VOGL is a tool created by Valve Software and RAD Game Tools for OpenGL debugging. It is able to capture, replay and inspect OpenGL call tracefiles.
The development version is available as vogl-gitAUR.
Capturing a tracefile
To obtain a tracefile, run the following command.
$ VOGL_CMD_LINE="--vogl_debug --vogl_dump_stats --vogl_tracefile /tmp/vogltrace.bin" LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libvogltrace64.so command
Where command
is the command to launch your OpenGL application. Your tracefile will be created in your /tmp
VOGL ships with various OpenGL samples that can be used for testing in its sources. These are not part of the package but they can be built manually. You can also grab the latest OpenGL samples from the OpenGL Samples Pack or from OpenGL SuperBible.
Trimming the tracefile
If you want to create a smaller tracefile from your captured trace containing X amount of frames starting at frame Y, use
$ voglreplay64 original_trace.bin --trim_file trimmed_trace.bin --trim_len X --trim_frame Y
Replaying the tracefile
To replay your trace, launch the voglreplayer from within your vogl directory:
$ voglreplay64 /tmp/vogltrace.bin
To get verbose debugging output for your trace:
$ voglreplay64 --debug --verbose vogltrace.bin
To get GL call and extension statistics:
$ voglreplay64 --info vogltrace.bin
Inspecting the tracefile
Launch the vogleditor binary and open the tracefile.bin
with the File - Open Trace menu.
$ vogleditor64
See https://richg42.blogspot.it/2014/03/current-vogl-limitations.html.