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Lenovo ThinkPad T14 (AMD) Gen 5

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Reason: Missing an accessibility section. (Discuss in Talk:Lenovo ThinkPad T14 (AMD) Gen 5)
Hardware PCI/USB ID Working?
Touchpad 06CB:00f9 Yes
Keyboard Yes
GPU 1002:1900 Yes
Webcam 5986:1199 Yes
Ethernet 10EC:8168 Yes
Bluetooth 10AB:9309 Untested
Audio 1002:1640 Yes
Wi-Fi 17CB:1103 Yes



Only s2idle is supported. There is no BIOS option to enable or switch to S3 sleep.

Function keys

By default Fn lock is not active and to access the F1 to F12 keys you have to press Fn+key

Key Visible? 1 Marked? 2 Effect
Fn Yes Yes XF86WakeUp
Fn+Esc No Yes Enables Fn lock
Fn+F1 Yes Yes XF86AudioMute
Fn+F2 Yes Yes XF86AudioLowerVolume
Fn+F3 Yes Yes XF86AudioRaiseVolume
Fn+F4 Yes Yes XF86AudioMicMute
Fn+F5 Yes Yes XF86MonBrightnessDown
Fn+F6 Yes Yes XF86MonBrightnessUp
Fn+F7 Yes Yes XF86Display
Fn+F8 No Yes Effect unknown. Marked with Mode
Fn+F9 Yes Yes Print
Fn+F10 Yes Yes XF86SelectiveScreenshot
Fn+F11 Yes Yes NoSymbol
Fn+F12 Yes Yes XF86Favorites
Fn+Right Super Yes Yes Menu
Fn+Space No Yes Toggle keyboard backlight
Fn+Left Yes No Home
Fn+Right Yes No End
Fn+Right Shift Yes No XF86Launch3
Fn+N Yes No NoSymbol
Fn+K Yes No Scroll_Lock
Fn+P Yes No Pause
Fn+Tab Yes No XF86FullScreen
Fn+4 Yes No XF86Sleep
  1. The key is visible to wev and similar tools.
  2. The physical key has a symbol on it, which describes its function.


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Reason: This belongs in a PKGBUILD, in the AUR. (Discuss in Talk:Lenovo ThinkPad T14 (AMD) Gen 5)

The Qualcomm Wi-Fi 7 chip is supported, however you need to install driver:

git clone https://git.codelinaro.org/clo/ath-firmware/ath12k-firmware
cd ath12k-firmware
wget https://github.com/qca/qca-swiss-army-knife/raw/master/tools/scripts/ath12k/ath12k-fw-repo
chmod +x ./ath12k-fw-repo
sudo ./ath12k-fw-repo --install /lib/firmware

Also make sure that you have updated kernel.