Lenovo Thinkpad P17 (Gen 2)
Hardware | PCI/USB ID | Working? |
Touchpad | Yes | |
Keyboard | Yes | |
GPU (Intel) | 8086:9a60 |
Yes |
GPU (NVIDIA) | 10de:25b8 |
Yes |
Webcam | 04f2:b6be |
Yes |
Ethernet | 8086:15f3 |
Yes |
Bluetooth | 8086:2725 |
Yes |
SD-card reader | 8086:43bf |
Yes |
Audio | 8086:43c8 |
Yes |
Wireless | 8086:2725 |
Yes |
Fingerprint reader | 06cb:00bd |
Yes |
TPM | Untested |
In the UEFI setup, turn off "OS-Optimized defaults" and "Secure Boot".
There is an option to change the UEFI from GUI mode to text mode, which may be useful.
Install ALSA firmware (i.e. sof-firmware) to support the audio card.
The nouveau kernel module is used by default, but is unusable. Install the proprietary NVIDIA driver. See NVIDIA Optimus for setup details. Note that the video output ports are hardwired to the NVIDIA GPU.
If the Intel AX210 Wi-Fi card is slow, write options iwlwifi 11n_disable=8 power_save=0
to /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf