C++ Utilities 5.27.0
Useful C++ classes and routines such as argument parser, IO and conversion utilities
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NCppUtilitiesContains all utilities provides by the c++utilities library
 NTraitsContains traits for conveniently exploiting SFINAE
 CAllEvaluates to Bool<true> if all specified conditions are true; otherwise evaluates to Bool<false>
 CAll< Head, Tail... >Evaluates to Bool<true> if all specified conditions are true; otherwise evaluates to Bool<false>
 CAnyEvaluates to Bool<true> if at least one of the specified conditions is true; otherwise evaluates to Bool<false>
 CAny< Head, Tail... >Evaluates to Bool<true> if at least one of the specified conditions is true; otherwise evaluates to Bool<false>
 CBoolWraps a static boolean constant
 CIsAnyOfEvaluates to Bool<true> if the specified type is any of the specified types; otherwise evaluates to Bool<false>
 CIsAnyOf< Type, OtherType, RemainingTypes... >Evaluates to Bool<true> if the specified type is any of the specified types; otherwise evaluates to Bool<false>
 CIsCompleteEvaluates to Bool<true> if the specified type is complete; if the type is only forward-declared it evaluates to Bool<false>
 CIsComplete< T, decltype(void(sizeof(T)))>Evaluates to Bool<true> if the specified type is complete; if the type is only forward-declared it evaluates to Bool<false>
 CIsCStringEvaluates to Bool<true> if the specified type is a C-string (char * or const char *); otherwise evaluates to Bool<false>
 CIsNoneOfEvaluates to Bool<true> if the specified type is none of the specified types; otherwise evaluates to Bool<false>
 CIsNoneOf< Type, OtherType, RemainingTypes... >Evaluates to Bool<true> if the specified type is none of the specified types; otherwise evaluates to Bool<false>
 CIsSpecializationOfEvaluates to Bool<true> if the specified type is based on the specified template; otherwise evaluates to Bool<false>
 CIsSpecializingAnyOfEvaluates to Bool<true> if the specified type is based on one of the specified templates; otherwise evaluates to Bool<false>
 CIsSpecializingAnyOf< Type, TemplateType, RemainingTemplateTypes... >Evaluates to Bool<true> if the specified type is based on one of the specified templates; otherwise evaluates to Bool<false>
 CIsStringEvaluates to Bool<true> if the specified type is a standard string, standard string view or C-string (char * or const char *); otherwise evaluates to Bool<false>
 CNoneEvaluates to Bool<true> if none of the specified conditions are true; otherwise evaluates to Bool<false>
 CNone< Head, Tail... >Evaluates to Bool<true> if none of the specified conditions are true; otherwise evaluates to Bool<false>
 CAdvancedIniFileAllows parsing and writing INI files
 CFieldThe AdvancedIniFile::Field class represents a field within an INI file
 CSectionThe AdvancedIniFile::Section class represents a section within an INI file
 CApplicationInfoStores information about an application
 CArchiveExceptionThrown by the various archiving-related functions of this library when a conversion error occurs
 CArchiveFileHolds data about a file within an archive
 CArgumentWrapper for command line argument information
 CArgumentCompletionInfoThe ArgumentCompletionInfo struct holds information internally used for shell completion and suggestions
 CArgumentOccurrenceThe ArgumentOccurrence struct holds argument values for an occurrence of an argument
 CArgumentParserMeans for handling command line arguments
 CArgumentReaderInternally encapsulates the process of reading command line arguments
 CArrayBasedMultiArrayThe ArrayBasedMultiArray struct allows using a fixed size array as underlying container for the MultiArray class
 CAsHexNumberThe AsHexNumber class allows printing values asserted with cppunit (or similar test framework) using the hex system in the error case
 CBinaryReaderReads primitive data types from a std::istream
 CBinaryWriterWrites primitive data types to a std::ostream
 CBitReaderBitwise reading of buffered data
 CBufferSearchThe BufferSearch struct invokes a callback if an initially given search term occurs in consecutively provided buffers
 CConfigValueArgumentArgument where setCombinable() is true by default
 CConversionExceptionThrown by the various conversion functions of this library when a conversion error occurs
 CCopyHelperThe CopyHelper class helps to copy bytes from one stream to another
 CDateTimeRepresents an instant in time, typically expressed as a date and time of day
 CDateTimeExpressionThe DateTimeExpression struct holds information about a time expression (e.g
 CFakeQtConfigArgumentsArguments for the Qt GUI used when the application hasn't been built with Qt GUI support
 CHelpArgumentPrints help information for an argument parser when present (–help, -h)
 CIndentationAllows printing indentation conveniently, eg
 CIniFileAllows parsing and writing INI files
 CIsFlagEnumClassThe IsFlagEnumClass class is used to decide whether to enable operations for flag enums for
 CMultiArrayThe MultiArray class provides an N-dimensional array
 CNoColorArgumentAllows to specify whether use of escape codes or similar technique to provide formatted output on the terminal should be enabled/disabled
 CNoneOwningMultiArrayThe NoneOwningMultiArray struct allows using a caller-managed buffer array as underlying container for the MultiArray class
 COperationArgumentArgument where denotesOperation() is true by default
 COutputCheckThe StandardOutputCheck class asserts whether the (standard) output written in the enclosing code block matches the expected output
 CParseErrorThrown by an ArgumentParser when a parsing error occurs
 CPeriodRepresents a period of time
 CStringDataDeleterThe StringDataDeleter struct deletes the data of a StringData instance
 CTerminalSizeThe TerminalSize struct describes a terminal size
 CTestApplicationSimplifies writing test applications that require opening test files
 CTimeSpanRepresents a time interval
 CVectorBasedMultiArrayThe VectorBasedMultiArray struct allows using an std::vector with custom allocator as underlying container for the MultiArray class
 CVectorBasedMultiArray< void >The VectorBasedMultiArray struct allows using an std::vector as underlying container for the MultiArray class
 CWrapperInternally used print text which might needs to be wrapped preserving the indentation
 NstdSTL namespace
 Chash< CppUtilities::DateTime >Computes the hash for the CppUtilities::DateTime instance
 Chash< CppUtilities::TimeSpan >Computes the hash for the CppUtilities::TimeSpan instance
 CArgumentParserTestsTests the ArgumentParser and Argument classes
 CChronoTestsTests classes and functions provided by the files inside the chrono directory
 CConversionTestsTests classes and functions provided by the files inside the conversion directory
 CIoTestsTests classes and functions provided by the files inside the io directory
 CMathTestsTests functions provided by misc/math.h
 CMiscTestsTests misc functions and classes (mainly of files contained by the misc directory)
 CTraitsTestTests parts of the Traits namespace which can not be evaluated at compile-time