
From ArchWiki

From Wikipedia:

Doom is a first-person shooter game developed and published by id Software. Released on December 10, 1993, for DOS.

Following Doom's success, the source code for the Doom engine was released under GNU GPLv2 in 1997 by John Carmack (the original source code can be found at It now lives on in multiple ports, though you will still need to have a copy of the original game's data to play it and Doom 2 (also called the "IWAD").



Also see List_of_games#Shooters_(FPS,_third_person) for more Doom-related packages


Freedoom aims to be a completely free and open source reimagining of Doom. Install freedoomAUR.

Doom Shareware

The doom1-wadAUR package supplies the original Doom shareware IWAD.



An updated version of ZDoom, GZDoom is the go-to standard for compatibility with the most games based on the Doom engine. Install the gzdoomAUR package to install it.

Chocolate Doom

Chocolate Doom is a port that tries to be as historically-accurate to the original games as possible. Install chocolate-doomAUR.

DOOM Retro

DOOM Retro is based off of Chocolate Doom, but tailored to the project author's taste. Install doomretro.


There exist a number of editors to manipulate the data in Doom WADs in order to create maps, weapons, and even whole games using the Doom engine.


SLADE is a WAD inspector, allowing users to see and modify the data lumps within, such as textures, sprites, scripts and info lumps. Install the sladeAUR package to install SLADE3.

Ultimate Doom Builder

Specifically a map editor, Ultimate Doom Builder is written in .NET, and is the de-facto standard for creating Doom maps. Install ultimate-doom-builder-gitAUR.


Most Doom maps and mods will require a Doom or Doom 2 IWAD to work.


The base GZDoom config file is located under ~/.config/gzdoom/gzdoom.ini.

To add the directory containing your IWADs so that GZDoom can see it, add the following to the config file underneath [IWADSearch.Directories]:


where <path> is the path to where your IWADs are.


A good resource for troubleshooting GZDoom is the ZDoom Wiki. It also has good resources on mapping, scripting, and other information when creating for Doom.