
From ArchWiki

Oolite is a space trading / simulation game based on the well-known Elite game from the 80's.


Install the ooliteAUR package.


Oolite uses shaders extensively which may not work well with all drivers, especially the gallium OSS drivers.

By default Oolite starts with full shaders, if it hangs on the title screen follow these 3 steps:

Testing for shader problem

Run Oolite from terminal with this command:


If Oolite works, the problem is with the shaders. In case this does not help, you have a different problem. Post about this on the Arch Linux forums or register a bug.

Verify which setting works

Edit ~/GNUstep/Defaults/.GNUstepDefaults and look for these lines at the bottom:


Try changing the value of this key to 2 and 1 and test if Oolite runs normally (whithout setting LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT).

Note: The lines with shader-mode key are not always present, but it is safe to add them.


For the value of shader-mode that works, please post ~/.Oolite/Logs/Latest.log on the Oolite forum[dead link 2024-03-03 ⓘ], along with the highest shader-mode value that works for you.

This info will be used to determine the correct default shader setting for Oolite for your card/driver combination. This will then become part of the Oolite graphics configuration data in a later version.