MIT License.
  • The wp-viewporter protocol version 1 was added under the MIT License.

Qt 5.12.9

Qt SQL Module

SQLite got updated to upstream version 3.32.1.

Qt 5.12.6

Qt SQL Module

SQLite got updated to upstream version 3.29.0.

Qt 5.12.5

Qt GUI Module

Use of Adobe Glyph List For New Fonts under the BSD-3-Clause license is now documented.

Qt Image Formats

WebP (libwebp) got updated to upstream version 1.0.3.

Qt 5.12.4

Qt GUI Module

LibPNG got updated to upstream version 1.6.37.

Qt Core Module

Qt SQL Module

SQLite got updated to upstream version 3.28.0.

Qt 5.12.3

Qt GUI Module

The license of Wintab API was now classified as 'Custom' instead of 'Public Domain'.

Qt SQL Module

SQLite got updated to upstream version 3.27.1.

Qt 5.12.2

Qt GUI Module

  • Freetype 2 got updated to upstream version 2.9.1.
  • LibPNG got updated to upstream version 1.6.36. libpng License 2 added at same time.

Qt Image Formats

WebP (libwebp) got updated to upstream version 1.0.2.

Qt 5.12.1

Qt Core Module

Qt GUI Module

xkbcommon was removed from 3rd party sources and we are not bundling that library any more.

Qt Image Formats

WebP (libwebp) got updated to upstream version 1.0.1. libtiff got updated to upstream version 4.0.10.

Qt SQL Module

SQLite got updated to upstream version 3.26.0.

Qt Virtual Keyboard Module

The version information for Lipi Toolkit got updated.

Qt Wayland Compositor Module

The usage of Wayland EGLStream Controller Protocol under MIT license is now documented.

Qt 5.12.0

Qt 3D Module

Use of Miramar Skybox Textures is now documented.

Qt Core Module

Qt GUI Module

Qt DBUS Module

libdus-1 headers got updated to upstream version 1.12.

Qt Image Formats

  • JasPer got removed.
  • MNG reference library got removed.

Qt Location Module

Qt Test Module

Valgrind got updated to upstream version 3.14.0.

Qt Wayland Compositor Module

Qt WebEngine Module

Chromium and third-party components bundled with it were updated to version 69.0.3497.

Qt 5.11.2

Qt Core Module

PCRE2 got updated to upstream version 10.31.

Qt GUI Module

Qt Location Module

The copyright information and description of Clipper Polygon Clipping Library got updated.

Qt SQL Module

SQLite got updated to upstream version 3.24.0.

Qt WebEngine Module

  • Chromium received backported security fixes from Chromium up to version 68.0.3440.75.
  • The WebEngine StyleSheet Browser Example, WebEngine Widgets Simple Browser Example, WebEngine Quick Nano Browser, and WebEngine Cookie Browser Example use images from the Tango Icon Library. This is now documented.
  • Marked (WebEngine RecipeBrowser example) got updated to upstream version 0.4.0.

Qt 5.11.1

Qt 3D Module

The use of the nasa-jpl{Jet Propulsion Laboratory Photojournal} in the module is actually limited to the planets-qml example. The attribution has therefore been removed from the module's documentation.

Qt Documentation

Use of the Titillium Web Font in the Coffee demo is now documented.

Qt Image Formats

WebP (libwebp) got updated to version 1.0.0.

Qt 5.11.0

Qt 3D Module

  • The Open Asset Import Library got updated to upstream version 4.1.0.
  • Examples use some assets from Substance Share that are available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. This is now documented.

Qt Core Module

  • Parts of QTemporaryFile got removed from documentation. The corresponding code got removed already in Qt 5.10.0.
  • The copy of the The Public Suffix List got updated on 2018-01-04.
  • The concluded license for the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) changed to Unicode License Agreement - Data Files and Software (2016). In Qt 5.10 documentation, the component was labelled as Unicode CLDR (Unicode Common Locale Data Repository).
  • The use of the Unicode Character Database (UCD) under the Unicode License Agreement - Data Files and Software (2016). is now documented.

Qt D-Bus Module

Qt D-Bus uses code from libdbus-1 headers that are available under the Academic Free License v2.1, or GNU General Public License v2.0 or later. This is now documented.

Qt GUI Module

Qt Image Formats

Qt Quick Controls 2 Module

Use of Shadow values from Angular Material under MIT License in the Material Style is now documented.

Qt SQL Module

SQLite got updated to upstream version 3.23.1.

Qt Test Module

The concluded license of Linux Performance Events changed to GNU General Public License v2.0 only with Linux Syscall Note.

Qt WebEngine Module

  • (Components of) Bazel got added under the Apache License 2.0.
  • Breakpad, An open-source multi-platform crash reporting system got added under a New BSD, Apple PSL 2.0 and Apache 2.0 license.
  • BoringSSL got updated.
  • CRC32C got added under a New BSD license.
  • Error Prone got removed.
  • Fiat-Crypto: Synthesizing Correct-by-Construction Code for Cryptographic Primitives got added under a MIT license.
  • OpenVR SDK got added under a BSD 3-Clause license.
  • Perfetto got added under a Apache 2 license.
  • The library to input, validate, and display addresses got removed.
  • content_shell_fonts got added under SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE, GPL v2, Bitstream Vera Fonts Copyright.
  • libcxx got removed.
  • libcxxabi got removed.
  • libunwind got removed.
  • libva got removed.
  • libxslt got added under a MIT license.
  • open-vcdiff got removed.

Qt XML Patterns Module

Use of XML Schema under W3C Software Notice and Document License (2015-05-13) is now documented.