Cutefish is a Desktop Environment written originally for the CutefishOS (old link) project that has a focus on simplicity, beauty, and practicality. It is written using the Qt5 framework to provide a simple, universal look and feel.
Cutefish can be installed with the cutefish group.
Cutefish can either be started with a display manager or manually from the console. The display manager included with Cutefish is SDDM.
Enable sddm.service
The cutefish-session
can be called from your xinitrc or directly on the startx command line.
Cutefish configuration can be done mainly in the settings application pinned on the dock.
Cutefish does not natively support keybindings, but using the sxhkd daemon we can add custom keybindings.
It can be started through a custom session:
#!/bin/bash nohup sxhkd & cutefish-session
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Exec=cutefish-session-sxhkd TryExec=cutefish-session-sxhkd Name=Cutefish Desktop (with sxhkd) Keywords=session-sxhkd Comment=session-sxhkd
ctrl + alt + t cutefish-terminal super + d cutefish-launcher
Terminal colorscheme
Cutefish Terminal does not natively have a built-in color scheme switcher. We can however edit the source code to include our own colorscheme.
Start with retrieving the PKGBUILD for cutefish-terminal with the ABS.
Edit the theme, either in the building step or manually, which is either Cutefish-Dark.colorscheme
or Cutefish-Light.colorscheme
in /path/to/the/sources/qmltermwidget/lib/color-schemes/
To avoid repeating this step at every update, it would be prudent to create a patch to reuse it afterwards.