Lenovo ThinkPad X13 Gen 5

From ArchWiki
Hardware PCI/USB ID Working?
Touchpad 06cb:00f9 Yes
GPU 8086:7d45 Yes
Webcam 30c9:00cd Yes
Bluetooth 8087:0033 Yes
Audio 8086:7e28 Yes
Wireless 8086:7e40 Yes
TPM Untested

The Lenovo ThinkPad X13 Gen 5 laptop was released in March 2024. It is available with an Intel CPU. Some models include a fingerprint reader, a Smartcard reader, and a WWAN card.


Lenovo states, the ThinkPad X13 Gen 5 works with two different Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN) modules for the use of SIM cards for, e.g. mobile Internet:

  • Quectel EM061K
  • Quectel EM05-CN

Both, the Quectel EM061K and the Quectel EM05-CN WWAN card have a M.2 (NGFF) form factor. However, the slot for WWAN modules installed by Lenovo in the X13 Gen 5 is only suitable for the slightly larger M.2 3052 form factor. You can install them anyway.


Firmware can be updated using fwupd.

Function keys

Key Visible?1 Marked?2 Effect
Fn Yes No XF86WakeUp
Fn+Esc No Yes Enables Fn lock
F1 Yes Yes XF86AudioMute
F2 Yes Yes XF86AudioLowerVolume
F3 Yes Yes XF86AudioRaiseVolume
F4 Yes Yes XF86AudioMicMute
F5 Yes Yes XF86MonBrightnessDown
F6 Yes Yes XF86MonBrightnessUp
F7 Yes Yes XF86Display
F8 Yes Yes XF86WLAN3
F9 Yes Yes XF86Messenger
F10 Yes Yes XF86Go
F11 Yes Yes Cancel
F12 Yes Yes XF86Favorites
Fn+Space No Yes Enables/disables keyboard backlight
Fn+4 Yes No XF86Sleep3
Fn+B Yes No Ctrl_L+Break
Fn+P Yes No Pause
Fn+K Yes No Scroll Lock
Fn+Left Yes No Home
Fn+Right Yes No End
Fn+S Yes No Alt_L+Sys_Req
Fn+End Yes Yes Ins
Fn+L No No Set power profile to "low-power" (low)4
Fn+M No No Set power profile to "balanced" (medium)4
Fn+H No No Set power profile to "performance" (high)4
  1. The key is visible via xev and similar tools
  2. The physical key has a symbol on it, which describes its function
  3. systemd-logind handles this by default
  4. To see which profile is active run cat /sys/firmware/acpi/platform_profile

See also